Li Yuanqing invited Cao Wenzhao personally with such enthusiasm. Naturally, he won’t refuse to talk to more than a dozen touts and offices in the past, and then Li Yuanqing came to the big account.

At this time, the account has been set up for a sumptuous banquet, and soon Chen Zhong also came over.
But see Cao Wenzhao Chen Zhong still have some anger.
Li Yuanqing personally filled the glasses with three people and laughed. "Cao Xiong, my eldest brother is a straight-tempered man. I think you also know some details. To put it bluntly, everyone is different. We should do what we should do, but privately, our brothers are not so nervous. Let’s propose a toast to the two brothers."
Three people drank the wine in the cup, and Cao Wenzhao was busy handing Chen Zhong respectfully, saying, "Chen Shuai asked Chen Shuai Haihan if he had offended yesterday."
Chen Zhong to ning generals that is how to see how all not pleasing to the eye …
But at this time, Li Yuanqing’s meaning is already here. How could he not give Li Yuanqing a face? For a moment, I laughed. "It’s one thing for Cao brother Yuan Qing to say yes, but it’s one thing for us to have different scenes. But ~ at this time, you are brother Yuan Qing, that is, my brother Chen Zhong. Come ~ Cao brother, I propose a toast to you."
Wine leads three rounds and vegetables leads five flavors.
The atmosphere of the tent has warmed up.
Cao Wenzhao climbed out of Ningni soup, and Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhongji both came from the same platform.
But he didn’t have the luck and courage of Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong.
But their temper and disposition are almost the same.
At this time, all three people have already had some wine.
Li Yuanqing smiled and brought a delicate mahogany brocade box in front of Cao Wenzhao and laughed. "Cao Xiong, let’s brothers drink Yuanqing for the first time and there is nothing good to give you some yellow and white things as a small gift for Yuanqing."
Said Li Yuanqing smiled and pushed the mahogany jinhe to Cao Wenzhao.
Cao Wenzhao not from one leng didn’t expect Li Yuanqing to … should be so directly to detain not leng on the spot.
A moment busy way "Li Shuai this this how to make this …"
Li Yuanqing smiled. "Cao Xiong, although you are Yuan Qing’s elder brother, but ~ Yuan Qing said that there are some things that you may not have Yuan Qing’s experience. Even if Cao Xiong doesn’t think about it himself, will those touts’ offices be as thoughtful as Cao Xiong?"
"Uh …"
Cao Wenzhao fell silent for a moment.
Chapter 1 Return to Changsheng Island!
It’s obviously not a good time to drink today. The luncheon was over not long after half an hour.
Cao Wenzhao can climb out of Ningni soup. Obviously, he has already passed the youthful and frivolous period of’ I have others’.
He didn’t refuse Li Yuanqing’s gift. After lunch, he went directly to Yuan Dushi’s aides and accountants to "chat".
Cao Wenzhao’s departure from Chen Zhong also relaxed a lot, but he was a little puzzled. "Yuan Qing Cao Wenzhao, this fellow, must be so kind to him?"
Li Yuanqing smiled. "Eldest brother, many friends and many roads, Cao Wenzhao, this pedestrian is still good. Today, Yuan Dushi doesn’t come to our side, and we must speed up. Eldest brother, you will personally stare at this side in the afternoon and we will start overnight after the handover."
Chen zhong also white Li Yuanqing meaning heavy nods "yuan Qing don’t worry he yuan pretty hated us, he old people will hate him? Let’s go as soon as we’re done here. "
All the handover materials Li Yuanqing have already been sorted out before, and it is not too much effort to count them here in Cao Wenzhao.
In particular, Cao Wenzhao, the staff and accountants, had a good chat, and then the whole efficiency died and flew.
Near dusk, all the handover matters are almost close to the end, and Cao Wenzhao finally talks to Li Yuanqing alone sometimes.
Two people hid in several chicken cars full of soldiers’ armor, and one person lit a cigar.
Cao Wenzhao whispered, "Li Shuai bears the letter of gratitude in mind."
Li Yuanqing smiled. "Cao Xiong’s own brothers said these words, so we have a long way to go."
Cao Wenzhao gave Li Yuanqing a wry smile and struggled for a moment and whispered, "Li Shuai, to tell the truth, I’m already … I’m a little tired of living in western Liaoning. If possible, I want to go back to my hometown in the northwest."
Li Yuanqing couldn’t help but frown slightly, but for a moment he had already stretched and laughed. "No matter what Cao Xiong does, try not to go against his heart. If he can do something he likes, it may not be a bad thing."
Cao Wenzhao didn’t expect Li Yuanqing to support him in this … This seemingly outrageous choice … After all, he had a hard time getting out in Liao …
Busy for a moment, "Li Shuai, you really don’t think this is a cowardly act?"
Li Yuanqing couldn’t help laughing "Cao Xiong coward? Warriors again? Cao Xiong knows too many things. Yuan Qing has always been down-to-earth is the most real thing. "
Cao Wenzhao also understood Li Yuanqing’s meaning at this moment. He nodded heavily for a moment and whispered, "Li Shuai Liu Fei will try his best to inform Li Shuai when there is news."
Li Yuanqing nodded his head and whispered, "Cao Xiong, if you have difficulties, you must not go against the trend, and Yuan Qing is still an old saying that we still have a long way to go."
Cao Wenzhao couldn’t help being even more moved. "It is the greatest honor for Wen Zhao to meet Li Shuai."
Li Yuanqing smiled and shook Cao Wenzhao’s hand. "Cao Xiong Yuan Qing always believed that dark clouds can’t always cover the sun. Today is the day to meet each other better. If you have any difficulties, you can send someone to inform me that Yuan Qing’s ability range will definitely go."
Cao Wenzhao shook Li Yuanqing’s big hand "Li Shuai must"
After the simple farewell ceremony at sunset, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong led more than 10,000 people to play in southern Liaoning and soon set foot on the return road.
Looking at the warm sunset, this neat and bright red figure Cao Wenzhao couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of polluted air.
This pool in liaodi is really …
~ when he can with Li Yuanqing so … So free and easy?
Li Yuanqing, a Mercedes-Benz war horse, looked back and saw that Cao Wenzhao was getting smaller and smaller behind him. At that time, he was a little disappointed.
It’s a pity that there are no heroes in liaoda.


Ah, it’s a heart-wrenching couple.
Yan Yan walked slowly in the corridor, and her heart was so depressed that she couldn’t understand why these four people with different styles would get together.
But also face and heart discord.
This bar is a multi-storey and well-guarded private room, while the first floor is a lively public bar. It is a very wide hall, and some people sit and drink and dance in the wine pool, which is particularly passionate.
When Yan Yan walked to the second floor, she heard waves of excitement and screams from the floor.
Cheer and jump, and there are faint applause and courtship.
These sounds like magic attracted her to walk there.
The crowded dance floor is surrounded by layers, and the erratic neon lights fall on those figures with twisted waist and hips, sometimes blurred and sometimes excited, and surrounded by a very young and handsome man, with a slender and strong figure dancing gently from head to toe with the charm music rhythm. Every movement can make people unable to move their eyes, and every movement can cause a burst of cheers …
Yan Yan cleared his throat and the line of sight moved away from the sexy neck of a man, but also sadly left here.
She was afraid that she would lose control of her heart if she looked at it again.
He is too friend and she is going to marry too person. They should not have any friends.
And she didn’t know that when she turned around and flashed on the dance floor, the man suddenly opened his black eyes and put them in her direction. The blue and purple lights hit the man’s long and narrow eyes, and the charm seemed to bloom quietly.
A burst of exclamation behind him!

"When will they do this?
Not far from the crescent moon pushing MuJian some melancholy said
"Why don’t you talk?"
When the new moon sees him, I don’t know what I’m thinking, so I can’t help wandering around to him.
Mu Jian looked at her and smiled. "Are you so concerned about other people’s affairs?"
He touched her with his hand and spoiled her with some immature facial features.
Xinyue grabbed his hand and put him back in the wheelchair. "Don’t you think something is wrong with Ling now?"
Maybe it’s because her healer is full of love. She always feels that Ling Huo is like an exorcism now. He has shrunk all the angular emotions to the deepest place, showing everyone a quiet surface.
Mu Jian raised his eyebrows and pondered for a while when he heard the new moon, then said faintly, "But this is their business after all. What can we do?"
I can’t explain it clearly if it’s not his cold-blooded feelings
If outsiders intervene by force, it may get worse.
"What do you really want?"
Crescent is a little dissatisfied, frowning is very much in love, and two people can’t be them.
And it’s his fault if he wants to be wrong. It’s because he doesn’t understand a woman’s mind that Luqi is forced to that point, otherwise even if that woman likes Ling, she won’t dare to do anything.
"A Ling also has problems."
Mujian glanced at the light from the dance floor away from the man said
Crescent a full face of doubt to see him.
"He can’t even walk out now."
Section 176
Mu Jian put his hand in the wheelchair and wanted to leave.
Xinyue hurriedly pushed him. "Forget it, I won’t ask if you don’t want to say more, but I’m really curious that you and Ling said that you grew up together, but you and Beichuan can’t get along. How did you four get together?"
Mujian shook his head and smiled.
When he did not tell her about it, Mu Jian thought for a while and said, "Compared with Ling and Bei Chuan, Tai and I first met. At that time, I was about ten years old, too fourteen years old and still a teenager. At that time, he was not so cold. He was a very good-looking mixed-race boy …"
Mu Jianyin has been seeing doctors everywhere since he was a child. He met him in the process of seeking medical treatment. It was an island and he was the doctor’s little apprentice.
At that time, he was very ill, and he didn’t know where his parents got the news. The dead horse was a living horse doctor and sent him to that unknown island. The doctor was strange and didn’t allow his family to accompany him, so he cultivated on that island alone for nearly half a year, but many things happened and changed.
At the age of ten, he was already very clever, so he found that the doctor had a quirk and that the little apprentice was good-looking and had forbearing bloodthirsty eyes.
But he pretended not to see it because of him
Later, when he was getting well, the doctor got drunk one day and hit him on the head. When he was at a loss, the little apprentice was at the door looking at him with the same cold expression as him.
What seems to be laughing at.
At that time, he was really ashamed and regretted.
No matter how smart he is, he can’t do anything physically. He was too desperate at that time.
He took out a white brick-like thing from his arms and slammed it at the doctor’s head.
Skilled and accurate technique
Remember when he asked him, "What should I do when he wakes up?"
He calmly replied, "He won’t remember."
Later, he saw the little boy who was not much older than him pressing two times on the doctor’s neck.
The man opened his eyes fiercely, and he quickly stared at him and said something.
The other person’s eyelids closed and fainted.

Then Chu Yun looked at his body and opened his eyes.

Swift laughed and said, "I miss your body going to Doby bells."
Chu Yun "Be good and stop that now …"
Swift pinched her waist and said, "I don’t want Doby."
Then Swift restricted Shenwei’s body from entering Shenwei.
Chu Yun raised his hand and patted his face …
"This girl really know not to know what you are doing ….."
Swift in the great power controls Chu Yun to come to Linger.
Bells are sitting in Xiao Jiu, that is, ten tail’s back.
Swift controls Chu Yun’s body … and kisses her face.
At that time, the whole great power was quiet.
All the undead stared at the scene before them.
Linger, uh, froze for a moment
The embrace ChuYunMeng kiss up.
It’s Swift’s turn this time.
The play is not like this! Shouldn’t bells slap Chu Yun?
Chapter five hundred and nineteen Creation Chapter
"You wait! Blare … "
Swift just struggled to open it, and then it was blocked again
And satiny greasy sweet tongue together with the plug in.
Swift panic what moves or endure or forget all about it.
At a loss, the whole person was stripped away.
At this moment, the undead turned around and sat down in rows.
Don’t listen or care.
Don’t ask them what’s going on in them.
They don’t know anything
I don’t know how long it’s been, maybe it’s a kiss, maybe it’s all done.
Chu Yun haggard waiting outside …
After waiting for a long time, Swift didn’t come out.
What the hell happened in there?
A day and a night passed …
When Swift came out again, Chu Yun felt that she was going to turn her wife’s stone …
Swift holding skirts Chu Yun saw that things seemed not so good.
Then the twisted bell came out
Behind Swift, Chu Yun made faces.
Chu Yun thief confused …
"What’s the matter?"
Chu Yun asked what was on his mind.
Swift cleared her throat. I’m not too embarrassed to see Chu Yun.
Then crustily skin of head and said, "It’s nothing but helping you find a concubine."
"Well, that’s it."
Chu Yun continues to be confused.
Forget it. I’m too lazy to ask, "Let me go back to my body first. We don’t have much time. Every time we delay, there may be poverty waiting for us."
Swift bit her lip and made great determination to let Chu Yun in.
There is an unconscious soul in the Chu Yun world.
Chu Yun fuses himself with the soul in the state of soul fire.
This is a self-denial.
Because of many things, I have prepared a lot, and everything goes well.
When Chu Yun opened his eyes again, the rule runes were reorganized in the soul world.
At the same time, the original has stabilized the scarlet light group, and the sharingan light group reflecting the great power is unstable and oscillated.
Then it is disintegrated from the outside and intertwined with the circle eye rule.
Gradually merged and finally formed a new structure.
A three-hook jade eye with scarlet in the innermost part
Limited to upgrading, Chu Yun felt that the world’s rejection of him was actually weakening.
Immediately after the soul fire upgrade.
Breakthrough from nine turns to ten turns
Sure enough … He has been advanced to ten turns because of this world.
Soul fire turned gray at this moment.
The soul world has also undergone earth-shaking changes, gray soul sea gray flame.
Compared with the silence, there is a silent breath as if from the abyss.
It is very desolate
And … Swift.
Swift didn’t leave Chu Yun’s soul world before, and wanted to explain when Chu Yun noticed what she had done.
However, Chu Yungen checks the memory but directly fuses the soul.

Father is dead, but mother-wants to kill him?

"Father, I also want to go back to the city of Qingyao, but some things are unavoidable." Yang Muyu’s face. Flash a bit strangely pale. If we don’t solve Fan Zhenggui now, maybe he will never get another chance in the future.
"Grandma. I am still that sentence! " Yang Muyu slowly said, "Please go to the grave or else …"
"What else can you do?" Fan Jian cold way "do you think this is the city of fine yao? It’s up to you. Go to the window and see if there is room for you to go out now? "
"I know you have surrounded this place." Yang Muyu is not a fool. Fan Jian wouldn’t be standing here if he didn’t rely on it.
"Aunt, let’s go!" As he spoke, Fan Jian has retreated with 6 Jinghong, while the East has no sound but left with Dongfang Zhouding and Dongfang Xu.
Full-text novel reading updates faster, all in support of literary support! But at this time, the amazing scene was the birth of the blue silver mask that had been following Dongfang Xu’s hand. It was suddenly difficult for the sword to sweep across Fan Zhenggui with a thousand rays of sunlight.
Fan Zhenggui didn’t seem to think that the people in the East Flower City would suddenly make moves to her, and a sluggish light green mountain flashed in front of the firm but gentle.
"Are you crazy?" Suddenly Dongfang Xu shouted.
The blue robe and silver mask is like not hearing Fan Zhenggui covered with firm but gentle shock wave in his hand. Fan Zhenggui just used the realm to form protection and shuttled around in the firm but gentle face, but he was robbed by the blue robe and silver mask, and now he is under control step by step.
"Damn it!" Oriental silent anger scolded 1, a palm on the back of the blue robe silver mask mercilessly took the past.
There is no sound in the East, but the practitioners on the Nine Grades of the East Flower City Lord will be seriously injured if they are so strong.
Yang Chen, the enemy of the enemy, is a friend. He has rushed up with a sword, and the target is as firm as a rainbow. He cut it at the silent wrist in the East.
"Do you want to compete with the fighters?" Yang Muyu sighed.
Mo Qing sat down in the chair for a long time before saying, "Feather … What’s going on?"
The scene between the two people has formed a scuffle, and even Yang Muyu didn’t expect Fan Jian to start to move. Fan Jian couldn’t sit still in the snow. Seeing something that doesn’t seem to have the slightest lethality now has become the biggest resistance in the room.
Fortunately, everyone is in control of the realm, and it’s just a spiritual competition. Otherwise, Tianxianglou, which is afraid of this matter, would have been replaced by ashes.
"Lord Dugu, why don’t you take the water and avoid it first?" Yang Muyu looked at shangdi DuGuYuLing still sitting in a chair and looked at the watery frown way.
"All right." Dugu Yuling took a leisurely sip of tea and immediately stood up and took a watery body. In a flash, people had already flown out to the window.
But her talent has just arrived at the window, and suddenly countless flaming arrows shot at her.
"Flame arrow of Tianyimen?" Mo Qing’s heart is also surprised by the winner. It seems that he is going to leave them all behind, even using the evil weapons.
Dugu Yuling was covered with a faint mist flying in the air to find a breakthrough point, but it was helpless that the flame arrow was too dense, like eyes, and she had to protect a watery spirit with only three products.
"Father, go and help the Lord of the dugu Pavilion to let her leave now." Yang Muyu looked at the ink sweeping.
Mo Qing nodded and wanted to start work, but it happened that at this time, Fan Zhenggui, who was trapped by the blue robe and silver mask, was holding an ebony staff in his hand and was playing with the blue robe, but he spit out a few strange syllables.
Mo Qing’s whole body was frozen, but he couldn’t move.
"Father." Yang Muyu looked at Mo Qing with pain, and even his face and expression could be distorted. He not only hated looking at Yang Tielu, "I will take care of my father and you will help the Lord of the dugu Pavilion."
"no!" Yang Tie still shook his head and said, "Father God has no power to protect himself under the realm."
Yang Muyu looked at Mo Qing’s sudden body with a faint soft light to destroy the magic sword, and turned into a purple mountain, which was severely cut down by Fan Zhenggui.
He’s throwing caution to the wind, as long as he kills Fan Zhenggui, he can’t solve Mo Qing’s curse and then try to kill him.
In terms of power, they should be much stronger than Fan Jian.
I don’t know why I looked around at the moment he started, but now I was accompanied by Fan Zhenggui, but now I have no trace.
"Hey hey MuYu you also mixed hand?" Fan Zhenggui sneered, "You are almost serious when you play with your mind. You are far from it."
"Hum!" The blue robe man snorted, and the sword in his hand drew an arc. Guanghua shone on the whole sword like a newborn sunrise.
"ten thousand flow to the original! ?”
Everyone can’t help but exclaim that the secret of returning to Mohism is now in the blue robe of Dongliuhuacheng.
"Who are you?" Mo Qing asked trembling. Yang Tie forgot other blue light flashed in front of Yang Muyu, and it was difficult for the blue robe man to use the ten thousand streams to return to the motherland.
And Fan Zhenggui’s face was originally flashing with ebony light, which suddenly turned into bright green. The whole Tianxianglou was full of vitality, and even the wooden tables and chairs began to emit green leaves.
Yang Tie and Mo Qing couldn’t help taking a deep breath. No one thought that Fan Zhenggui’s mind was so vicious, but he practiced wood-based life spirit. And the strength of the realm is beyond everyone’s expectation.
"Ah?" Yang Muyu not only exclaimed aloud, but why can’t she save 6 Qingming since she has such a powerful life spirit?

Chapter 28 Mix the first battle
This idea is just a flash in Yang Muyu’s mind. Time does not allow him to think much about the original firefight in the field. Everyone has scruples and no one has used the realm. But now the blue robe man has used the powerful wooden aura of Fan Zhenggui to fill the audience in an instant.
The long sword in Yang Chen’s hand turned into a Changhong, and it was shot at the East silently and mercilessly, but the East was shadowless and didn’t use any weapons. A pair of hands staggered around and white light hung over the front.

"Sleep!" Mu Qingxue will be covered on him and put his hand on his pulse. At this moment, his face is slightly surprised that this guy is so badly hurt. At this moment, he looks at Xuanyuan Air Duct. "You are sick now and sleep more. I will give you refined Dan medicine and wait for a while!"

"No, I have nothing to do with me," XuanYuanFeng said eagerly at this time.
"Shut up and dare to sleep tight. I’ll be right back." Then he turned and left …
In a short time, Mu Qingxue came to XuanYuanFeng House holding hands and just refining Dan medicine. Looking at XuanYuanFeng with her eyes closed, she went to XuanYuanFeng bed and took out Dan medicine to XuanYuanFeng …
XuanYuanFeng is very obedient at the moment, slowly open your eyes and say, "If there is any discomfort after this Dan medicine, it will be fine for a while, but don’t try to suppress it, which will prevent the efficacy from happening."
After that, Mu Qingxue got up and wanted to leave, but after thinking about it, she came back with a hint of evil smile on her face. "Xuanyuanfeng, you must be as obedient as my beast!"
"Dead girl, you …" A cough came and drowned XuanYuanFeng. He tried his best not to cough. "You go!"
Mu Qing Xue blushed because he was angry, so he lost his life and immediately turned away …
I finally got back to my room, and I had a good sleep tonight, but I turned around and saw my baby at the bedside with a worried face …
"Baby come and give mother a hug! You almost scared me to death today! " Muqingxue concerned at this time mouth way
After hearing her mother’s words, Xuan Baobei dared to look at her mother and said, "Mothers are all Xuan Baobei, which makes you worry. Xuan Baobei will never let this happen again!"
Speaking of this, Mu Qingxue suddenly feels a little guilty. Recently, she seems to be busy with the one-night wine shop in jathyapple Xiaolou. Now she looks at her baby and says, "I’m sorry, honey, my mother ignored you recently, so it’s like this. Mother left it to my baby all day, okay?"
"Thank you for your gift!" The little milk baby rubbed into the arms of the kiss mother and said
Lying in bed, Mu Qingxue was finally awakened by a nightmare, which made her unable to sleep …
Fengyun mainland is a place where the strong respect. Over the years, she has been working hard to cultivate and become stronger …
It’s all because of humiliation, shame and hatred …
It is important to note that if friends can’t type the old domain name, they can access it by visiting the backup domain name.
Now that she has grown to a certain extent, she is afraid of people …
But XuanYuanChen suddenly broke into his life …
This makes the feelings from past lives to this life a blank sheet of paper, and she is caught off guard.
Unconsciously, I seem to have lost my heart! Such a thing is that she doesn’t want to, but she can’t control it …
If people’s hearts are so good, they can close their hearts by pressing one when they want to fight and one when they want to close.
"Mother, what’s wrong with you?" Small milk Eva looked at has been silent MuQingXue some worry call way
"Baby mother is fine!" Muqingxue looked at his baby around and smiled and said
Forget it, let nature take its course! It is enough for her to have a son! In this life, she wants to take good care of her baby and strive to become strong and reach the top of the world so that she can protect the people she cares about …
In XuanYuanChen everything to fate …
It’s meaningless if you don’t insist on it yourself …
"Are you really all right, mother?" Little baby always feels that her mother has something to hide from herself.
"How can I have something without me! Let’s go to sleep quickly … "Sen Qing Xue said with a smile.
"Well, all right!" The little baby rubbed in Muqingxue’s arms and fell asleep …
Chenwangfu Siyuan
XuanYuanChen tired from the palace every time he came back, he had to be extremely energetic to deal with those ministers and his identity, father and too Xuanyuan …
Their prestige in the DPRK is relatively high, their influence is relatively great, and they are insidious and cunning. A little negligence on their part may make it difficult for them!
He can’t figure out why these old fogies always like to compare his Xuanyuan Falls, and they always deliberately pick things up. Are they so fond of themselves that they do the right thing? Their original attitude has made them very dissatisfied, but they still didn’t say anything …
In fact, he himself knows that Xuanyuan is not less gossiping behind his back, and these ministers are also accomplices in Xuanyuan, but his strength is not good enough now. Otherwise, let them know that he is powerful …
Why is XuanYuanChen not white? His father always lets himself enter the palace. These ministers are not as good as that. Is it because my father is also afraid that it will be too Xuanyuan to rebel one day?
"Your Majesty!" A decent voice stopped XuanYuanChen.
XuanYuanChen looked up and saw a purple veil TongKeKe at the gate of his house.
Tong Keke is petite and dressed in purple, which makes her more innocent girl …
It’s a pity that such a lovely girl XuanYuanHu has no interest, especially such a simple and vicious woman …
He still likes the kind of wild cats who are kind-hearted although they look like thorns all over their parts …
"Your Majesty!" TongKeKe came in with a flattering smile and said, "Do you sometimes? I … "
"no!" For other women XuanYuanChen always cold …
"I have something to tell you about jathyapple Brewery …" The TongKeKe trembles.
XuanYuanChen slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at her with cold eyes and asked, "What are you trying to say?"

"Yes, you don’t mind, do you?" suluo asked

"Mind what, of course, don’t mind you being casual." Situ Wenhua was going to laugh wildly and made a gesture to invite me to watch your performance.
Segmented reading 1
"That Luo Dashu suppose you have a disappointing son, Stuart’s big boss. Now that he makes you angry, you have to beat him."
Sure enough, I did something.
Situwenhua’s face was gloomy in an instant.
"What do you mean?"
"Metaphorically, you just said you didn’t mind."
Suluo grinned and made a gesture to Uncle Luo.
Luo Dashu, who cares about Situ Wenhua’s heart? Now suluo may be his boss’s direct instant play. He looks angry and impatient and looks for sticks everywhere.
"I’ll kill you, you turtle."
"Ha ha ha ha ha!"
The audience laughed wildly, and Situ Wenhua’s face turned black into the bottom of the pot.
And suluo’s eyes are shining. It’s perfect. There are surprises everywhere in life
Chapter one hundred and ninety You also want to sleep with me.
Sue fell out of her mouth and got an important supporting role, whistling and leaving, which was arrogant.
How will Yu Situ Wenhua be as angry as thunder? How will the reporter arrange himself? Come on, feel free because I don’t mind.
In the DreamWorks branch, Uncle Luo is shaking his hands with the contract and the dramatist. It’s not a joke. Take another look at the drama. Oh, my God, it’s the first time that the drama has been played for 30 years, and there are usually no lines. It’s still a very important supporting role.
"I don’t know what to say to thank you. Thank you so much." Uncle Luo burst into tears, and the feeling of finally being recognized was unspeakable.
"If you don’t thank me for going back and studying the play well, it will be the greatest reward for me to shoot your performance first."
Do suluo and the knife have a black line?
"Be sure to play it well."
"Well, you can go back and prepare first, and I’ll let you know at any time. Remember to keep the phone in the state."
"Okay, okay, by the way, I have two workmates who are also good actors with me. Why don’t you give them a chance to try?" Uncle Luo said shyly.
Suluo DengYuan eyes "accidentally wipe you what site so abuses".
"Hey, hey, actually, it’s all about running in a group performance and knowing that food and clothing can’t be mixed up. We can go to the construction site to do temporary work together." Uncle Luo scratched his head stupidly and then asked, "Will it delay you a little?"
"I have an audition in a minute, so just come along, but it depends on them."
"Okay, okay, I’ll call them here. They’re all waiting for me outside the door now. We’re trying our luck together."
Uncle Luo was so happy that he trotted out.
Suluo sighed. It’s hard to drift north. You are so loyal. You don’t forget to recommend your friends at this time. Can I disagree?
Outside the DreamWorks branch
"How’s Dad Luo?"
When I saw Torre Luo coming out, I squatted outside and waited for a long time. Two people were buried as soon as they broke down.
"Strong and I became haha" Luo Torre excitedly dumped his contract and drama.
"Even my dad is awesome."

All this just to react, whistle, set, the mutant zombie king began a ou!

Under attack, the mutant zombie king struggled violently, and his hand planed and pedal wanted to break free from the heavy grip!
King Mutant Zombie is so powerful that Jiuzhong can’t support himself alone. He quickly shouted, "Come on, lock its limbs and don’t let it get free! !”
All smell speech, phoenix dance men immediately jumped out of four people, respectively, embrace the limbs of the king of mutant zombies, pedal live dead stone throne, now fixed the limbs of the king of mutant zombies! The rest of the people are hands and feet, full horsepower, crazy flat on the mutant zombie king!
"Ow ~ ~ ~! !” Mutation zombie king struggle more intense, at the same time give out shrill screams!
"It’s annoying, damn it, I’ll let you scream!" Jiuchong is closest to the sound source, and is called impatient by the mutant zombie king. He throws his elbow at the mutant zombie king’s mouth and slams it!
"Ow ~ ~ ~! !” As a result, Wang Yue, a mutant zombie, screamed more joyfully!
"I depend, force me! !” Nine heavy gas, picking up his fist, while the mutant zombie king roared and opened his mouth, he directly stuffed his fist into its mouth!
"Well …! !” Mutant zombie king mouth blocked, the body with a quiver, followed by soft down gradually!
Chapter 14 Flying to fireball
Nine heavy said one leng, "what’s the situation? Why did this thing suddenly wither? !”
Everyone was also puzzled. Xia Dongdong looked up at the fist that Jiuchong had stuffed into the mouth of the mutant zombie king and suddenly said, "Oh, by the way, boss, have you forgotten that our suit is a black donkey suit? The gloves we wear are authentic black donkey hooves, which have a restraining effect on zombies! "
"Oh ~ ~, that’s the way it is. It turns out that the black donkey’s hooves are used to restrain zombies!" Nine heavy laughs: "Hey, hey, Zombie King, it’s God’s will that you die today, so just accept your fate for Lao Zi!"! !”
Just say that finish, the variation of the body soft zombie king suddenly had a reaction, strength is gradually reply!
"I depend, how good again? It seems that the hooves of black donkeys are not enough! " Jiuzhong shouted to Xia Dongdong, "Dongdong, quick, give him your black donkey hooves, too!" !”
"oh oh!" Summer, winter and winter trotted to the back of the dead stone throne, abruptly stuffed their hands into the mouth of the mutant zombie king. When two black donkeys entered, the mutant zombie king’s body convulsed again, and then softened again!
"Take advantage of its illness and kill it!" Jiuzhong shouted to the phoenix dancers, "Come on, do it! !”
"kill! !”
Ten minutes later, after a crazy flat, Rao is the mutant zombie king, and his blood volume has finally reached the bottom, leaving only a few dozen points!
Jiuzhong has been paying attention to the blood volume of the mutant zombie king with "critical eyes". When he saw that the blood volume of the mutant zombie king bottomed out, he hurriedly shouted: "Stop, stop fighting! There is only a little blood left, leave it to Luan! Luan, come here! "
Luan’s son is an auxiliary occupation, so she didn’t take part in the battle from just now until now, and she has been watching the scene of bustle. At the moment, she heard Jiuchong calling her and skipping forward. "Big brother, why ~?" !”
"This mutant zombie king doesn’t have much blood left. You can solve it and give it a fatal blow!"
"Oh, good ~!" Said Luan son picking up the wooden cane stave in his hand! When Feng Dance and others saw that Luan was about to start fighting, they all flashed ten meters away!
Nine heavy one leng, "why are you hiding so far away? Afraid of splashing blood on your face? !”
"That’s right … ask for your own happiness!" said Feng Dance.
"Then I’m going to fight ~!" Luan son said picking up the staves and smashing the head of the mutant zombie king!
"oh! !” Nine heavy pain let out a cry, "Luan son, I told you to play zombies, why did you hit me? !”
"ah!" Luan Er pouted and said piteously, "Sorry, big brother, I missed!"
“……!” Looking at Luan’s lovely appearance, Jiuzhong was really angry. "Nothing, call again!"
"Oh, here I am!" Say it’s another staff!
"oh! !” It’s Xia Dongdong’s turn to have his head opened, and Xia Dongdong’s tears are coming out. "Luan, please … can you aim again? !”
"ok ~!"
"Oh dear!" Nine heavy head another bag, "Luan son … did you do it on purpose? !”
"No, Luan is really aiming!"

The next day, they woke up almost at the same time. In a daze, she forgot that they were rolled over and moved a little bit, rubbing against him and catching fire.

Early men are mostly animals, except the elderly and undeveloped children.
The longing body was awakened, and he groaned and put his arm around her and suddenly tightened.
Warm eyes and some vacant moments later, I was conscious and embarrassed. "Cough early."
The longing to respond to her is unbearable, and it sounds especially clear in the narrow space.
Warm pushed him. "Well, do you want to go to the toilet?"
It’s said that early men do this because they don’t have to urinate to release water, and then they are relieved.
Her kind suggestion earned him a "no" from embarrassment.
"ah? What else? "
"What do you say?"
"Ha ha ….." Warm and quick to change the subject "Ah, it’s time to get up. Early to bed and early to rise is good for your health …"
She hasn’t forgotten that she was tampered with last night. What she said was just a change of atmosphere. Who knew that her arm was stretched so casually and was actually exhibited?
Huh? Liberated?
I was stunned when she was excited to sit up, and his arms suddenly swung to wake him up. My heart was suddenly lost and I wanted to hug the man again to fill the inexplicable.
"The sky finally came out of the fishing net." Warm lift was inspected around but no silk was found.
After a pause, my eyes crossed her white arms and I couldn’t help but sit up and take her coat and put it on her carefully. "Wear it in the morning and then go."
Warm consciousness way "not cool …"
Looking forward to holding the neckline for her and not letting the clothes slide, "What if A Dai breaks in …"
Speak of the devil.
A Dai slammed the door and rushed in. "Are you up? Huh? Little lady, you are there, too. Hehehe … "
Warm "…"
I’ve seen playing dumb. I’ve never seen such a fool! Why is she here? He and Shen Yong made it happen.
Looking forward to it, I am a little unhappy and lightly reprimanded, "Why don’t you knock?"
A Dai scratching his head "? Still knocking at the door? Before I also … "
The longing is about realizing that your emotions have just calmed down too much before you lightly say, "The past is the present, and now is the present."
A Dai blinked blankly. "What?"
The longing to stop talking is to wrap her up more tightly and fit her tightly without revealing half the spring scenery.
A Dai suddenly realized, "Ah, you are afraid that I will smash you and your little wife in a passionate play. Gnome male-".
Suddenly blushed with longing. "A Dai doesn’t want to talk nonsense."
A Dai Wu wear the mouth still in obscene smile.
A Dai!’
See longing nasty A Dai only way "well, you don’t have a passionate play with little lady is that I think too much but little lady … hey hey didn’t dress, are you afraid I saw it? Oh … I see you are jealous! "
Fascinated "…"
It’s true. He can’t refute it. His eyes look at warmth with bitterness.
What do you mean, warm and forced? Blame me?
A Dai saw that the two men looked at each other in a stupid way. In his view, this is how to explain it. He hey hey smiled and ran out quickly before the longing reprimand, shouting "Two husbands are jealous, two husbands are jealous …"
Fascinated "…"
Warm to see his beautiful jade-like face darkening faintly, the rhythm couldn’t help but laugh. He suddenly became annoyed. "You laugh at me, too?"
Warm smiled and shook his head "no"
"Then why are you still laughing?"
"Ha ha is to hear that you are jealous and somehow feel happy …"
Smell speech longing like shame like chafing at her one eye lift was out of bed footsteps slightly eager to rush in.
It doesn’t feel too good to flirt with a beautiful man after a warm and happy smile.
But for a moment, she couldn’t feel good. The door was pushed again. This time, the person who came in was sacred, with a sad face. "Warm son, I’ll catch the rape!"
Warm "…"
The beautiful man gave his first kiss. Hey, hey, isn’t that warm?
☆, Chapter 13 Holy vinegar is too great.
Section 9
"Warm son, I’m coming to catch the rape."
Warm "…"
Catch a rape? She really didn’t expect that she would have such a day
The sacred expression doesn’t look like a show. His eyes are a little red and his eyes are a little black. He dives into the bed and looks at her with sadness. "Catch the rape in the bed. Look at you. You haven’t put on your clothes. There are two quilts in the pillow pit, or are you a warm adulterer?" Know that I have jumped out of the window and escaped? "
Warm for a moment.
Divine suddenly went silent and looked at her quietly. Suddenly, when she was half ringing, she suddenly put out her arm and hugged her. She was a little sore, but she still didn’t stop it.
After a long time, she heard him shout a "warm son" in a hoarse voice, and then she was silent again. It happened that this time she won.
In silence, he can complain about grievances and forbearance, but he has to endure acidity and naivety, and he is afraid of losing his nervousness and uneasiness …
Suddenly, the warmth shrank and her heart ached. She slowly raised her arm and put it around his waist. Then she circled his waist a little bit. The longing was different from the longing. He was born with toughness in softness, and he could practice a little simple tricks to be stronger. At this moment, she felt that it was thin and powerful, as if she had lost a few inches overnight.
"Warm!" He shouted in a low voice, because she was completely relaxed for a moment, and he couldn’t wait to put all his weight into her arms, but his eyes were sour and his lips were swollen, but he had already evoked a smile.
She loves herself, right?
This is good.
"Warm son, warm son, warm son …" He cried one after another, followed the child like a coquetry, and leaned in her ear, and the warm breath was constantly stirred.
"Shut up," Wen angrily scolded. "What about the soul?"
He got a reprimand for being sacred, but he laughed and stopped laughing. After that, he complained bitterly, "Warm son, I am injured, so I seek comfort and cure."
It’s better for him to say half-truths than to put pressure on her seriously.
Warm and understanding, I followed his words one by one. First, I touched him on the back at random, then slapped him twice and then perfunctorily said, "For example? Is it cured? "
Holy discontent pouted, "I’m far from it. I don’t have any sincerity."
Warm roll your eyes. "What do you want?"
"Hugging and hugging can only heal my heart wounds until the end of time."
"Fuck off!"

Sue nine niang "…"

Xia Dashuan "…"
"Oh …" Summer flowers almost want to throw up.
Qing Ruchen winked at Xia Hua with one hand and smiled, "Don’t let people know what I’m doing to you, little flower."
Xia Hua refrained from beating up Qing Ruchen’s desire eyes and said, "What?"
Qing Ruchen put his hand over his chest and lowered his head and mouth, making faces at Xia Hua again. "That’s that! Little flower, you know. "
Xia Hua looked at Qing Ruchen’s smirking face and suddenly reacted. He couldn’t help but pick up the chopsticks on the table and brush them to Qing Ruchen’s lips. Xia Hua roared, "I told you to fart!"
"Mom, you see, little flowers beat my mom early in the morning. You should give me a quick evaluation. It’s hard for me to come here early in the morning to treat my mom. But the fruit is just that I got a beating from little flowers after eating more breakfast …"
"Okay, okay, little dust, it’s that flowers shouldn’t hit you if they don’t talk to you." Su nine niang comforted Xia Hua seriously. "How can you be so heavy-handed with flowers? Look at little dust’s mouth and it makes you swollen …"
"Mom, I’m a woman, not a gentleman." Xia Hua said in anger.
"Ha ha ….." Xia Dashuan clapped his hands and laughed, pointing to Qing Ruchen’s face. "Qing Guan’s visit to your lips now adds two more red beards, which is really interesting and more beautiful than Mr. Wen’s beard."
Qing Ruchen suddenly flashed his eyes and touched the swollen places on both sides of his lips. He asked Xia Dashuan if he didn’t believe it. "You said it’s true." Then he straightened his back and put his hands out and asked, "Is this more masculine?"
Xia Dashuan laughed. "It’s very, very important …"
"Just call me Brother Ruchen," Qing Ruchen said with a smile in the corner of her eye. She took out a bag of things from the sleeve cage and put it on the table. Summer flowers smelled bad and quickly covered her nose and asked, "What is so pungent?"
Qing Ruchen took a white look at Xia Hua before she was born. "Although I have always been very accommodating, I am a small flower. You are too much. Not only do you not care for your brother, I often bully me or ignore me."
"Well, well, I was wrong just now, but I can’t. Please stop nagging!" Summer flowers quickly covered her ears.
"Mom, look at Little Flower. Listen to me. I’m so impatient. I’m not even half-sincere. Fortunately, I’m always easy to talk to and I don’t want to argue with a little person and a little woman. You should also teach Little Flower a lesson. Don’t fall down with blood and mildew when she marries like this …" Qing Ruchen’s face was wronged.
Su nine niang is really tinged with Qing Ruchen criticizing flowers like this. No matter what others think, flowers are always the best in her heart, but she dare not refute Qing Ruchen. After all, Qing Ruchen was wronged early in the morning. She took out the softest smile to encourage her. "Dust, don’t be angry. Mom will accompany you for flowers. It’s really necessary to change your sex for a while. It’s good to talk, but everything is unreasonable. You should understand."
"Mom, don’t you think I talk too much? I’m always very reasonable. Every sentence …"
"Ha ha ….." Su nine niang touched his nose and said with a quick laugh, "Dust, you sit down first and I’ll tidy up a bowl of chopsticks." Then he took a brain and said, "Dust, please help Dazhuang to see if he can’t even get up today."
Qing Ruchen’s eyes flashed some unhappy faces, which were instantly attributed to annihilation and muttered, "It’s good to die in bed."
"Dust, what did you say?" Su nine niang asked doubtfully.
"Oh, nothing. I’ll go and help him see." Qing Ruchen got up.
"Yesterday, Big Strong had a headache all night, so please ask Qing Qing to have a good look." Summer flowers are supposed to look at Qing Ruchen with displeasure. She really can’t bear the pain like last night.
Qing Ruchen flattened his flat mouth and glanced at Xia Hua with his eyes slightly.
116 Xiaoxiang fans carnival, about the great god, grab the gift!
Glancing at Xia Hua in anger, he said, "Oh, you idiot, your memory will get better. This will know that I’m very much in love. I’d like to be angry with you because I’m always very good …"
"Good mother, I also want to learn." Xia Dashuan got up and set his clothes aside. He straightened his back and left with a small baggage.
Xia Hua immediately pulled up the big bolt hand and said, "Sister Shuan will send you."
Qing Ruchen immediately stopped talking and snapped a chopstick in his hand. He looked at Xia Hua and said, "Little Flower, you want to hide from me again, don’t you?"
Summer flowers see Qing Ruchen’s face is not very good, and for the sake of old Niang’s health, she lowered her identity and silently took Qing Ruchen’s hand and broke it into two pieces of chopsticks to show a gentle smile. "How can you be so young? My sister wants to send him to learn …"
"Big bolt …"
"Big bolt …"
The external column of the courtyard and the call of Qin 11
Qing Ruchen’s eyes drifted out indifferently for two times, softening the volume slightly. "The little flower was accompanied by someone, but you didn’t send it."
Xia Dashuan nai shrugged his shoulders and smiled at Xia Hua.
Xia Hua turned to look at the two small figures facing Qin Eleven and the pillars in tandem. Two people showed a sweet smile and made a blessing to Xia Hua, and called a "Sister Xia Hua’s early morning."
Xia Huayu gave two quick smiles, "Hehe, it’s really early."
Three children went to the happy school hand in hand.
Qing Ruchen proudly stared at Xia Hua with a smile. "What are the little flowers still doing? I’ll give you a doctor. You should make a pot of tea to show filial piety to your brother. I always have no requirements for eating and drinking. I want to put three chrysanthemums, a square, ten-dollar rock sugar, three medlar, three red dates and three longan cores …"
Xia Hua hangs her head and her face is already black. She feels that there are flies buzzing around her ears. She wants to reach out and slap the annoying flies to death. The flies have stopped humming and turned to fly to the big house.
She looked up and turned around and was about to make tea. Qing Ruchen suddenly turned around, and her face was full of smiles. This smile was not like flies, but it was like the warmth of three spring flowers. Listening to his gentle voice, "Thank you, little flowers."
Summer flowers and trees callous shook his head and said "you’re welcome"
"I don’t have any requirements for eating and drinking. I just forgot to tell you not to take boiling water for making chrysanthemum tea. It should be a little cold for a while and not too cold. Just remember to wash the tea first and …"
Summer flowers grind their teeth and say, "I know."
Qing Ruchen Gu stared at Xia Hua in Xia Hua’s sharp eyes and looked at him with a slight shake. "Little flower is fine. Why are you angry again? Just now you said you’re welcome. I’m always very honest. You said you’re welcome. I naturally don’t identify with you. How do you …"
"Shit!" Xia Hua ran to the kitchen with her eyes turned and her ears covered.
116 Xiaoxiang fans carnival, about the great god, rob Hao 13 missing surprised by the remains.
Qing Ruchen stood there and looked at Xia Hua’s running back and scratched his head and said to himself, "Am I really repetitive? Impossible. I always talk … "
He muttered and turned to Xia Dazhuang’s room.
When you are around, it seems like a century has passed.
After seeing off Qing Ruchen, Xia Hua felt that the world was finally clean, but the thought that Qing Ruchen would come again made her very upset. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with Da Zhuang, and she didn’t even prescribe medicine. After two days of rest, she just investigated the cause. Listen to Qing Ruchen’s explanation, that is, there was congestion in her head, and now the congestion is going to disperse.
Xia Hua asked Qing Ruchen if Xia Dazhuang would restore his memory. Qing Ruchen said a lot of words-unknown.
This answer is equal to the answer, not to mention that it is unknown whether a person who suffered severe amnesia in ancient times can recover his memory. In fact, in the case of Da Zhuang, Xia Hua has a selfish idea in her heart. If she is like this, she will be her mother.
But once Da Zhuang returns to the original step, she doesn’t want to think or dare to think that step is a complete stranger to her. In a worse situation, step kills Xiao Jue’s mother. If he wakes up, he may really go to the life-and-death showdown with Xiao Jue.
And she doesn’t want that day.
After cleaning up everything in the house and settling down, Da Zhuang Xia Hua washed her face again, and her face was spit too much by Qing Ruchen. She didn’t wash it quickly, then she fed rhubarb with straw and took the cow to the field.
A few days ago, I found a young man in the village to help her farm. Even Zhou A Niu, who lives next door to Zhou Jiao’s family, is honest and willing to contribute. What’s more, his family’s rice cutting is early and his work in the fields is almost busy. Xia Hua paid him money, and he was very happy to come. Not only that, he was also very willing to help Xia Hua carry the plow from home.
Summer flowers with straw rope will be near the edge of the ridge, which was packed with straw. Zhou A Niu stole a look at summer flowers while plowing the field. For him, summer flowers are the moon on this day. He can’t pick them but look at them and feast his eyes on them. He really can’t have any fantasies about summer flowers.
Xia Hua gave him a look back, and he immediately got excited all over his body. He whipped and shook his hands, holding the plow and plowed the field, and he became more and more hard. However, he plowed most of the field in less than half a noon, and he was not too tired to help Xia Hua put the haystack to the ridge next to him.

"I don’t know. I’m surprised … to be honest, I was shocked, but I still have to seriously say that I have a family!"

Ever-victorious and serious, it’s like being in a political consultative conference …
As a result, when he returned to the hotel, his words rang
At that time, Changsheng was chatting with Rudy, dimatteo and Daunic in the hotel corridor when he heard the phone ring. He picked it up and saw that his face changed slightly. Then he quickly walked to the stairs.
Three people heard the sentence "Avril Lavigne, let me explain …"
I didn’t hear what I said next.
The three men looked at each other and then they all laughed heartily.
How can you hold a beautiful woman in your arms, especially a beautiful woman, and take the initiative to sacrifice herself without paying the price?
Lazio left Seoul for Tokyo early the next morning.
Many reporters went to the airport to see him off. Of course, they actually wanted to film Kim TaeYeon coming to the airport to see him off.
But to their disappointment, Kim TaeYeon did not show up.
Kim TaeYeon didn’t win again after that.
It is the enthusiasm of the Korean media that is still obsessed with Kim TaeYeon and Chang Sheng.
They don’t care about the fact that Changsheng is married.
A man must have a confidante, right
Many South Korean media claimed that Changsheng had hope to coach the South Korean national team.
Just because he is having an affair with Kim TaeYeon will make him love this country …
Fortunately, these are all reported by Korean media, and Chang Sheng didn’t see them in the future, otherwise he would be tempted to vomit "Love a country that can’t even afford meat?" I’m sorry I still prefer Sichuan style stew pork … "
Not quite as popular as in China and South Korea. Lazio, the winner, is much less popular in Japan.
Japanese people are not so forgetful. They still remember how Changsheng despised Japanese football …
In the press conference before the game, Chang Sheng was asked by many Japanese media about that year.
So Changsheng confirmed one thing.
That is, Japan was willing to invite Lazio to play a warm-up match and give a big appearance, not because they had market demand, but because of revenge.
In this regard, they specially asked Kashima Antlers, the champion of J League for three consecutive years, to be Lazio opponents, and at the pre-match press conference, Kashima Antlers coach also said that they would go all out.
This is Lazio’s second warm-up match and finally the strongest opponent.
Although the warm-up match doesn’t care about the strength of the opponent, the opponent’s heart has to make Changsheng feel strange.
Kashima Antlers is not technically a team in Tokyo. The team in Tokyo is called Tokyo FC, but it was relegated from J1 to J2 League last year.
Kashima Antlers is located in Kashima City, Ibaraki Prefecture, next to Tokyo, which is more than 40 kilometers away from Tokyo in the capital circle.
Base can be regarded as Tokyo satellite city.
It’s barely enough to say that Kashima antlers are local teams in Tokyo.
But I’m afraid neither Tokyo nor Kashima will agree with this statement.
The Japanese side obviously wants their strongest team here to fight Lazio.
Changsheng thinks it’s ridiculous that Japanese people are so thoughtful.
Isn’t this bring disgrace to oneself?
Chapter two hundred and seventy-four Spending money to be scolded is really high.
It is difficult for Changsheng to understand the Japanese brain circuit. They can challenge themselves to Lazio by sending Kashima Antlers, who have won three consecutive championships in China.
I wonder what they think.
Not to mention that the Japanese league has won three consecutive championships, even the team with 30 consecutive championships is not Lazio’s opponent.
The only chance for Japanese team to beat Lazio is that Lazio is not in the state, so there may be a certain chance.
So Chang Sheng once again showed his arrogance and arrogance at the press conference before the game.
He said to Japanese journalists, "I forgot about this matter. It’s really hard for you to remember it. After so many years and two years, I still remember that sentence. Personally, I don’t care about Japanese football. Don’t tell me about China football. If I represent myself now, it’s easy to beat me and win me. Say whatever you want, but don’t blame me."
On the day of the game, the players felt the hostility of the fans in the stands from the warm-up time.
Different from the previous three warm-up matches, the atmosphere of the stadium made them feel like a formal game, the kind of formal game in which three players can be replaced and they will be eliminated if they lose.
Japanese fans support Kashima antlers on one side.
There are only a handful of fans supporting Lazio Day in the stadium.
These people add up to 1000 people.
It is completely different from the relaxed and good atmosphere in China and South Korea.
This atmosphere has also made Lazio players serious.
A relaxed smile on the face has also been replaced by a dignified expression.
When they returned to the dressing room, Changsheng had made all the arrangements.
He asked the players to sit in their seats and wear that suit when they came out.
Then he said to the players, "I believe that you have fully felt people’s opinions about us here during the warm-up. This game of Kashima Antlers will definitely go all out. This is an excellent opportunity for us. This warm-up match is so practical that we can’t even get together at ordinary times. I ask you to go all out to this game, which is the best test for our summer training results …"
When that Japanese were bent on defeat Lazio for revenge.
Changsheng and Lazio regard this game as a rare opportunity to train.
If the Japanese know the truth, I don’t know how they will feel.
The Japanese, they are rivals to Lazio, but Lazio doesn’t seem to think much …
This game is really fierce. The main appearance of Kashima Antlers shows that it is as hard as playing the World Club Cup.
Players frequently put shovels in the game.
Even the referee is biased towards the home team.