The force of returning from poverty to Tibet surged and quickly condensed into a virtual shadow of a human face and a snake.

The martial arts and magical skills are not broken.
She flew and suddenly disappeared.
The heavens and the earth moved, the mountains shook and the flames suppressed, and the golden light soared.
"Amitabha, thank the benefactor, you have finally come." Master Sad Yang was relieved.
"Ha, ha, ha. God actually wants to hit me according to the initial situation?" Purple shirt and laughed wildly.
Conversation is all over the world
Party to play roar again.
I heard the purple shirt tone change again. "I didn’t expect this world to give birth to such a beautiful woman as you."
There was a little more desire in his voice.
Baihuaxian thundered.
At one moment, the flashes of light surged and the golden light gathered together and blasted towards the flame.
"Ha ha, come with me …"
The purple shirt sounded again.
Gu Qingshan stood alone and didn’t see a trace of expression.
Master would never want to be captured. Once something goes wrong, she will surely die.
At this moment, he couldn’t help but think of the words of the giant corpse in one hundred thousand years.
The strange sound seemed to limit his ears from echoing again when he broke through.
"A push at the most critical moment may change the omen of death."
"But you must remember that the person who pushes people is bound to pay the price."
"I hope it’s not you who pushed people, because you are too weak to withstand too strange things."
Gu Qingshan eyes micro will look at the eyes of Arabian fighting.
He suddenly turned his hand over and pulled out a chain.
There are five bells in the chain.
Gu Qingshan shook his bell without thinking.
A woman sings softly in the void.
The sunset glow flashed without the girl in black showing her figure lightly.
"Has your master considered it?" Gu Qingshan asked calmly.
"The master is still considering."
The girl in black said, look at the situation and her face changed immediately.
"Too! He can kill you all by himself. "
She looked at the situation at a glance.
The horse in this world is about to fall.
Gu Qingshan sink a way "everything is about to go up in smoke your master also consider? I’m afraid she won’t get anything if she goes like this. "
The girl in black listened to the whole person’s figure, straight face and relaxed color.
A sense of majesty and solemnity emanate from her.
"It seems that we don’t have time to talk about it in detail." The girl in black became slow and cold. "I entered the war on the condition that the soul of the Godsworn in the Too Realm belongs to me, and the world belongs to me. You have to take out the Monty incarnation pool in your hand."
Gu Qingshan said without surprise, "No problem, but I have to give you something afterwards, otherwise I don’t trust this is my condition."
"I can promise, but there is a monty in the monty metaplasia pool that can urge you not to give it to me. Can I help you?" The girl in black gave me a hint of sarcasm.
"You can’t fight without monty metaplasia pool? I don’t believe this. "
"My great power is too heavy, and I am really coming to this world. Only the Monty Metaphysical Pool can help me from outside the Monty world."

But it’s not Chu Yun’s character to give up.

Chu Yun could hear a voice in the depths of his soul growling, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If you can figure out the principle of Chu Lei’s attribute, you will get a qualitative breakthrough in your soul sea. If you can have the attribute of thunder, it will be a cinch for Lei Jie."
Think of LeiJie Chu Yun some shake will suddenly strengthened.
"Let’s decide. Do I have to carry a lightning rod everywhere like I did all my life?"
Chu Yun couldn’t help laughing "hehe" at the thought of his embarrassing situation all his life.
It’s a smile. It’s a little stiff and a little reluctant
But in the end Chu Yun made up his mind.
A pair of giant hands in the sea of souls stretched out from the sea of souls.
Chu Yun prayed, "Death, if the necromancer is really your eyes, then you can’t let me die, the only necromancer in the world."
Chuyun gritted his teeth and stretched out a pair of huge hands from the sea of souls, and suddenly folded to pull the soul fire into the sea of souls.
"We …" An arc crossed and countless arcs seemed to explode and swept away in all directions.
Chu Yun’s pupil suddenly dilated violently in the woodshed.
Chapter 16 Crow Naruto Spring
Psqq friends group 6275765 (welcome all friends who like it)
"The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."
In the woodshed, Chu Yun’s little friend sat with a skull and hands holding gills to help some listless.
Just now, when Chu Yun dragged the mutant skeleton soul fire into the edge of the soul sea, the thunder attribute that filled the mutant skeleton soul was rampant. Fortunately, Chu Yun was smart enough to directly expel the soul fire from his soul sea, otherwise … he would be the earliest necromancer in history.
But there is still something to gain.
At the moment when the mutant skeleton contacted Chu Yun’s soul sea, several pieces of memento mori belonged to the mutant skeleton and merged into Chu Yun’s soul sea.
In this way, Chu Yun saw some memories of the mutant skeleton before his death.
Therefore, it is inferred that there are some possibilities to mutate the thunder attribute in the skeleton soul fire.
"It is the thunder attribute that the mutant skeleton changed the nature of chakra before his death."
"Will the dead soul fire have the property of chakra before death?"
Chu Yun’s listless little face was a little excited. "Does it mean that you have a skeleton soldier with blood after you turn someone with blood into an undead?"
Chu Yun couldn’t help rubbing hands again.
But he soon calmed down again.
"Don’t be too happy yet. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Calm down."
However, the frequency of Chu Yun’s rubbing hands is much faster than before, and it can be seen that his roots have not calmed down
Suddenly Chu Yun made a clever patrol outside the undead to warn.
Chu Yun hurriedly opened the eyes of the dead to share vision.
"Hey? It turned out to be his father? "
In the picture, Hyū ga Hizashi is full of worries and approaches the demolition, but he stops at the door of the demolition.
"Dad, why are you hesitating today? Did mom and dad switch souls?" Chu Yun couldn’t help vomiting.
At the same time, hide the butt skull as quickly as possible-deeply buried in the dry wood surface.
After another half ring, when Chu Yun hesitated to go out to meet his father, Hyū ga Hizashi finally pushed Chai Men.
"Ning Ji, come out."
See his dad a dead son expression Chu Yun again dare not like molesting his uncle when playing dumb to ask yourself haven’t finished punishment can’t go out.
Chu Yun didn’t have a good mouth and followed his father.

The emperor smiled

Phoenix Liancheng also smiled.
Lin Yi’s improvisation made Phoenix Liancheng very satisfied.
The emperor looked at the two of them. He pointed to Lin Yi and pointed to Qin Dingfang.
"You are the king of the north? Are you the king of the South? Hehe, the heavenly kings are all sealed by me. I really didn’t know you were the king of North and South. "
When Lin Yi and Qin Dingfang heard this, their hearts were still fiercely. Murphy was dissatisfied with their names.
Lin Yi said, "It’s all a compliment from friends in the Jianghu. I’m a warrior. I dare to call myself’ Wang’. When I got back, I changed my name."
Qin Dingfang also hurriedly said, "Right people never dare to claim to be Jianghu friends, so I will change my name when I go back …"
The emperor smiled at him and said, "It’s not a big sin to bring a’ king’ in the name of your Jianghu, even if the imperial court has its own rules. Aren’t those powerful people all called kings? I can’t care about it."
Lin Yi and Qin Dingfang were relieved that the emperor was generous.
The two men thanked the emperor with different mouths.
The eunuch sitting next to the emperor carved dragon chair is busy pouring tea.
The emperor took a sip of tea and said to the two of them, "I heard that since you are brothers, you kings of North and South or half-brothers, what is your deep hatred? Why do you want to kill each other when you correct Jianghu people and provoke bloody killings frequently?"
Lin Yi and Qin Dingfang glance at each other.
Does this emperor want to break their "family affairs"?
The emperor said to Lin Yi, "Tell me something first. I am very interested in your business."
Lin Yi started from the time when Niang Nai sent himself as an infant to Qin Jin, the grandfather of Beifu, and exchanged with himself …
Lin Yi told the story one by one that Qin Dingfang was in a hurry when he colluded with his mother, Lin Hongcaly, and his uncle, Lin Tianshu, to wash away the North House.
Qin Dingfang was worried that the emperor would be trapped in the back-moving situation when he listened to Lin Yi’s words. Qin Dingfang was so desperate that he said to the emperor, "It’s slander for me to be a dirty lie …"
The emperor’s eyebrows wrinkled.
Next to Lu Xiang Ye, he shouted at Qin Dingfang, "Bold! The emperor hasn’t asked you anything yet, so you’ve taken the liberty to apologize to you! "
Phoenix Liancheng personally and Lin Yi combined in advance and charged the face saint to pay attention to many matters, including the emperor not asking questions and never talking without authorization
Master Lu did not deal with Qin Dingfang too deeply.
Qin Dingfang came to Beijing with a large sum of money to visit Master Lu and met him out of courtesy.
Master Lu Xiang is far-sighted and wants to take this opportunity to bring down Feng Liancheng, a political enemy. He is not interested in Jianghu affairs and Jianghu people and keeps his distance.
Master suo Lu also asked his hand to convey some sacred notes to Qin Dingfang.
Yebu noodles
Qin Dingfang’s rudeness made Master Lu feel ashamed.
Qin Dingfang was surprised to know that he had touched a bad head. He knelt down and said, "I hope you will forgive the right people for their sins."
Phoenix Liancheng saw that Qin Dingfang was ugly and smiled without a word.
The emperor said, "If you don’t know, don’t sin."
Qin Dingfang dare not speak casually again.
Lin Yi then went on to tell the truth.
However, there is no conclusive evidence after Lin Tianshu and his family are Hu Ling, and secondly, it is all the same to the emperor.
After listening to Lin Yi’s story, the emperor was also amazed at Lin Yi’s tortuous life experience.
The emperor said, "You are a Qin bloodline, but you have been a groom for more than ten years. You came to ask the Lord for revenge. I didn’t expect you to be a Qin bloodline, so you ended up with this Qin Dingfang bloodline."
Lin Yi said, "Be holy."
The emperor said to Lu Xiang and Feng Liancheng, "It’s really a fantastic thing for you two to love Qing."
Master Lu Xiang and Feng Liancheng also attached themselves to the Emperor’s statement that it was indeed a strange and tortuous matter, which was rare in the world.
The emperor asked Lin Yi and said to Qin Dingfang, "Now you say."

Wen Nian leaned against Long Xiao’s arms, frowned and looked at Wen Nian’s high nose, deep lines and tough facial contours. So noble and elegant a man is a man himself.

Wen Nian laughed and climbed the dragon neck with both hands and sent his lips to tease Long Xiao’s patience again.
"Are you sure?" Long Xiao didn’t hold back his body throbbing for a long time before his lips were fixed.
"What do you say?" Wen Nian continued to kiss Long Xiao’s lips with a slight punishment, biting Long Xiao’s lips and being put down on the sofa.
Long Xiao pressed Wen Nian and threw away their coats.
Wen nian’s hands are still hooked on Long Xiao’s neck, and his legs are boldly climbing Long Xiao’s waist after several attempts. The whole person hangs on Long Xiao’s body to seduce ambiguity.
Long Xiao also looked at the glad eye like silk and endured the impulse to eat her.
Wennian looked at Long Xiao, but it turned out that she didn’t mean to start work, so she got the nerve to stretch out a leg to rub Long Xiao’s legs.
Long Xiao was stimulated to bite and suck his big hand at Wen Nian’s neck. He was unceremoniously soft and could not help kneading and changing different shapes.
Wen Nian’s arms are climbing on the dragon’s neck, close to the figure, overlapping and rubbing, and biting his earlobe to add a little interaction.
Long Xiao always dominates at this time, but Wen Nian wants to enjoy it more, and he doesn’t want to contribute. He can lie down and sit still, and he is still exhausted every time. The quality of sleep is very good.
Tonight, the process is no different when it’s peaceful. Wen Nian is responsible for uncovering the dragon, being reserved, putting people to bed, and then giving everything to him to lead himself and enjoy sleeping.
But when I was warm and emotional, I bit Longxiao Adam’s apple, and everything was different.
Long Xiao-min doesn’t feel much, but his eyes became darker and his breathing became bigger when he was bitten by Wen Nian.
Wen Nianyi hasn’t found that Wen Nianyi won’t even have a chance to beg for mercy until Long Xiao is completely crazy.
Chapter 524 Dragon Xiao violence, line
Long Xiao also looked at the glad eye like silk and endured the impulse to eat her.
Wennian looked at Long Xiao, but it turned out that she didn’t mean to start work, so she got the nerve to stretch out a leg to rub Long Xiao’s legs.
Long Xiao was stimulated to become more and more swollen, biting at Wen Nian’s neck, sucking his big hand hard, covering his body irreverently, being soft, kneading and changing different shapes.
Wen Nian’s arms are climbing on the dragon’s neck, close to the figure, overlapping and rubbing, and biting his earlobe to add a little interaction.
Long Xiao always dominates at this time, but Wen Nian wants to enjoy it more, and he doesn’t want to contribute. He can lie down and sit still, and he is still exhausted every time. The quality of sleep is very good.
Tonight, the process is no different when it’s peaceful. Wen Nian is responsible for uncovering the dragon, being reserved, putting people to bed, and then giving everything to him to lead himself and enjoy sleeping.
But when I was warm and emotional, I bit Longxiao Adam’s apple, and everything was different.
Long Xiao-min doesn’t feel much, but his eyes became darker and his breathing became bigger when he was bitten by Wen Nian.
Wen Nianyi hasn’t found that Wen Nianyi won’t even have a chance to beg for mercy until Long Xiao is completely crazy.
Long Xiao kissed Wen Nian’s lips and seized her breathing, and her narrow waist was almost crazy like a tireless motor.
All the sounds of Wen Nian are stuck in the throat, and both hands are losing strength due to lack of oxygen, and they are soft on Long Xiao.
Wen Nian is always too lazy to wait until Long Xiao hugs her back to bed and rests when he takes a shower, sometimes he will sleep directly.
Even if you are tired, you will know that Long Xiao hugs her and takes care of her everything, but this time there is no impression at all.
Wennian woke up thinking for a long time whether she was sleeping or dreaming or what happened.
I can’t tell where I am. I can’t figure out why Bai Longxiao disappeared. I didn’t know what happened before I remembered it. Why did I suddenly wake up?
Long Xiao didn’t give WenNian too much. He came in soon when he was awake.
"awake?" Long Xiaoyin is a bit dumb, and there are faint traces of blue beard. Casually, the neckline is not buckled, revealing the clavicle with red marks and suggesting more ambiguous atmosphere marks.
Wennian opened his mouth but didn’t say anything. My throat was dry.
Long Xiao timely feed her water and follow the warm thoughts.
"Thank you for your hard work last night." Long Xiaoyin said slowly and Wennian didn’t react.
Why does this sentence feel a little familiar?
Where did you hear it?
Wennian side head looked at Long Xiao and thought this sentence in my mind.
Long Xiao pursed her lips and looked at Wennian’s sight. She didn’t avoid it. She looked straight.
"Ah, I remember." It took me a long time to remember it.
"Long Xiao, you have gone too far." I tried my best to have a baby, but I just heard you say such a thing, and now you have a harmonious life for one night and you say such a thing.
"So what did you do last night?" Wen Nian stared at Long Xiao with watery eyes and accused him of "violence and behavior" last night.
Chapter 525 Physical strength is really that bad?
Long Xiao-min doesn’t feel much, but his eyes became darker and his breathing became bigger when he was bitten by Wen Nian.
Wen Nianyi hasn’t found that Wen Nianyi won’t even have a chance to beg for mercy until Long Xiao is completely crazy.
Long Xiao kissed Wen Nian’s lips and seized her breathing, and her narrow waist was almost crazy like a tireless motor.
All the sounds of Wen Nian are stuck in the throat, and both hands are losing strength due to lack of oxygen, and they are soft on Long Xiao.
Wen Nian is always too lazy to wait until Long Xiao hugs her back to bed and rests when he takes a shower, sometimes he will sleep directly.
Even if you are tired, you will know that Long Xiao hugs her and takes care of her everything, but this time there is no impression at all.
Wennian woke up thinking for a long time whether she was sleeping or dreaming or what happened.
I can’t tell where I am. I can’t figure out why Bai Longxiao disappeared. I didn’t know what happened before I remembered it. Why did I suddenly wake up?
Long Xiao didn’t give WenNian too much. He came in soon when he was awake.
"awake?" Long Xiaoyin is a bit dumb, and there are faint traces of blue beard. Casually, the neckline is not buckled, revealing the clavicle with red marks and suggesting more ambiguous atmosphere marks.
Wennian opened his mouth but didn’t say anything. My throat was dry.
Long Xiao timely feed her water and follow the warm thoughts.
"Thank you for your hard work last night." Long Xiaoyin said slowly and Wennian didn’t react.
Why does this sentence feel a little familiar?
Where did you hear it?
Wennian side head looked at Long Xiao and thought this sentence in my mind.
Long Xiao pursed her lips and looked at Wennian’s sight. She didn’t avoid it. She looked straight.
"Ah, I remember." It took me a long time to remember it.

Cheng was not worried about it. He looked at Zhong Tianyi up and down, accidentally saw the copper token around Zhong Tianyi’s waist, and then pretended to be surprised and said, "You? Who are you? How to be with coral? "

Zhong Tianyi hurriedly said, "Eh; ; ; ; ; ;”
Cheng Buyou turned his head and looked at it as a coral. Cheng Buyou hurriedly hugged Cheng Buyou’s arm: "Dad; ; ; ; ; ; This is Zhong Gongzi; ; ; ; ; ;”
Cheng Buyou glared at Cheng Coral: "What’s the matter? If you have new friends, don’t introduce them to your father. Do you not pay attention to your father? "
Zhong Tianyi quickly introduced himself to Cheng Buyou.
On the streets of Yangzhou City, Zhou Lishui hurried on, and the hawking sound of a peddler in the distance reached Zhou Lishui’s ear.
Sugar-Coated Berry; ; ; Sweet and big Sugar-Coated Berry ".
Zhou Lishui suddenly stopped, turned his head toward the peddler, and Sugar-Coated Berry held it in his hand. Zhou Lishui’s face showed a happy smile.
After listening to Zhong Tianyi’s self-introduction, Cheng Bu in the inn said, "Well! Zhong Gongzi has a grand appearance, and it’s not hard to see the shadow of your father’s clock leader from you. He is a promising young man. ; ; ; ; ; Teenagers are promising; ; ; ; ; ;”
Cheng Coral’s face lit up at the sight of his father’s praise.
At this time, Zhou Lishui and Li Rucai and Liu Xuanyu hurried back to the inn. Before they arrived at the guest room, they heard the conversation between Cheng Buyou and Cheng Coral. Several people did not take the snow off their bodies, so they hurriedly went to the place where Cheng Buyou talked and wanted to inform the master of what Lu Ming had done.
At the moment when Zhou Lishui entered the door, suddenly Zhong Tianyi’s treacherous eyes appeared in front of Zhou Lishui. More sadly, Cheng Coral also held the same Sugar-Coated Berry as himself.
Zhou Lishui suddenly understood the story.
[This book started from, the first time to see the original content! ]
Chapter 240th Encounter your little denounced stubborn ACTS
Encounter a disciple who is expensive and less stubborn.
However, what appeared in front of Zhou Lishui was that Zhong Tianyi, the master of the sinful Lu Ming, had become good friends with Younger, who had missed him so much and grew up together since childhood, and it was very likely to develop into a relationship.
Zhou Lishui felt as if he had been hit by a blow, and jealousy was on his mind. In addition, Lu Ming was rescued by a mysterious person, Zhou Lishui suddenly became angry.
Regardless of whether the master is worried or not, he pointed to Zhong Tianyi and said angrily, "You; ; ; You little man? Why is it here? You go, you are not welcome here; ; ; ; ; ;”
Say that finish angry turned his head.
Cheng is not worried about hearing it seriously: "Glass water? Take a rude break? Haven’t you seen Brother Zhong Tianyi of Zhuxianmen? "
"I don’t want to know such a wicked person," Zhou Lishui said rudely.
Cheng was not worried, but it was inconvenient to show it. He quickly explained, "Eh! My nephew Tian Yishi, Li Shui may be tired today. I will definitely let him go and make amends another day. ; ; ; ; ;”
Zhong Tianyi knew what he had done, and Zhou Lishui knew it. He couldn’t help but kill himself, but it was inconvenient to be seen through at this time.
Hurriedly laughed and said, "I think Brother Zhou misunderstood me, so; ; ; I’ll excuse myself for a while, and one day I will personally come to explain it to Brother Zhou. ; ; ; ; ;”
Say that finish gently glanced at into coral, the opportunity to go out.
Zhou Lishui glared at Zhong Tianyi’s back and said to himself, "I’ll punish you sooner or later, brute."
Cheng Buyou glared at Zhou Lishui and said, "Lishui, you have something to say for the teacher."
Twist a head and walked to his room.
Zhou Lishui hurried to follow without worry.
In Cheng Buyou’s room, Zhou Lishui looked at Cheng Buyou’s livid face and said respectfully, "Master; ; ; ; ; ;”
Cheng Buyou thundered, "What else do you have to explain? Look what you’ve become. Have no respect for elders; ; ; ; ; ; Do you know who he is? He is a big disciple of Zhuxianmen, that is, Zhong Tianyi, the son of the current Wulin leader Zhong Wuyi. "
Cheng Yuru hurried forward to plead: "Brother, Li Shui has been naughty since he was a child, but he has never done anything that insults his legacy. Maybe Li Shui has his difficulties?"
Cheng Buyou glanced at Cheng Yuru and said, "You are used to it; ; ; ; ; ;” Say that finish stared at zhou glass water.
Zhou Lishui knelt down quickly, and then told Cheng Bu what Lu Ming had done.
Finally, he said, "Master, that Lu Ming was originally a disciple of Zhu Xianmen. I have met that Lu Ming with Zhong Tianyi many times. I dare to assert that what Lu Ming did was instructed by Zhong Tianyi. Please ask Master to observe it clearly."
Cheng Bu sighed with concern, got up and walked around the room for a moment and said, "Maybe they are in collusion, but you are a disciple of Ziwei Gate; ; ; ; ; ;”
Cheng Buyou suddenly thought of the whereabouts of the tiger’s roaring sword and Kirin satin, and his face changed quickly. He said softly, "But that’s all an internal matter of Zhuxianmen. Now it’s not easy for Ziwei Gate to stand in the Jianghu. Are we the opponents of Zhuxianmen on our own, Li Shui? Let’s put this matter aside for the time being, and wait until we take Mohongyan out of the dead stream."
Zhou Lishui looked at it with disbelief: "That; ; ; Did those old beggars die in vain? "
Cheng Buyou comforted: "Skynet is long and slow, but it is not leaking. It’s my duty to slay demons and get rid of them. Don’t worry, Li Shui, I will personally inform Zhong Wuyi, the leader of the alliance, and there will be an arbitration."
Zhou glass water that firm nodded his head.
Cheng Coral was talking with Li Rucai and Liu Xuanyu, when Zhou Lishui came in laughing and naughty, and went up to Cheng Coral and said, "Guess; ; ; Guess what I bought you? "
Li Rucai smiled and shook his head, and Liu Xuanyu laughed and said to himself, "What’s good?"
Cheng Coral looked at Zhou Lishui coldly and said, "What good things do you have? Look at the way you just looked, like seeing your enemy. Didn’t they just say a few more words to me? Do you need to make such a fuss? Fast; ; ; Take it out and let me have a look? "
Zhou glass water made a face, so therefore took out the string of Sugar-Coated Berry from the bosom, "ha; ; ; ; ; ; Haha; ; ; ; ; ; Look "
Hurriedly handed it to the hands of Cheng Coral.
Zhou Lishui saw that coral was getting better and said seriously, "Sister, that Zhong Tianyi is not a good thing. You’d better stay away from him."
Cheng Coral took Sugar-Coated Berry in his hand with a grin, and then handed it to Liu Xuanyu without cutting it. "Didn’t you say you love it?" I gave it to you; ; ; ; ; ; It is not a gentleman to speak ill of others behind their backs; ; ; ; ; ;”
At this time, Liu Xuanyu interjected forward: "Yes, school sister, that Zhong Tianyi is not a good thing. At first glance, he is a small white face and full of bad water."
Cheng Coral got up and pulled up the arms of Liu Xuanyu and others, and said angrily, "Well, I’m tired and have a rest; ; ; ; ; ;”
Say that finish reluctantly will zhou glass water three people out of the door.
Zhou Lishui looked at Cheng Coral’s indifference to himself, and a burst of bitterness hit her heart. At this time, she turned her head and glanced at the jars piled up in the distance and went straight over.
Shen Yunfei, the drunkard, had been waiting for a long time, raised the jar and handed it to Zhou Li Waterway: "Brother, I invite you; ; ; ; ; ;”
Zhou Lishui took the jar and drank it; ; ; ; ; ; The sound of shouting and drinking six came from the inn, which was very lively; ; ; ; ; ; The night has fallen asleep, and the snow outside the window is still falling, as if there is no nostalgia for such a beautiful scenery, and it disappears into the night in an instant.
The whole inn was quiet, and Shen Yunfei was drunk and leaned on the bench in the corner alone. Xiao Er repeatedly drove forward, but still failed to wake Shen Yunfei who was sleeping soundly. Helpless Xiao Er shook his head and returned to the counter to set up his bed and fell asleep. ; ; ; ; ; A black shadow passed through the roof covered with snow and came straight to the inn. When I looked close, I didn’t see the footprints left by the man on the snow. The black shadow was like a monkey climbing down the roof and sneaking into the inn along the gap in the window of the inn. All this went unnoticed.
Shen Yunfei in the corner raised his eyes slightly, with a smile on his face and secretly said, "You old thing, I haven’t seen your flying skills for a few days."
And then continue to sleep quietly.
Stay close to the black shadow, and I can vaguely see his face through the snow light in the darkness. He is Dong Qin, the evil god of Wanling Shinto.
Dong Qin stretched out his hand and covered his face with a veil, and in a flash he came to the house where he was not worried.
Then I turned my head to look at Shen Yunfei in the corner for a moment, and then I buckled a gap in front of the window that I was not worried about.
Through the gap in the dark room, Cheng Buyou and Cheng Yuru have fallen asleep.
Dong Qin slowly pushed open the window of Cheng Bu Yu, and was about to enter the room when suddenly there was a big shout of Cheng Bu Yu: "Who? ; ; ; ; ;”
Suddenly, Cheng Buyou jumped up with a sword in his hand and stabbed the shadow in front of the window.
[This book started from, the first time to see the original content! ]
Chapter 241 The effect of chasing the lost chapter

If possible, Chang Sheng feels that even the goalkeeper Handanovic doesn’t need to play.

From the beginning of the game, it was a one-sided situation. Lazio bombarded Mazembe’s goal, hoping to score early.
As long as Lazio can score first, there is no suspense in this game, no matter how many goals have been scored in recent years, as long as Lazio leads.
Therefore, the tactics and goals of Lazio after the start of the game are all aimed at scoring goals.
Optimistic Lazio fans think that within ten minutes of the opening ceremony, this little-known Mazembe will surrender and open their gates to welcome Lazio.
Lazio fans who claim to be rational are not so optimistic. They think Lazio can finish one or two goals in the first half.
Even the players themselves think so. It may be difficult to score in ten minutes, but it should be no problem to take the lead in the first half.
So they played as relaxed as in previous games.
Even some … do whatever you want.
They think they can score a goal in the first 30 minutes.
But after thirty minutes, the score was still 0: 0.
Lazio scored six goals in these 30 minutes, with an average of one goal in five minutes.
This performance can’t be said to be bad.
But the score hasn’t changed.
Lazio players found that the situation was not as simple as they appeared.
The optimistic Lazio fans in the stands and in front of the TV set were also silent.
The commentator has stopped saying such kind words as "how excellent Lazio is", "Lazio has completely mastered the initiative" and "Lazio’s goal is in sight".
They began to change their minds and said, "Mazembe’s performance is very tenacious!" "Mazembe’s defensive tactics are quite successful!" "Mazembe’s players are full of morale and energy …"
Under the field of winning also frowned.
He guessed the tactics correctly and got to know the team well.
But what he didn’t expect was that the team’s determination to win the championship was far more determined than he thought.
Chapter three hundred and twenty-seven This bad luck!
Lazio got a little impatient in the last ten minutes of the first half.
They want to get out of that relaxed slow rhythm and speed up, but this rhythm can’t be changed if you want.
They tried to speed up, but they lost control of the speed.
The result is impatience, going too far.
Basically, there is no cooperation. It is very simple to cooperate, mainly to go it alone.
Naturally, there is no quality in such a game.
Until the end of the first half, Lazio launched another attack.
I’m still going it alone this time, mainly relying on the personal strength of the stars.
But unlike before, it seems to be very promising this time?
Gotze broke into the restricted area from the ribs, and then suddenly shot a cold shot!
This kick is quite powerful, which fully reflects the level of the player Gotze!
The football was so ill and tricky that Mazembe’s goalkeeper couldn’t save it at all. Although he made a save, the football had already passed before his hand arrived!
Many Lazio fans are ready to cheer at this moment!
It seems that nine times out of ten, this kick will be scored!
But in the blink of an eye, the football hit the beam!
The fans in Mazembe are all relieved.
But at that moment, just before their breath was completely released, the football bounced back, but it didn’t go too far, but fell to the door!
At this time, the goalkeeper was still lying on the ground and didn’t get up. Mazembe’s goal was empty!
No one is guarding!
As long as someone can mend a foot or a head … Lazio can take the lead before the end of the first half!
Klose, the center who started the game, jumped high!
As an air fighter, this kind of header is almost certain for him.
As long as he hits the ball, it will fly into the goal.

Yi Yu chuckled slightly until now that he realized what absolute power was. Although arrogant in the past, there were many factors, but Yi Yu knew that from this moment on. He only has arrogant capital by his own cultivation. The left hand is slowly raised, and with the change of mind, the colorful divine light representing the five elements appears one after another. No one can see that this is actually a weapon that can kill people!

Yi Yu stood up slowly and suddenly’ Blissful Pure Land’, but a gust of wind rolled up all his skirts and buns in the five-color divine light. It’s dark. As the arms rise high, the whole’ Pure Land of Blissfulness’ slowly trembles again. The newly-added barren land grows plants and gathers rivers with the naked eye. The transformation of the rising mountains turned into a vibrant fertile soil in a blink of an eye!
After all, Yi Yu slowly landed again and returned to her usual appearance. But this time it seems really different. If Yi Yu used to be a sharp double-edged sword, now he is still a sword, perhaps even sharper, but with a scabbard on the outside.
Daughters saw it and they all breathed a sigh of relief. They gathered around and kept asking’ twittering’. Yi Yu is very proud. Tell the story in detail. Ying Qing’s eyes lit up when he heard the elixir on the first day. "Hurry up!" Show me that elixir! "
Yi Yu didn’t give up at all, so she handed it directly to Win Qing Chu. When she saw it, she was pleasantly surprised and even said three’ Good!’
Yi Yu asked, "What is the origin of this elixir in the early Qing Dynasty?"
Ying Qingchu said with a smile, "You ignorant little fool, it’s really a shame that you ate this elixir! It’s a pity that Xu Fu personally sacrificed and refined the elixir for his brother … "Speaking of this, I couldn’t help but feel sad. After a little silence, I said," This time, with this elixir, Yang Zi’s eyes can be cured without fail. " Said don’t even look at Yi Yu directly pulling Princess Yangzi to fly in the direction of the palace.
Yi Yu suddenly shouted, "Don’t you need me?"
Ying Qingchu said with a smile, "It turned out that you can’t use it. Now that you have then, why do you need that bad thing?" Just wait for this beautiful woman with bright eyes! "
At this time, Qinger, who had been silent for a long time, did not know where to take out a new dress with white satin on the moon and handed it to Yi Yudao: "Master, let’s change clothes first!"
After this mention, Yi Yu just appeared on the gown, and now it has become strips of rags.
Yi Yu smiled and said, "It’s better to celebrate your son and know how to bring me a dress. You bad girls don’t say anything to remind me!"
As soon as the voice fell, Yin Su-tang laughed, "Hum! Why should we remind you of this big bad guy! Sister Qing Chu said just now! You’re lucky this time. You’ve become extremely powerful. Let’s sisters do it again.
You must unite … Ah! Brother-in-law, let me go! Sister! Help, sister! Jade elder sister … "
Yi Yu also ignored Su Tang’s struggle in perineum and shouted just visible, so she was pressed on her leg, and a slap was not allowed to fall, hitting her tight and strong buttocks. Laughed: "You smelly girl let you always know that you are against me and you have to unite. They are all my wives. Can you unite with you to bully me?" Little silly girl! Just accept your fate! "
At this moment, Yi Yu suddenly let go of Yin Sutang’s gloomy voice with a change of face. "It’s really a courageous person who wants to invade our’ Pure Land of Blissfulness’. Is it because he knows that I am cultivating for Dajin today and will try my sword?"
Daughters slightly one leng immediately also felt the move is really someone is trying to break the space fault trying to enter the’ pure land of bliss’ and it seems that people’s cultivation is not low, if left unchecked, they will succeed for a while.
Yi Yu sneered: "Let me go out alone this time. You can’t steal the limelight with me!"
The daughters scoffed and went back to the temple to appease their followers in a very tacit understanding! ——
In the hinterland of Yanshan Mountain in the north of Jingshi, this barren mountain is inaccessible on weekdays, but today, more than 100 monks have gathered around a dark and desolate place in Fiona Fang. Look at that, it seems that all the sects have a little bit more famous Xiuzhen sects in the world in an instant, all of which have appeared near the capital. In the past, whether it was right or wrong, it was as far away from the secular imperial power as possible. Otherwise, why did the matter of repairing truth flourish in Bayu-Yunnan-Guizhou? It’s not that the aura of the Central Plains is inferior to that of the Central Plains, but that this is the land of Longxing. People who fix the truth usually deliberately avoid it.
But today, the situation has suddenly changed, such as the Emei Sect, wu-tang clan, and other Buddhist temples, as well as the various parties of the magic religion, all of whom have appeared in Yanshan Mountain, not far from the north of the capital. Of course, they are all newly introduced by the changes here, but at least it shows that they are all thousands of miles away, otherwise they would not feel such changes.
Just now, the crazy reiki has stopped at this time, and all the people are relieved, but they are more curious about the center. After a few daring monks took the first step. They all flew towards the mountain peak in the center.
Although there are all factions here, there are few real masters, otherwise they will not rely on it rashly. People who can instantly absorb those aura, whether they are evil or not, will never be easy to act rashly with their peers, but will only make themselves passive. The wiser and more timid monks gradually retreated when they saw that someone had actually started to attack the cracks in space.
Just then, suddenly, there was a thunderous voice: "How dare fanatics peep at my’ Pure Land of Blissfulness’! Don’t you want to die! " With the voice of a white robe, Yi Yu slowly appeared in the sky. High above has its own infinite majesty, scanning the monks and having a commanding sense of superiority.
A middle-aged monk with a gray costume raised his hand to give directions. Drink a way: "Who are you to dare to do this evil method near the capital! Unless you want to be an enemy of the world! "
Yi Yu sneered: "I can’t believe that today there are people who don’t know me, Yi Yu of Qingcheng School!"
Everyone was shocked when they heard the famous number of Yi Yu Bao. Even the Taoist in gray just now is no exception. However, although he has heard of Yi Yu’s fierce name, he has never seen it with his own eyes. If he put it on weekdays, he will not provoke it. But just now, his madness has come out. Wouldn’t it be even more humiliating if we turned our backs on each other? "If you are Yi Yu, what can you do?" said Qiang Zi. I have a ancestral system in the field of repairing the truth. I can’t act rashly near the secular imperial power. If I violate it, it is a great sin. I can attack it if I fix the truth in the world! "
In fact, the man played a word game here. Although there was such a ancestral system, it was not’ around the imperial power’ but’ within the imperial city’. However, the man thought that Yi Yu was powerful. But after all, a young man may not know such rules, and he may not meet again in the future as long as he muddles through this time. But he still doesn’t understand that Yi Yuben is a lawless landlord, not to mention that he has lived in the palace for several months, and all the rules are in his heart. Even if he really doesn’t know the rules, he will never pay attention to them.
Yi Yu sneered at a track: "Oh? Being original is the first time I have heard that there are such rules in the world! However, I have to ask this Taoist friend if there is one thing I don’t know. "
As soon as the man saw Yi Yu’s pleasant countenance, he took it back and climbed up the pole to sink a track: "I don’t know where Yi Yu’s Taoist friend is."
Yi Yu said, "Just now, Taoist friends said they couldn’t act rashly, but they didn’t know how to act rashly. And what did you say just now? It’s an enemy to fix the truth in the world. Can you represent the fellow people in the world with one mouth? What a great style! I don’t know more than me! "
The monk was Yi Yu reprimand angrily to face.
White heart has been angry, but at last he hasn’t lost his mind. "Hum! Arguing irrationally! Didn’t you make a vision here just now? "
Yi Yu smiled and said, "What a joke! Is it necessary to ask others if they agree or disagree when practicing being original in the Yanshan Mountains? Besides, even if I move around the capital, what can you do to me? A nameless rat dares to say in front of me that you are ignorant today and go home without asking questions to save your life. "
When all the monks asked and listened to this, they all showed different colors. This easy jade is also rampant. Although it is pointed out that it is the person who said it, it refers to all the people here.
And the Taoist priest in gray robe was frightened, but when he saw the faces of all the people around him, he couldn’t help but feel happy and said, "Hum! Okay, you Yi Yu! I let you run wild, and now you offend a hundred monks here. See how you end up! " He didn’t think Yi Yu had to do it before this man. But he didn’t know that Yi Yu was about to try his hand and want someone to operate after this capability! How can you be afraid of things if you have nothing to do but look for trouble? It’s really impossible to call out all the wives, and this hundred people is not enough for their family to fill their teeth!
"hey!" The grey-robed monk snapped, "Yi Yu! Don’t be too arrogant. This is the ancestral system of the fix-true world. No one dares to violate it for thousands of years. Are you going to risk the world? "
Yi Yu’s eyes flashed yoshimitsu, and now he just wants to try to see how far he has cultivated today and what kung fu is talking nonsense with others. Raise my hand and make a sound with a bang. A fine red line flew out so fast that even the monks present didn’t see what was going on, so they saw the gray monk fall down with a scream.
Yi Yu didn’t do it too well. He just penetrated his thigh and left a little dark energy by the way. So that he can’t mobilize his powers. At most, it’s a fall, handsome guy. Broken bones are not life-threatening.
But at this moment, a fat monk suddenly flew out of the crowd. Fly over to catch the Taoist priest in gray robe and exclaim with a track: "Ah! Daoyou! Daoyou! Yi Yu, you are so vicious! It turns out that just a verbal dispute will hurt people’s lives! "
Yi Yu slightly one leng and then a closer look at the Taoist priest is not already dead! I was surprised in my heart. "Is it because I didn’t control my strength when I made great progress?" the tunnel replied. No! The man just now never died after my thunder … "
Yi Yu’s eyes are already fascinated, and she shoots two dangerous and angry lights: "Bald donkey sign up!" "
The monk shouted, "Ami Tuo Buddha! The poor monk South Shaolin Temple presided over Huineng! "
Yi Yu said coldly, "Huineng monk? Ok! You are very good! I’m the only one in the world who framed others, but no one has framed me yet! You killed that man today. How can it be pushed to my head? "
Monk Huineng said, "Hum! Yi Yu! You don’t have to sophistry. Now it’s good to kill people without morality, and it’s even more damaging to the ancestral system set by the predecessors who fix the truth. When we fix the truth, we will do justice for heaven! "
It seems that as soon as the voice of the monk Huineng was arranged in advance, several people shouted and shouted in the crowd: "Yi Yu’s bloody hand kills people and destroys the ancestral system. Let’s join hands to kill the public enemy in the realm of repairing the truth!"
However, their fanning the flames did not seem to achieve the expected results. After all, others are not all fools, especially disciples like the Emei Sect and the Magic Sect have long known that Yi Yu has an unusual relationship with the people above them. I’m the son-in-law of the Sect of Emei, and the son-in-law of the Sect of Demons is having an affair with the princesses of two demons. Who dares to provoke such a character easily? And these two families are quiet, no matter how fierce you are, what can you do?
Yi Yu’s eyes swept away, but all those who secretly shouted fell into his eyes.
"hey!" Yi Yu laughed instead of being angry. "Master Huineng, right? Not bad! Really good! Presumably, you didn’t know that I would be here before I showed up just now, but it’s not easy to come up with such a plan of killing and framing people and stirring up public excitement in such a short time! You are really a talented person. If you don’t become a monk, you will be an official in the DPRK! "
Although what Yi Yu said is somewhat mysterious, he is demon fairy Yi Yu, who is much more famous than Huineng of South Shaolin Temple. Naturally, a large number of people will believe what he said.
Yi Yu looked up and down at the fat monk in red cassock not far in front of him and smiled faintly: "We Qingcheng School and being original don’t seem to have offended your South Shaolin!"

Keep practicing. Only those who work hard can become geniuses!

Sun Yao has always written to abide by this regulation.
He forgot to train. He still needs scientific training. He can’t bear too much!
A rapid disguised training Sun Yao finally found himself a terrible pain in the thigh!
Sun Yao stopped and didn’t lie on the ground blindly, but gently moved his legs.
Gradually, the pain is also increasing.
Sun Yaonai lay on the ground to relieve this kind of anxiety.
It seems that it is hurt!
Sun Yao pounded the grass angrily! 、
On the one hand, I hate my body and live up to expectations, on the other hand, I feel sorry for myself.
"Bastard! The horse is about to gain experience! Horses are going to learn skills! It hurts now! I don’t know if I can have a chance to play in the league after ten days of injury like this! Not only that, it’s more than ten days of training! A lot of experience will disappear! " Sun Yao angrily said.
At this time, juan carlos Garrido also passed by the training ground because of work!
Found a player lying on the court
"That guy is sun! Murphy! Not good! " Juan carlos Garrido suddenly felt nervous!
Immediately lost things to Sun Yao act quickly.
"What about Sun? What’s wrong? " Juan carlos Garrido asked eagerly.
"Retreat your right leg!" Sun Yao simply replied.
Juan carlos Garrido instantly took out his mobile phone and called the club doctor.
"I’m afraid you have to rest for two weeks because of a muscle strain in your right leg!" The team doctor gave Sun Yao a simple treatment and said.
"Two weeks? That’s terrible! " Sun Yaonai shook his head. He came to complete the "snake step" study by gaining experience in that game in two weeks and ten days!
"Two weeks? It doesn’t seem particularly bad! " Juan carlos Garrido heaved a sigh of relief
"Not bad? It’ s terrible! " Sun Yao resentment way
"Young people’s professional football body is accompanied by injuries. This planet never hurts football players. You can’t find them! Sometimes you have to try to accept these things when they appear! " Juan carlos Garrido comfort way
"How much training will I miss in two weeks and two weeks!" Sun Yao regrets.
"Do you think it should be your training now! It should be a good recovery! Recover well! " Juan carlos Garrido solemnly said, "and you should have consciousness! Stop training your life! That will make you more and more injured! Players don’t have to train hard to make progress! If you are too tired to train, you will be more vulnerable! "
"I know!" Sun Yao suddenly became silent. Football training must find a balance between hard work and science.
Try to avoid injury and complete the training with more Se quality!
Sun Yao immediately thought, "Go home and ask the little god to see what he can do to make me recover as soon as possible!"
"Thank you for your help. It’s just an injury. I will try my best to recover and try not to delay a league match!" Sun Yao composed way
"Don’t care about what the league is not. Now your recovery is the key!" Juan carlos Garrido calm way
Injury is a natural enemy of an athlete.
But when Donnie brought Sun Yao home, Sun Yao found that this was not necessarily the case!
When the little god Ska was alone with Sun Yao, he looked at Sun Yao with a smile on his face.
"What’s the matter? You are still laughing when I have hands! " Sun Yao disgruntled glanced at the little god, card way.
"Is it not a secondary injury? How can an athlete not get hurt? And don’t you do āo every night? That will make you recover faster! " Little god, ska laughed
"Oh, and then? When can I come back? " Sun Yao asked.
"The doctor said you want a game less than two weeks? Doing more āo will shorten you to about ten days! " Small god, wanted to think and then says
"Ten days? It seems that a round of games can still come back! " Sun Yao wanted to think.
"Fortunately, the injury is not heavy!" Small god, also sighed.
"I was so nervous when I found myself pulling a strain!" Sun Yao also sighed, "It’s a pity to have ten days’ experience!"
"Don’t be nervous. Doesn’t the training system also include the insurance system?" Small god, wake up way
"Insurance system? What is that? Why didn’t I know? " Sun Yao amazing way
"Well, I forgot to tell you! The insurance system means that if you are injured and delayed by the injury, you will be automatically compensated for some experience gained through training! Is it very strong? " Little god, ska laughed
"wow ~! Still so unique? Root is an insurance company! And you can get paid directly without insurance! " Sun Yao excited way
"That is, of course, to oh insurance! Because this is your first injury, the association will take the initiative to pay for your experience! But if you have to be insured for the second time, you can get paid? " Small god, thought.
"What? You still have to let me pay insurance with my experience? Poor me, I have less experience! " Sun Yao pain way
"Insurance is very important, and insurance only needs you little experience to get a lot of compensation. Rest assured that my R&D system is absolutely awesome! Of course, the system is perfect and will not let you deliberately get hurt to cheat insurance! " Small god, wake up way
"fraudulent insurance? Deliberately injured to cheat insurance? " Sun Yao sneered, "Only a fool would do that!"
"Well, that’s true!" Little god, ska laughed
Sun Yao then entered the training, unification and insurance system.
"Injury caused by muscle strain affects training! Wave may get 15 experience points every day, and now pay 1 experience point/day! After returning when paying! " Sun Yao is also satisfied with the insurance payment situation.
The average total loss points paid are two-thirds!
It’s already very high!

In the dark, I felt her shallow breathing and sprayed it evenly. His heart relaxed a lot. A pair of rough hands touched her pink cheeks and fingers touched her eyebrows bit by bit, and slowly closed his eyes.

Just like that!
It’s not that important whether his children are children. It’s very clever to be his daughter. He’s also very rare. He’s all autistic children. It’s also fate. Worse, he can’t have children if he wants to be tied by blood with Baoqi. This result is better than if they gave birth to a child who might be really disabled.
Gollum …
Gollum … Wow …
Belly unwillingly called out two unbearable hunger and dragged Bao Qi back to reality from a strange dream.
My brain is a little mushy and I’m starving, but she’s too lazy to open her eyes and take a sniff. The smell of delicious food comes into my nose and crawls into my nose to seduce her taste buds.
And this kind of food tastes so familiar that she feels that her dream must not wake up.
How can it be that my uncle is cooking? !
Where is she sleeping now? ! A moment ago, she was dreaming a beautiful dream. In her dream, there was a big green grassland, and she was riding wildly on the grassland! Blue sky, white clouds, a vast expanse of prairie, and a handsome horse riding around by her!
How beautiful!
Gollum …
I don’t listen to my stomach and it’s ringing again. I can’t. I’m so hungry! This time she really woke up and reluctantly opened her eyes.
It’s amazing how I feel when I look at my heart …
Neck pain, calf pain, thigh pain, waist pole pain, mouth pain, arm pain, the whole body is like being run over by a big truck, and you can’t find a painless place, especially the face is like being on fire.
Woo …
Ai Ai sighed, and she buried her face in the pillow and bit her teeth bitterly. Of course, by now, she naturally remembered everything. It turned out that she was not riding a horse in the grassland, but she became a horse, and she was riding wildly for a day by that man with abnormal thinking, too strong size and too abnormal physical fitness.
Ow! Damn it!
She is tired, hungry, dizzy, sour and painful at the moment, as if she had experienced a great torture and finally survived!
Sad life needs no explanation.
Looking up, her small eyes with bitterness moved from the skylight outside the window to the wall of the hotel room. wait for a while thought for a long time and finally heaved a sigh of relief.
Ya, if he rides it, ride it. Anyway, she didn’t calculate how much she suffered.
Men and women love each other? Just have fun by yourself.
Leng Xiao’s psychological warfare succeeded, and he guessed that there was nothing wrong with it. After a burst of crying yesterday, he was optimistic and ashamed of evil. Don’t be shameless. The outstanding young woman Baoqi girl was resurrected with blood.
Now that the sun is shining and the sky is bright, she has to live as she should, doesn’t she?
Now she feels she must do one thing! She is so hungry!
Hungry, hungry, hungry, her chest is sticking to her back. She must eat!
Now, horse!
In the past few days, when my aunt passed away, she occasionally tried to pull out a bite of rice and chew it for a few times, and then put away the dishes and chopsticks. She never had anything to eat in her five zang-organs temple.
It’s strange that she didn’t feel hungry at the cemetery yesterday. ! Is it true that that smelly man was so cruel that he burned up the fat and heat in his body? !
Okay, she got rid of it!
Finally, I’m getting over it and I want to see it!
In fact, it is a natural law that everyone has to go through such a short time. When her aunt left, she was peaceful. After she went to heaven, she was no longer suffering from cancer, which was much more comfortable than living. Besides, they had really said goodbye to each other and she was blessed by her aunt. There is no regret.
Sooner or later, this kind of thing will face silence, and in sadness and pain, my aunt must not want to see it in heaven.
That’s it!
Moved her hands and fingers, endured the pain of soreness and swelling, propped up her forehead, and explored the environment again. She was bright and clean, and beside the bed, the water was swinging in the bathroom, and the food on the small table not far away was delicious!
The man beside the pillow has her clothes, pants and skirts. Everything is brand-new and neatly placed, just as cold owl is so standardized.
Lift the lift mouth skin, she’s welcome to reach for it to wear.
In my heart, I explained that her clothes were badly torn by him, just as he compensated.
Not too big, not too small, just the right size
After a haircut, her eyes froze and her heart moved, and then she smiled indifferently and got out of bed, only to find that her toes almost fell down when she touched the ground. Her legs were as heavy as lead, and she couldn’t concentrate. My little sister hissed even more.
Section 236
Ya how hard it is to be tossed!
Wandering to the table, she sat down with chopsticks and was ready to eat alone.
Two bites relieved her hunger, and her conscience found that she stopped again.
Zaba Zaba wiped her mouth and got up and walked to and from the bathroom.
At least ask him to have dinner together!
Bathroom door’s son was not strict. She gently stretched out her hand and pushed the water mist. It was misty and misty in a small room. The fog almost lost her eyes. There was a shower gel in the air to smell the fragrance. It was confusing.
Although she saw this beautiful scenery five years ago and was psychologically prepared, she was still shocked, and almost had a blood reflux and a nosebleed.
See hua, in the running water …
The crystal clear water trickled down from the man’s short black inch, flowing through his forehead, eyebrows, eyes and nose bit by bit, passing through a hard and lean chest muscle, sliding all the way to the lower abdomen and slowly sinking into that strange place … And the scar with different shades of lean texture not only didn’t reduce his score, but added a few more minutes to the man’s toughness.
How handsome! What a perfect man!
Well, as soon as she woke up, her energy returned to her place and she admired the lean and strong male body in front of her.
Suddenly her eyes froze again.
The disharmony in perfection was discovered by her. Men have too many nail prints and tooth prints-
Gee! How cruel! These things seem to wake her up yesterday’s crime and remind her of her long hair, which exudes a glorious image of crying, shouting and moaning like a street-swearing bitch.
Amitabha! That’s not her!


There’s another watch at night
Chapter 1 The Tiger Monkey King is called’ liu er’
"Except for some fixed injury skills, all skill injuries are affected by the mental strength of both sides, and the battle environment, psychological weapons and equipment of both sides, etc. can all affect the skill effect. The specific impact ratio fluctuates and the data is accurately converted. Read the latest chapter >
The skills of the five elements will increase or decrease according to the principle of good luck, the five elements interacting with each other and the spiritual strength values of both sides. If the spiritual strength difference between the two sides is too large or the attributes of the five elements are chaotic, the actual increase and decrease effects will change to some extent. The accurate ratio of this change has approximate data.
Attacking key parts or special areas, the enemy’s physical strength is reduced to a certain extent, or the opponent has a special effect. There is a certain chance to produce a fatal blow effect. The probability of this effect varies according to the strength of both sides, the battlefield environment, mentality and good luck. "
In addition to learning the inflammation spell, Li Feiyang also received such a string that he suddenly understood that the damage effect of his skills will change according to many factors, such as the data that the inflammation spell damage is 1, but it will actually change due to many factors.
Once the five elements are involved, it will increase or weaken the effect according to the principle that the five elements generate each other, so that the final injury data will increase a lot of variables. It can be expected that the more the five elements are involved, the greater this variable will be. For example, if the other party is an intensive judge of the five elements, there will be changes in Li Feiyang’s five elements skills, and the more chaotic and complicated the five elements are, the more incredible this change result will be.
In addition, if the attack is aimed at key parts or some special areas, there may be a fatal blow effect, or the physical value may fall to a certain extent, or the other party may be injured, poisoned and other States, but this magical effect is even less accurate. Calculation method and basis.
However, there is one attribute that can affect various effects, and that is good luck.
Li Feiyang had never considered adding the attribute of "good luck" before, because he felt that this item seemed to be nothing, and the good luck didn’t increase when upgrading. Even if Li Feiyang added it to this side, he felt that some waves were lower than the other four items even if he added the same amount of good luck, but now Li Feiyang should seriously consider it. If good luck has any effect on various States, then it should be good to add it appropriately.
One night, instead of being tired, Li Feiyang was in high spirits and refreshed. After getting up and simply washing, Li Feiyang had to do morning runs every day.
Li Feiyang, who is running, seems to have some different degrees today, which is higher than yesterday, not to mention that he is also full of physical strength. What is even more amazing is that every time he feels tired, he will produce a warm current in his own practice of fire-fighting meridians and then instantly rush to his body to soothe his fatigue.
It’s just an hour after three laps. It’s the first time since Li Feiyang ran that Mochizuki Ayumu, a drunken fairy, has finished three laps in one hour.
If there are five elements of elders who follow Cheng, they will be surprised that Li Feiyang’s degree and physical strength are few among the younger brothers of the five elements, and now Li Feiyang is one of them.
In fact, according to the training level of normal people, Li Feiyang can never achieve such an effect in such a short time. It is precisely because of the help of cultivating immortality that Li Feiyang can get a physical fitness or posture upgrade every time, which in turn affects and improves Li Feiyang’s physique. Li Feiyang’s physical fitness will rise so fast in this cycle.
After running, Li Feiyang once again came to practice the cliff yesterday to continue practicing the fire.
Last night, Li Feiyang practiced all night and got through three channels in the meridians. He didn’t know that it was unprecedented in the Five Elements Sect. If the elders of the Five Elements Sect knew it, they would be amazed that Li Feiyang was a wizard of uniting!
The reason why he entered the country so quickly is that Li Feiyang did not rely on the help of Dan medicine or the help of Master like other brothers, but abruptly completed the process by his own perseverance, which made his meditation foundation very solid. The second reason is that Li Feiyang has gained a lot of spiritual strength because of cultivating immortality. Although he has never practiced real dharma, this spiritual strength has already laid a solid foundation for Qi, which played an important role in the attack.
There are thirteen ways to practice meridians by fire determination. According to the fire determination, the thirteen ways are described, and the first realm of practice is achieved, that is, the so-called foundation period.
According to the five elements of dzogchen’s cultivation method, Li Feiyang must cultivate five kinds of achievement methods at the same time if he wants to cultivate all five elements, and the limitation of these five kinds of achievement methods is that once the three paths pass through three paths, practicing other methods will affect the entry and get hurt.
Li Feiyang naturally doesn’t know that he has gone astray in the practice road.
Sitting cross-legged, Li Feiyang once again entered a state of meditation and practiced fire.
Pure yang qi runs in three lanes and then continues to the fourth lane. After several conflicts, the fourth lane is rushed smoothly, and then the fifth, sixth and seventh lanes. Only when the qi gradually weakens, Li Feiyang takes a deep breath and slowly closes his eyes.
"Ah ~ ~! ! !” Li Feiyang’s eyes were wide open and suddenly he was shocked. A face full of golden retrievers almost stuck to his face, red face and big eyes like black grapes. It looked very strange and frightening.
Li Feiyang’s roar loud immediately startled the "thing" in front of his face, and heard a scream of "cheep". A pair of sharp claws shua shua scratched Li Feiyang’s face for two times and then the "thing" jumped in three steps and two steps.
Li Feiyang choked back the pain in his face and looked at the golden monkey lying in front of him. His appearance was somewhat similar to that of a tiger monkey. He was much thinner than that of a tiger monkey, but he was a queer look. What surprised Li Feiyang most was that his ears were crystal clear and he had three small earlobes in each ear …
Chapter 19 liu er Friendship
Li Feiyang looked at the little monkey, and the little monkey was also curious to look at Li Feiyang’s dark and liquid eyes. Blinking is very cute. The little monkey is not tall. Li Feiyang’s knees look like a golden hairball. Read the latest chapter >
Li Feiyang rubbed his face and then carefully approached the little monkey for two steps. As a result, the little monkey squeaked nervously and regressed for two steps. Li Feiyang went forward again, and the little monkey retreated again. Unconsciously, one person and one monkey had retreated to the edge of the cliff.
Seeing the little monkey is behind the cliff, Li Feiyang unconsciously stretched out his hand and shouted, "Don’t retreat behind …"
Li Feiyang stretched out his hand and startled the little monkey. He took a step back again and his feet fell backwards.
Li Feiyang suddenly moved the drunken fairy Mochizuki Ayumu, and the whole person drew a string of virtual shadows and went forward. After several months of exercise, Li Feiyang’s degree was already much higher. At this time, the drunken fairy Mochizuki Ayumu’s four-fold bonus was added to the body, and the degree was even faster. If the distance of seven or seven meters was almost one step, he crossed the past and blinked to the little monkey near and reached for the little monkey.
As a result, Li Fei just reached out and froze.
At this time, the little monkey hung to the ground. As a result, I didn’t expect that a slender long tail was thrown high behind its half-body, and then it was severely smoked on the cliff. Peng, a crunchy hard cliff was smashed by the little monkey’s tail force, and several huge stones were scattered and splashed. Then the rebound force suddenly rose by several meters directly above Li Feiyang’s head.
Even if it is high, it will be high. However, the little monkey’s smoke makes his body deviate from the direction and fall to the outside of the cliff.
Li Feiyang reached out and grabbed it, but missed it by a few inches. Seeing the little monkey slowly rising and then rapidly falling, the frightened look was already revealed in his big eyes. Li Feiyang was well-intentioned and the whole person struggled to leap forward and hugged the little monkey.
One person, one monkey, just fell down.
The little monkey was clever enough to hold it in Li Feiyang’s arms, and it was on Li Feiyang’s shoulder that he quickly turned to Li Feiyang’s back and grabbed Li Feiyang’s head with his paws, then closed his eyes tightly.
Li Feiyang heard the wind ringing in his ears, and the scene in front of him flew and changed, flashing with a trembling feeling. From the back of his spine, he rushed to the top of his head, and his muscles were tensed instantly. Li Feiyang quietly looked at the corner of his eye and saw the jagged smoke clouds in the square. I don’t know how deep and far it is. The whole person is like walking on clouds, and it is difficult for him to breathe without any effort.
At this time, Li Feiyang’s fear in the face of death threats has reached the limit, but Rao is so. Instead, his heart is well-connected and quiet. At this time, Mochizuki Ayumu’s skills are still going on. Although half-French efforts are made, Li Feiyang can still swing slightly and quickly to maintain his body balance. Otherwise, he would have rolled horizontally and vertically at this time.
Li Feiyang and the little monkey flew in my mind and turned several thoughts in an instant. The mind flashed to cultivate immortality and quietly flashed a thick-bladed broadsword in the hands of Li Feiyang.
Then Li Feiyang drank a lot of feet and kicked several bodies in the middle, and immediately rushed towards the cliff.
After three blood coagulation exhausted Li Feiyang’s eyes were wide open and the broadsword was aimed at the cliff and inserted in the past!
Bang ~ ~ ! When ~ ~! ! A dull explosion followed by a crisp sound of gold and iron. Li Feiyang’s body is like a flying table tennis ball. First, it was severely hit by a cliff, and then it was smashed by a thick-bladed broadsword in the hand of a crashing bomb. The violent impact made his chest as painful as pieces, and poof spouted one mouthful blood.
At 27 o’clock, the physical value fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant, then jumped again, then slowly fell, then continued to rise, and finally remained around 2 o’clock.
Fortunately, Li Feiyang had the foresight to exhaust three blood clots first, otherwise the impact would have killed him!
"The cumulative effect can be achieved by recovering a single person’s physical strength by 5 points after blood coagulation and recovering the physical strength by 1 point in the next 15 seconds."
This also startled Li Feiyang’s little monkey. It panicked and screamed sharply. Two golden claws pulled Li Feiyang’s head and made Li Feiyang’s scalp ache.
Is Li Feiyang at this time has been unable to attend to these a bump, although let him suffered heavy losses, but it delayed some of his own fall without hesitation, throwing out half the blade to cultivate immortality and flashing a long sword again in the hands of Li Feiyang.
Fortunately, Li Feiyang immediately rushed to the injury after the blood coagulation was exhausted, and the pain in his body was not so obvious. He summoned up his strength and struggled to pounce and inserted the sword toward the cliff.
When ~ ~! The sword broke faster than the broadsword, but this time Li Feiyang had the experience and didn’t let himself jump too close. His hands were torn by a huge piece of flesh and blood.
Li Feiyang once again, the physical value of the two blood coagulation exhausted again rose to around 24 o’clock.
Will broken arrow thrown Li Feiyang again took out a long knife and jumped at the cliff again …
Li Feiyang now hates that he didn’t steal more weapons and pills to cultivate immortality. There are nine more weapons. Li Feiyang broke the weapons one by one, even though he was constantly delaying his fall, but there was still a long way to go before he fell to the cliff. And this time and again, he was constantly injured and finally entered a state of continuous injury. His physical strength slowly fell. He could continue to eat the pills he stole, and the blood was scattered, and the grass was returned to Dan … In a short time, Li Feiyang had lost more than half of the pills in the cultivation ring, and there was less than half left.
And most of these Dan medicines are true qi medicines, and the physical medicine has a few left …
Take a deep breath. Li Feiyang has seen the cliff low. According to his estimation, there is still a distance of about 100 meters. There is still one last weapon in the cultivation of immortality ring. If we grasp the opportunity, we will have a chance.
The little monkey was very frightened. Later, when he saw Li Feiyang holding a weapon again and again to slow down the fall, he gradually calmed down. Instead of being afraid, he was excited and screamed. It seemed to be very fun, but he didn’t know that Li Feiyang was already the last fight. Life and death are still unknown!
Xiu Xian Jie flashed Li Feiyang and took out the last weapon. As a result, he suddenly roared with despair on his face!