This reward makes the huge unemployed population in Colombia seem to see the hope that those high-ranking officials will suddenly become their chips to change their own destiny, so many people really take risks to these officials and their families.

In the next month or so, Bogota, the capital, fell into a panic, and the official wife and daughter of the Medellin Group were taken away on the way home. Then two sets of clothes stained with men’s body fluids were sent to the official office, and there was a palm that was chopped alive. The judge knew at a glance that this was his wife’s name because of the ring, which was so familiar.
The official of the federal court jumped from his office and committed suicide on the spot, but his successors refused to take over their company. Then a few days later, he took part in the anti-drug operation. A general of the Colombian government army and his family were shot dead at home, and the scene was a mess. The murderer even wrote a blood out slogan on the wall coat with blood.
Successive assassinations cast a shadow over the success of Gargas’ anti-drug operation. Escobar retaliated far away from bigar. Gargas expected to be quick and violent. After these incidents, the Colombian minister submitted his resignation to Gargas, which was almost the same as that of the Supreme Court. No one was willing to take over the post of Colombian minister of government.
In the end, the Colombian government forces’ massive military action was not as good as the killer bomb, and the public security situation in Bogota was attacked by the opposition party. It wasn’t long before Gargas’s happy time was sad again.
Escobar personally fulfilled his promise, and he participated in these two operations. Some people even distributed the money and even published it in the local newspaper in Medellin. Although the photo of the newspaper was specially treated, it made many low-level workers who didn’t even know how to write mouth water, which further stimulated their determination to get rich and get ahead.
This time, Escobar lost faith in the guerrillas. Escobar turned his attention to the opposition party in Colombia, hoping to support the opposition party to drive Gargas out of the presidency. So after some contacts between people, Escobar reached an unfair agreement with some bosses in the opposition party, that is, Escobar would support the opposition party’s funds, and once the opposition party came to power, it would push for amending the bill to prohibit the extradition of Colombian prisoners like foreign countries. Then Escobar could reduce his guilt and legalize his property by repaying Colombia’s national debt.
After getting the promise from the opposition party, Escobar immediately got the political cash and got the promise. Escobar stopped worrying about the opposition party’s affairs. He focused on two things: one was that his own troops needed to be reorganized, and the other was that countless drug factories in Medellin should enhance their camouflage and defense capabilities.
Escobar has decided that he will move all his drug-making factories to the high seas, which will not violate Colombian law, but will also be more hidden and safer. Escobar has the financial resources to make her pay the price, so he encouraged Escobar’s drug-making factory to develop from land to sea in Selyosha.
Chapter two hundred and nine March into the shipping industry
A Update the latest chapter of the godfather of the Soviet Union as soon as possible!
Although the Colombian special forces found that the drug-making factory was one of the drug-making factories in the Medellin group, the number of drug-making factories was unknown, but it was already a major achievement for many years. After learning of this achievement, Gargas of big sleep stopped the drug-making operation, so 10,000 drug dealers were escorted by Colombian government forces and transported to the heavily guarded federal prison in the suburbs of Bogota.
Tons of cocaine-making factories are piled up with a wall of banknotes, which makes the media smell bloody. Sharks are rushing to Bogota, and the initiator of this anti-drug operation, President Gargas, has become a drug dealer’s nemesis. The iron-fisted President Gargas has become a world media headline, which has brought great expectations and made Gargas stand out among Latin American leaders.
The anti-drug operation has brought benefits to Gargas far more than that. After seeing Gargas’s cooperation and determination in drug control, the United States decided to increase its investment in him, and the CIA even took a high view of the Colombian government forces. The CIA shipped a batch of weapons to Colombia at preferential prices, and the funds for purchasing these weapons came from the interest loan of the semi-official foundation of the United States
In this fierce battle, Escobar’s troops finally organized an effective attack, and Naiescobar chose to flee. Although Colombian government forces won for a while, they were still far from completely destroying drug dealers and drug-making factories in Medellin. Escobar’s leadership of the Medellin regiment was not yet bone-breaking, but Escobar could not swallow this tone.
Since the regular war couldn’t be defeated, Escobar decided to do something informal. He finally chose to assassinate himself in retaliation. However, Gargas has raised his security alert level since he was almost shot in the head on the campus of Columbia University. Even his family was protected by American agents 24 hours a day. Escobar, the main owner, is really unlucky.
"Gargas is not good at it, and there are members of his cabinet. The Minister of Justice and the Supreme Court judge will bear the corresponding price if they dare to confront the Medellin Group!" Escobar secretly vowed in his heart to let these people blood out.
A few days later, a set of wanted orders from the Medellin regiment secretly flowed out of the Mafia in Medellin City. This wanted order was marked with a price for almost all members of the Colombian government. Gargas’s head was rewarded with 10 million US dollars, regardless of life or death, while the heads of those cabinet ministers were between 1 million and 2 million, and the families of these officials were also put into suspense. Their prices were generally around 500,000 US dollars.
This reward makes the huge unemployed population in Colombia seem to see the hope that those high-ranking officials will suddenly become their chips to change their own destiny, so many people really take risks to these officials and their families.
In the next month or so, Bogota, the capital, fell into a panic, and the judge’s wife and daughter were taken away on the way home. Then two sets of clothes stained with men’s body fluids were sent to the judge’s office, and one of them was chopped alive. The judge knew at a glance that it was his wife’s name because of the ring, which was so familiar.
The judge of the federal court jumped from his office and committed suicide on the spot, but his successors refused to take over their company. Then a few days later, he took part in the anti-drug operation. A general of the Colombian government army and his family were shot dead at home, and the scene was bloody. The murderer even wrote a blood out slogan on the wall coat.
Successive assassinations cast a shadow over the success of Gargas’ anti-drug operation. Escobar retaliated far away from bigar. Gargas expected to be quick and violent. After these incidents, the Colombian minister submitted his resignation to Gargas, which was almost the same as that of the Supreme Court. No one was willing to take over the post of Colombian minister of government.
In the end, the Colombian government forces’ massive military action was not as good as the killer bomb, and the public security situation in Bogota was attacked by the opposition party. It wasn’t long before Gargas’s happy time was sad again.
Escobar personally fulfilled his promise, and he participated in these two operations. Some people even distributed the money and even published it in the local newspaper in Medellin. Although the photo of the newspaper was specially treated, it made many low-level workers who didn’t even know how to write mouth water, which further stimulated their determination to get rich and get ahead.
This time, Escobar lost faith in the guerrillas. Escobar turned his attention to the opposition party in Colombia, hoping to support the opposition party to drive Gargas out of the presidency. So after some contacts between people, Escobar reached an unfair agreement with some bosses in the opposition party, that is, Escobar would support the opposition party’s funds, and once the opposition party came to power, it would push for amending the bill to prohibit the extradition of Colombian prisoners like foreign countries. Then Escobar could reduce his guilt and legalize his property by repaying Colombia’s national debt.
After getting the promise from the opposition party, Escobar immediately got the political cash and got the promise. Escobar stopped worrying about the opposition party’s affairs. He focused on two things: one was that his own troops needed to be reorganized, and the other was that countless drug factories in Medellin should enhance their camouflage and defense capabilities.
Escobar has decided that he will move all his drug-making factories to the high seas, which will not violate Colombian law, but will also be more hidden and safer. Escobar has the financial resources to make her pay the price, so he encouraged Escobar’s drug-making factory to develop from land to sea in Selyosha.
Chapter two hundred and ten Low-cost airline strategy
A Update the latest chapter of the godfather of the Soviet Union as soon as possible!
Over the past few years, tonia has been in charge of mediterranean shipping company’s business alone, from just being completely blind to now, Tonya has learned a lot, and the shipping industry has created a large number of world-class rich people because of the economic take-off brought about by post-war European reconstruction, the most famous of which is the marriage of Kennedy’s widow Jacqueline, the Greek ship king onassis, but it has entered a low tide with the economic growth of the ball, and the shipping industry is also facing serious overcapacity.
This is simply a disaster for all shipping companies accustomed to making money casually in the past. Shipping companies have been losing revenue, and they have to reduce their shipments again and again to attract business. As a result, the brutal price war has turned the ball shipping industry into a red sea. In the past, a batch of shipping companies fell. In the past, busy cargo ships were abandoned in the dock and finally sank to the bottom of the sea as artificial reefs, while those super cargo ships booked in the shipyard were abandoned one after another. The owners would rather pay liquidated damages than pay. Italy continued to build. It was at this time that tonia entered the shipping industry. With the support of Gorky Brotherhood and tonia’s keen business talent, mediterranean shipping company carried forward in tonia’s hands and stepped on the bodies of his peers to grow into the second largest shipping company.
In the final analysis, there is one word in tonia’s business secret, that is, saving as much as possible to compress it into tonia, which has brought the province word to the extreme. If people lose money by relying on a province word, the business will make money here in tonia, while others can barely make money, which will make Mediterranean shipping companies earn more. This business strategy has also been transplanted to this company after tonia took over Southwest Airlines.
Tonia has just bought this company for a month, and soon released a series of reform measures. China Southern Airlines canceled all airline seats and first class seats and put more ordinary seats instead. The established meals of the plane were also cancelled by tonia. tonia even changed the boarding pass of China Southern Airlines into plastic, which was like recycling after passengers boarded the plane.
After streamlining this list, tonia’s hand finance department has found that their ticket prices can reach a jaw-dropping level after completion. This result is comparable to that of American long-distance buses. Even Xie Liaosha admires it. Xie Liaosha found that he has always ignored the advantage of tonia’s personality. tonia was the first person to establish intimate women. He lived in a top university in the United States, and the president’s daughter Karim studied in Eva. tonia had to worry about her family’s financial situation very early. This is probably the real reason why she was compressed into such an expert.
After more than a month’s reform, the new company image of Southwest China Southern Airlines has taken on a new look, and Xie Liaosha has come to meet customers. Southwest China Southern Airlines has designed a new idea, that is, low-cost airlines have an absolute advantage over American long-distance buses in terms of speed. If the price is really reduced to the long-distance bus price, who will make a bumpy and long car?
For the sake of accuracy, the marketing concept was put in front of customers. tonia deliberately spread advertisements along the interstate highway in the United States. Those tall billboards on both sides of the highway became the main marketing means of China Southern Airlines. Because of these billboards, the most readers were travelling by bus. It was much more cost-effective for those passengers to do so than to put advertisements in sight. You know, depending on the advertising price, the price of billboards on the interstate highway was a world of difference.
At the same time, tonia has not forgotten to win the hearts of the people, making the staff of Southwest Airlines more stable. tonia has launched an employee stock ownership dividend plan in Southwest Airlines, so that every employee can share the company’s benefits. Although it is still early to say that it is successful, at least it has not received too much resistance in the reform process.
Xie Liaosha now has to make a phone call with tonia every day to discuss China Southern Airlines, because Xie Liaosha thinks that tonia’s skill of compression is too great. Perhaps it is not so sensitive to problems caused by profit rate in Eva Handicraft High-tech Company, but for those manufacturing enterprises and industries that are very mature, it is simply a fate ability to be lower than all their competitors, which is precisely the lack of ability of most state-owned enterprises in the Soviet Union, especially in industries such as oil and gas aluminum production. Such control ability is born in the environment of oil price.
The new business strategy has made China Southern Airlines just lose a large number of old customers, most of whom are high-end customers of China Southern Airlines, and their single trip contributes very high profits. However, tonia knows in his heart that these people are more suitable for Pan Am Delta and United Airlines than China Southern Airlines.

The confrontation between the court and the palace is about to fight.

And he doesn’t want to do anything?
Nangong Hanxi’s eyes are shining. "Of course, you will marry as soon as possible and have a few fat children."
The two people are not thinking on the same channel. Ji Yue is very eloquent. "… where did you think? I mean the political situation."
It is reasonable to say that his identity is the object that both sides strive for. He can’t always remain neutral, can he?
The Nangong Hanxi is a bit disappointing. "Don’t talk about politics and romance in such a good time."
The political situation was so chaotic that he had already made up his mind to stay out of it.
"Don’t worry, my father likes you very much. He said he could get married at any time."
This is the second marriage. Ji Yue looked at him deeply. "There is something wrong with you today."
Is it an illusion to have an inexplicable impatience?
The nangongshan cold city wry smile indeed as expected from her eyes, "I’m in a hurry you will see purple clothes hou" back to Beijing.
This world has purple clothes Hou is his opponent.
Ji Yue asked strangely, "What about that?"
The nangongshan Han Xi is extremely afraid of that man, and his means and mind are all chosen among all.
"I’m afraid you’ll be tempted to do something stupid by him. He’s very clever and eloquent, so people have to guard against it."
Ji Yue’s cool spit "can’t be prevented"
"Ji Yue" Nangong Hanxi was depressed. Not only did she not comfort him, but she also said somewhat ironic.
Ji Yue doesn’t care. Little finger to the left and front.
"Hey, it’s so busy over there. Go and have a look."
It’s a moon-old shrine, and the door is connected. "May all lovers in heaven become well-connected; It is the predecessor who is doomed not to miss the marriage. "
"Moon Temple?" Ji month looked up at the couplet stupefied trance.
The nangongshan cold city spirit a shock took her to rush in.
"Come on, let’s go in. Bye-bye and pray for the blessing of the old moon."
Ji Yue couldn’t believe it. Looking at him, "Do you still believe this?"
The nangongshan Han Xi firmly nodded "of course"
There are many people in it, both alone and in pairs.
After very not easy to squeeze out a road, Nan Gong Han Xi took Ji Yue to the front of Yue Lao and knelt down.
Ji Yue doesn’t want to kneel at all. She believes in herself.
Just work hard for what you want, and pray for the Buddha …
She’s just thinking about things, her face is confused, like a fairy in the wrong place
The nangongshan Han Xi tugged at her sleeve. "Come on down on your knees and ask Yue Lao to give me a perfect marriage."
Ji yue’s mouth is pumping, even if he asks for it, is he asking for it?
The nangongshan Han Xi was inexplicably uneasy. "Hurry up, someone is waiting behind."
"I don’t believe this" Ji Yue was very depressed.
But looking at the Nangong Hanxi’s eyes, he cried out to Ji Yuexin and knelt down in a soft way.
Nangong Hanxi smiled and got a precious treasure.
He closed his eyes and whispered devoutly, "Pray for the blessing of Yue Lao so that Mu Ji and I can be together forever."
When Ji Yue approached, I heard a whisper, "No one told you that you could pray silently in your heart? It won’t work if you say it. "
The Nangong Hanxi opened his eyes with a flash of ambition. "I’ll get it right. Please hurry."
Ji Yue rolled her eyes in the air. Okay, you’re awesome. You’re awesome.
She closed her eyes and silently asked for a wish in her heart. When she opened her eyes, she was leaned in, startled by her head and pushed her consciousness.
Nangong Hanxi was not angry and smiled gently to help her up. "What did you ask for?"
"Don’t tell you" Ji Yue proudly raised her head.
The nangongshan cold city spoil touch her little head a face of nai.
Coming out of the back door, I found many people throwing blessing sachets at a towering tree.
The nangongshan cold city word pull ji month walked over.

Zhang Pan said, "Yuan Qing is just out of date. Let’s go inside for a while. It’s not too late. Is this the time?"

Li Yuanqing shook his head. "Only when you are prepared can you suffer from two brothers. We must not easily expose our whereabouts on this trip, otherwise we will get a lot of fat, but we will get a lot of coquettish. The main reason is that we have too little information now. I still want to camp first and get accurate information during the day before we decide to act."
See Li Yuanqing said so, you have to agree, "Yuan Qing, you are so good at everything that you are too careful."
Li Yuanqing couldn’t help smiling. How can this sentence be so familiar? It seems that more than one person has said that.
Zhang Pan nodded Chen Zhong’s side and naturally had no opinion. Li Yuanqing directly handed over the camp to Guan Canghai.
Less than half an hour later, the news came back to Guancanghai. There is a fork in the river a few miles ahead. There are dense forests on both sides of the tributary, and an abandoned village team can choose to camp there.
The history of human literature is always related to water, and even the later metropolitan literature is built on fresh water.
At this time, with such good conditions, of course, Li Yuanqing will benefit and immediately send the team to camp in the abandoned village
Soon more than four boats quietly changed their course and came to the branch of Sancha River.
The small village is not big, that is, about 4 or 5 scale, but the houses are rammed earth owners, which is mainly to keep warm.
The villages along the rivers in the south of the Yangtze River are densely covered with different places. Liaoning is vast and sparsely populated. At this time, it is even more bitter and cold. It is even more desolate to add the war in western Liaoning to make people desperately flee.
The team soon camped in the small village.
Li Yuanqing ordered sailors and handymen to rest first, leaving some soldiers on duty at night, and the rest of the soldiers also went to rest.
Sailing against the current, whether soldiers or sailors are physically exhausted, has become the hinterland of the late Jin Dynasty, and soldiers may encounter enemies at any time, and their physical strength has become more critical
And sailor handymen are more valuable physically to some extent.
In case of war, if you are defeated, you can quickly row back.
Most of the rivers are hundreds of steps wide. Even if there is ice on both sides, it is difficult for Jin soldiers to catch up with the water.
Will arrange everything Li Yuanqing this just a little sigh of relief, Chen Zhonghe arranged intelligence exploration together.
In Li Yuanqing, except for the troops, all the people left are officials, pirates from the sea and the Black Island. They are smarter and more worldly than the soldiers, and the effect is naturally much better than the soldiers.
Of course, it is extremely tough for a qualified military officer not to accept it at night.
It’s a pity that when Li Yuanqing joined the army, it was too short, and the talents were limited. Without such people, it would be a deviation.
However, Zhang Panhui has a few vigorous nights without taking a look, that is, the tough generation also listens to Li Yuanqing at this time.
At this time, Li Yuanqing’s three departments are located in the north of Niangniang Palace, which is still quite far from Shenyang and Guangning. Even if you encounter fish, it is estimated that it is difficult to get much from going to the red flag department in southern Liaoning.
The main direction of this intelligence exploration is the area of Liaohe East in the north.
Even if the old slave wants to slaughter the Han people in western Liaoning, I’m afraid he must first treat them as coolies for a while and bring back Quang Ninh’s war benefits first.
After the arrangement, the three of them went to rest separately.
The village is much better than the boat and can make a fire, but Li Yuanqing can’t sleep.
Li Yuanqing thought it over several arguments and scrutinized his analysis. There should be nothing wrong with it, but Li Yuanqing always felt that something was revealed. It was an unspeakable feeling, but Li Yuanqing could feel the danger.
Reasoning or just getting ready to go to bed, the officer came in, "my Lord."
Li Yuanqing sat up with a smile and removed his sheepskin blanket. "Why don’t you go to bed so late?" he said with a smile.
Guan Canghai smiled, "I can’t sleep when I’m so comfortable."
Li Yuanqing nodded. "As the ancestors said, you and I must always be vigilant."
Guan Canghai nodded and thought for a moment and said, "My Lord, I suddenly feel that it is not too reliable for our fleet to enter the hinterland of Sancha River."
He quickly and carefully explained, "My Lord has a boat, which is convenient for transportation, but it also binds our hands and feet. If there is a war, our army can choose to retreat into the river, and it is difficult to have anything else. I have carefully observed that the population on both sides of the river bank in this area is not very dense, my Lord. Can we not only speed up the journey by land, but also get more information? We should March as close as possible to the main force at night and hide."
Li Yuanqing nodded silently and remained silent.
The war in western Liaoning is close to the stern fleet, although it is safe, but the speed is too slow. According to this situation, it is already very fast to catch 5 miles a day. It will take at least 4 or 5 days to get to Guangning and lead to Shenyang.
But these four or five days are enough for many things to happen.
The ancients said that’ the soldiers are expensive and fast’
At this time, Li Yuanqing also found the biggest deficiency of this trip, and was cautious and inadequate.
Sanchahe River has always been the dividing line controlled by the former army and the latter Jin Army, and the population on both sides is very thin. It is not impossible to March by land.
If you find the target, just make the fleet lean over as soon as possible.
"I’ll think about it for a while. It’s getting late. Go to bed early when you’re tired." Li Yuanqing patted the officer on the shoulder with a soft smile.
Chapter 115 Heat
Early in the morning, all the scouts came back. It was reported that there were no large slave-building troops in the surrounding area for more than ten miles, and two small strongholds had been cleared by the scouts.
After deliberation, Li Yuanqing Chen Zhong and Zhang Pan decided to leave the fleet in this abandoned village for a temporary rest. The main force of the soldiers continued to go deep into the hinterland of western Liaoning by land.
However, there was a little dispute between the three men on whether to go from the west bank of Sancha River or the east bank.
Zhang Pan was a little anxious. He hoped that the main force could go from the west bank as soon as possible to detect the post-8 Jin J trend, but Li Yuanqing chose the east coast after careful consideration.
The terrain on both sides of the Sanchahe River is very flat. If the enemy is confronted by three forces during the day, it is too risky for the 8 Jin Army cavalry to react.
Although Zhang Pan was unhappy, he knew that Li Yuanqing’s choice was the safest and he could accept the proposal.
After breakfast, the team quickly set off along the dense forest behind the village, journey to the south.
It’s really convenient to walk by land.
All three of them are young and strong soldiers, and they don’t bring too much trench, and they are surrounded by plains, and they March very fast.
By noon, the team had walked out of more than twenty miles.
Although the east bank area of Sanchahe River is actually controlled by Houjin, the former army is in a state of confrontation. Most of the people here have been moved out, and some Houjin strongholds have explored the movements on the other side.
At this time, the war in Quang Ninh is a foregone conclusion, and these strongholds have also been abandoned a lot, which has also saved a lot of energy on Li Yuanqing’s side and will no longer be cleared in advance.
In the evening, the team found a ferry
This ferry is about ten acres, almost a medium-sized post, and there are several watchtowers close to the river.
At this time, it will be dark, and there will be bursts of smoke in the courtyard. Several soldiers of the Han flag are bragging and farting in the courtyard.
Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong and Zhang Pan were concealed in the dense forest near the ferry and carefully explored the movements inside.
Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong have done this many times, but Zhang Pan is vaguely excited for the first time.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as you know your own business. Why care about others! You can only rely on yourself, which Tang Qing has long understood.

Before Sister Xinger could speak, Tang Qing said directly, "Thank you for your kindness. My wife is blessed to worship the fairy as a teacher!" Pull Xinger wench, this will be a word of mouth.
When this sentence came out, everyone was a little stunned. Xinger elder sister dazed, so I don’t know. But my little girl is also clever. Although I don’t understand how Tang Qing made the decision, there must be his reason. Actually Xinger elder sister knows, Tang Qing this guy is very clever, and he usually plays the fool around to make fun of himself. Now that he said it, Sister Xinger is ready to do it.
On one side, Luo will grow angry. How can he not see the intention of this dress and was about to speak? The peaceful voice of the old man in Tsing Yi has sounded: "Little brother, I see that the cloak behind you is very familiar … it seems to belong to an old friend. Isn’t it the son of an old friend who knows you well? Why don’t you go back and talk to the old lady? I know a little about how to exercise, so I can just mention it. What do you think? "
Tang Qing got a tingle in her heart, and secretly scolded the old ghost for his poisonous eyes, so she couldn’t help regretting it. I played handsome and got sick, but my mouth was sloppy: "Really! You are mistaken! This is my family heirloom! My family has lived in Shan Ye for a long time, and it has been handed down for eight generations. When I come here, I have only one seedling. Just this baby has been handed down, no one knows! I’m going to use it as a dowry! "
"Puffy!" The woman in colorful clothes was surprised and worried, but suddenly it was really interesting to listen to this clown’s nonsense, and she couldn’t help laughing out loud! At the same time, my heart is also strange. This little exerciser is really courageous. While the old man was speaking, he had intentionally exerted pressure on the soul, but this guy seemed to be unaffected at all.
But it doesn’t matter. We can talk about it later. At present, I didn’t wait for what others were saying. As soon as Sister Xinger saluted, she said, "Feng Xinger visits the master!" Immediately, the final conclusion was made.
Nishang Jiao said with a smile, "Good disciple, is this your husband? Very clever, for the teacher must find a good future for him! I can rest assured. "
With a sigh, the old man in Tsing Yi is not saying much. An old ghost like him knows that it is meaningless to talk about eggs again at this time, unless it is to directly turn against others.
It can’t be his fault. Normally, this calculation is a positive solution anyway. It’s a pity that this old man is bent on monasticism, and it’s simply a gap between heaven and earth compared with the fairy. In any case, he never imagined how a monk could be involved in a husband-and-wife relationship with a mortal!
Body builder! ….. isn’t the refined body man a mortal? Until listening to Tang Qing, he didn’t know that there was such a mess. Although the old man immediately fought back, he secretly threatened to pull and fight. The reaction is not unpleasant, and the means are not high. However, I met Tang Qing’s wooden stick, and I don’t know why, so I ate the weight and decided to vote for the official. It can only be said that it is an act of god.
Seeing that it is irreparable, the old man can only pretend to be generous. He didn’t intend to force it. He knew all the details, but he didn’t want to leave any trouble for himself just to find a mink. The single man handed his hand to the woman in colorful clothes and said, "Congratulations to Daoyou for getting a good apprentice. This matter is over, and the old people are leaving."
The woman in colorful clothes was obviously in a good mood, giggling: "This matter is still fulfilled by the young and the old, and the dress is grateful. If the young and the old walk slowly, the dress will not be far away!"
"Shameless!" Unwilling to be lonely, Xiao Xizi, who hasn’t appeared for a long time, said to Tang Qing, "It’s so shameless of him!"

Chapter 19: Tang Ye fainted again.
The sky is getting darker and darker, accompanied by the monster beast roar from time to time. Deep in the monster mountain range, muffled thunder bursts came from time to time, and the whole sky seemed dignified and depressed. It wasn’t until President Qing left with the mercenary club that the tension finally eased.
Dress fairy pressed down the car, went straight to the front of Tang Qing and Xinger, smiled at them, and the more she looked at them, the happier she felt. Today, she is successful in her merits. She finally got the ferret into her own hands and picked up an apprentice for nothing.
It is difficult for a person to find a master and an apprentice. Generally disdainful, qualified … It’s not so easy to meet.
The little girl in front of me didn’t look at it carefully just now, but now everything is over. After careful examination, I find that she is really a good prospect. It’s not easy to cultivate to this level at the age of 16 or 17, especially looking at her dress, it’s obviously not everyone’s children.
I don’t know why, although the dress feels that Xinger girl is quite good, it really makes her feel strange, or this monk is not a monk or a mortal youth. I’ve seen a lot of body builders, and I’ve been in contact with a lot of people who are one hundred times stronger than this man, but I’ve never seen anything like it. She can see clearly that the aura has been released. Others are afraid that the aura is not enough. How can he let it out?
And this guy’s manner, it seems to be respectful. I’m afraid I don’t care at all about the experience of watching people. It’s quite gentle and delicate in appearance, and I can see something from the cold light that occasionally flashes in his eyes. Arguably, this is also quite reasonable. Anyone who hunts monster beasts for a living can be without some murderous look. However, I still feel that there is something wrong with the dress. There is no basis. It is purely a feeling. Subconsciously, she felt that she should talk to this little guy and get to know him.
"This is the little thing! It seems a bit different! " At that time, I didn’t know how to start. Nishang pointed to the ferret and said with a smile, "It’s cute. How did you catch it, Xinger? Actually recognized the Lord? "
"Good character!" Tang Qing understood that this is not as simple as the old man surnamed Qing, for fear that Xinger girl might spill the beans, and said, "This is my son … er … his name is Meow! ….. get up, meow, and meet your predecessors soon! "
Xinger girl got a fright, and feel ashamed, have so talk to predecessors? It’s a bit like a rogue flirting with a big girl!
Meow meow is obedient, get up and look at the dress, obviously don’t catch a cold, don’t bother to call a climb there again. It is very comfortable now. In this human being who has a soul connection with himself, the breath that fascinates it fascinates it. Originally the smell of fear, now seems to have become without any hostility. In the eyes of human beings, the beauty of the dress is bubbling, but in its eyes, it is far less attractive than the smallest lingshi.
Nishang is a bit dumbfounded, which is too human! There are many monster monsters, but I have never seen such a spiritual creature.
Tang Qing is also a bit would: "Er … well, children are afraid of strangers! Don’t mind! ….. It may be hungry! I haven’t eaten it yet! Senior, why don’t you reward some lingshi! He eats lingshi! "
Xinger elder sister has almost fainted to the ground, and her dress also feels a little dizzy. She has a feeling that she’d better not know anything from him. Maybe he can make up an earth-shattering story to fool herself, or find a chance to ask Xinger for convenience.
Tang Qing did Sarah laugh in her heart. Don’t treat Tang Ye as a grandfather! He is sure that this senior won’t treat himself badly at this moment, which is a bit too harsh!
However, the dress is a dress in the end, well-informed, and the kung fu of nourishing qi is also perfect, and it will recover in a blink of an eye. Turning to Tang Qing, he said with a smile, "The little fellow is good and clever. You can’t be my disciple if you are not a monk, and my skill is not suitable for you. Since you are Xinger’s husband, I won’t treat you badly. Go ahead! What do you want! "
"I want to be an official!" Tang Qing returned loudly: "Isn’t it possible to get a county for the government? Now that Meow Meow is my son, it is impossible to give it away. My wife, you are so gentle, generous, beautiful and kind, and you will not force my father and son to separate, right? "
Wife master! ….. Master wife! Poor Xinger girl just came to her senses and was about to faint again.
It happened that Tang Qing hadn’t finished: "But don’t worry, my wife, if you need meow, please send me a message at any time. I’m sure to arrive!"
"Ha ha!" Dress understood, this guy is still not at ease, to do things while the iron is hot. However, she is over 100 years old, and she really doesn’t care about this junior playing with herself. She even thinks this guy is very interesting. Usually talking to people about something is serious, or practicing behind closed doors. This guy is very happy and good. How can you dispute with him?
"Don’t worry, kid, you can’t run away from a county, and you won’t have any big trouble with this cloak! Let’s chener empire, not even have the ability to protect officials! "
"Hey hey! That’s that’s that! ….. In fact, I am that what … "Tang Qing’s face is a little red, and being seen through the small mind, I still feel a little ashamed.
With these words, the atmosphere between the newly formed family of four finally really relaxed, and the dress didn’t want to ask about the cave. It’s a bit rude to ask her if she wants to come to a place where a practicing little monk can go in and out safely.
Just as he was talking, he suddenly heard the monks in the duke’s mansion make a noise in the air. One man shouted to Nishang, "Elder, there is something wrong with the monster beast. You’d better have a look!"
There is indeed a change, and it is a big change, even Tang Qing, who can’t use God’s knowledge, can feel it. The whole earth shook, and he couldn’t feel it, and the spiritual force of heaven and earth also changed greatly.
Dress face a change, without saying anything about the car into the air, in fact, she has detected a change, but really feel too unbelievable, this just fly up to observe for confirmation.
I saw the monster beast mountain range in the distance. Thunder and lightning were like Tianwei. A large number of monster beasts roared and ran outward. The flying monster beast in the air was also dark, covering the sky and coming this way.
"What is this? ….. This ….. Is it a beast tide, how can there be a beast tide at this time! ….. No … This is not a tidal wave! " Unable to think of anything else, Nishang immediately ordered: "Everyone will retreat immediately and go back to the city to inform all forces to prepare for the battle. Xinger, come with me!"
Upon hearing this, all the monks turned around and showed their magical powers, and flew to Mengcheng as quickly as possible.
Sister Xinger was anxious: "Master, what about Tang Qing?"
Dress without explanation, long-sleeved waving, wrapped Tang Qing and Xinger, suggesting a spiritual force, the sedan chair turned into a white light and flew away quickly.
Godsworn Dan’s magic weapon, how fast it flies, quickly crossed the monks and galloped forward like a meteor catching the moon.
She is fast, but she is still not as fast as Tianwei. The thunder in the sky is getting sharper and sharper, and it is chasing wildly at an unimaginable speed. Wherever I went, no matter what monster beast was, it all went up in smoke in Lei Guang. The psychic force of heaven and earth is even more chaotic. Many monks watched Lei Guang make track for him, but they couldn’t control the magic weapon of the spirit, and they screamed and fell to the ground. Even if it is not destroyed by thunder, I am afraid I will fall to my death alive.
Tang Qing was really blindsided. When he was busy, he couldn’t do anything at all except grab Meow and stuff it in his arms. Tang Qing is a person who has seen big scenes. There are countless battles on the earth, big and small, and no horrible weapons have been seen. But compared with this Tianwei, it is not a class at all. The whole sky, as if turned into an angry thunder pool, with an overwhelming momentum to destroy everything, directly ran over, which is where human beings can resist.
Hide! Where to hide! Tang Qing, who was a little confused, suddenly felt that in front of the thunder pool, there seemed to be a silver light flying at the speed of thunder, but he couldn’t see what it was. As if … It was being chased by thunder.
Dress is also complaining, a good thing, how suddenly become like this. Now she has seen that this is not a beast tide, and it is clearly the rumored doom! Who’s the senior? Why are you here? Du Jie at this time! !
Seeing that the thunder is approaching, the dress is becoming more and more desperate. The speed can’t be faster, all the monks have been completely destroyed, and it’s getting harder and harder to manipulate the magic weapon by yourself. The spiritual force around her was like a riot, and she was distracted with two people; When the mind is out of control, the psychic force can no longer be controlled.
With a loud moan, the sedan chair and the three of them went down together. Dress still managed to control his body to fly up again, and the sedan chair did not consider of it. She gritted her teeth to escape, but Tang Qing and Xinger fell straight down.
Tang Qing had no time to think about anything else, grabbed Xinger in her arms and tried to make her back down at the same time.
It is not easy to do this. Fortunately, he has rich experience in skydiving.
"I hope this girl can survive!" Tang Qing can only do so much. He plans to throw Xinger up again about 50 meters high. Then, it can only be resigned.
Xinger elder sister didn’t scream, she cling to Tang Qing. At that time, she was particularly awake, feeling even more strange, and even clearly felt what Tang Qing wanted to do. Spiritual force has been completely out of control, and Xinger simply dispersed the spiritual shield, letting the wind blow the little face out of shape, just looking at Tang Qing … Smile! ……
A white light came like lightning and went straight into Tang Qing’s head. Suddenly … the thunder dispersed, as if God had vented his anger, saw the desired result, satisfied with it, burped and left.
Tang Qing can’t see these. He only feels that his mind is like a needle knife, and at the same time he seems to hear a scream of extreme fear echoing in his mind. "This … what is this … the force of the beginning! The soul of meta-magnetism! ….. How is it possible … Ah! " .
Then, it was dark! Tang Qing was depressed and thought, "Really, Tang Ye fainted again!"


The banners they hung outside the railing clung to the railing and hung feebly.

Their insults and attacks on Lazio are more like slapping themselves in the face of this goal.
Wanda Stadium, at this moment, is full of cheers from Lazio fans.
The cheers suffocated the silent Juventus fans, and there was a faint despair …
Journalists who support Juventus are also very helpless in the face of this goal.
How come Lazio can always score first, no matter what?
Juventus can sweep the whole Serie A, but what can they do about Lazio?
Usually, when watching them play against other teams, they are very steady and aggressive.
From the beginning of the game, the initiative fell to Juventus.
How come from the very beginning of the match with Lazio, the initiative went to the opponent’s hand, and how could it not come back to his side?
This is really a very confusing question.
Leaving the confusion to Juventus, Lazio continued to attack.
This time, unlike the semi-final of the Italian Cup, after leading by one goal, Lazio didn’t keep falling down in the middle and back court, but continued to attack!
Seems to want to score more goals!
Winning a goal at home is not enough for Lazio!
And after losing a goal, Juventus will certainly not be willing to lose the game like this. For Prandelli, there is no other way but to win.
Now that we have fallen behind, we must attack.
Although the attack will bear great risks.
In the next game, the two sides officially entered the battle of confrontation.
This is completely different from last week’s Italian Cup semi-final.
Three days ago, people were complaining that the strong dialogue between Lazio and Juventus was disappointing and only in name.
This game has cleared the name for the dialogue between the top two.
But people soon knew why Juventus didn’t dare to attack in the last game.
Lazio scored another goal in the 40th minute, making the score 2-0!
When Lazio led the game by two goals, the game basically lost its suspense.
Lazio fans in the stands cheered for their great victory.
They can already be very sure. Lazio will definitely win this game. Direct dialogue with Juventus!
In this way, Lazio and Juventus are only one point away.
The second half of the season has just begun, only one point away, and it is simply possible.
Maybe Juventus will lose the next game. Then it was overtaken by Lazio.
During the intermission, Prandelli made some personnel adjustments in an attempt to save the momentum. Although he was two goals behind, Prandelli still didn’t give up-he couldn’t give up.
Lazio has not made any adjustment.
Juventus stepped up their offensive, and Lazio did not shrink their defense to fight back.
But continue to attack!
Always winning this game is determined, and there is nothing to say to win Juventus supporters!
You call us passive and conservative? Ok, then we will completely defeat you with the attack!
You say we rely on intrigue? Ok, we’ll beat you fair and square!
Lazio scored their third goal in the 61st minute.
From the beginning to the end, Juventus didn’t get the initiative in the game. Although they attacked a lot, they felt like they were led by Lazio, and they didn’t have the initiative at all.
Moreover, their attack is simpler and more monotonous.
Anyway, judging from Juventus’ performance, you don’t believe this team can beat Lazio in this game at all. And it’s not because Lazio are three goals ahead of Juventus.
Even when the score is 0: 0, there is no chance for Juventus to win.
"… maybe there will be Juventus fans who feel incredible about their continuous losses to Lazio and find many reasons for Juventus. But the truth is often cruel. The fact is that Juventus is no match for Lazio at all. If it weren’t for Lazio’s own problems this season, they would be ranked first in the league now. But the game against Juventus is not that kind of long contest, it is a decisive game. Lazio is always very excited to play Juventus … Therefore, it is not so surprising that Juventus lost to Lazio in a row. "
The commentator’s words will make many Juventus fans very unhappy.
But what can they do besides being upset?
Isn’t the commentator right?
Is there any way Juventus can beat Lazio?
No, nothing.
The experience and ability that they can rank first in the league will not help them at all in the game against Lazio.
Three goals behind, even the Juventus players themselves, have lost their fighting spirit.
It’s too painful to play such a game. How can you guarantee motivation when you know you can’t win?
The Juventus players on the pitch began to be full of rhythm and were unwilling to press out to attack.
Going out to attack is death, and it is even worse.
Between the injustice of death and the worse death, Juventus players decisively chose the injustice of death.
Prandelli didn’t interfere with the players’ independent choice, and didn’t yell at the players on the sidelines to press them out to attack and continue to attack.
The players themselves don’t want to do this, and even if he insists, the result will not be too little.
He just bowed his head and sighed.

"It’s the young master who fell asleep for a while and woke up without getting in the way!" Father-in-law De hurried to help.

Mammy sighed, "Don’t say anything when the Lord wakes up. She doesn’t remember much about tonight."
"This old problem hasn’t healed after so many years?" Father de also sighs.
Father-in-law De left this shinto thing in a hurry after he settled Dugu Yuean. I don’t know how things have developed.
Without thinking, he went to Ling Hua Palace. No longer, the Queen’s Palace has always stayed in Ling Hua Palace.
I went into the palace and looked for it for a long time, but I didn’t see anyone.
There are not many servants in Ling Hua Palace, all of whom are De Yi people. Father-in-law De was about to go out when a white handmaid came slowly.
"Wang Keyou has been here?" Frowning, I asked where the young master would go so late.
"Little master hasn’t been back for several nights, and your handmaid doesn’t know," replied the white handmaiden truthfully.
Father-in-law De couldn’t help frowning. I haven’t seen him go to Qifeng Palace these nights. Where else can he go in this huge harem?
Look at the white handmaid didn’t say much, and then she looked for it in the direction of Qifeng Palace.
The silence of Qifeng Palace left the sparse lights in the courtyard, and even people went to sleep.
German father-in-law turned around several times and finally stopped in front of the queen’s bedroom. The lights in the room had already gone out and it was silent all around.
"What are you doing?" Suddenly, the familiar sound came from behind.
Father-in-law De hurriedly turned around and looked around, only to find the young master holding the little white fox and sitting alone on the stone bench in the front yard.
"Little Master" hurriedly walked over and bowed respectfully.
"Is my master in the way?" Duguying faintly asked the little white fox in her arms, and she had already fallen asleep lazily.
"Mammy’s service doesn’t matter." Father-in-law De answered truthfully and hesitated for a moment, but he still asked, "Can the forces of the little Lord’s religion really be out of control?"
Duguying saw his one eye and didn’t answer. He got up and slowly left for the depths of the garden.
"Little master …" Father-in-law hurriedly chased him.
It was Duguying who looked back with a sharp look and made him stop asking more questions.
It’s early spring, and the garden is faintly green, but at this time, darkness and silence are still desolate
The deity of ice and snow has an irreplaceable position in the hearts of the Di Yi people, which is much better than that of the royal family. It is really a policy to start work on them at this juncture.
A woman has ignored so many people for so many years.
This sentence has been hovering in my mind, and a little nai smile slowly floated on my lips with a leisurely smile.
Sometimes he doesn’t know what to do, and suddenly he wants to abandon all this. Abandoning the identity of the cold king is just a lonely shadow, and taking Xuan’s son back to the snow and ice plateau, where he is free and restrained without so much hatred.
Ever since I was a child, I knew that I had a deep hatred, and I knew that I had to revive Di Yi and find the people who were living in exile. It seems that he never had a chance to think about what he really wanted.
Suddenly stopped in front of the vine, quietly hanging a swing, visiting the sick that day, and the scene of encountering in this garden could not help but come to mind.
Not always dignified and reserved, laughing hee hee is on this swing, just like that fairy maid-in-waiting in those days.
Mu Zixuan, Mu Zixuan, why did I like it so much and wonder so much? Why didn’t I let everything go and take you away?
Nowadays, there are more and more obstacles, such as not being responsible and knowing less?
173 Zi Xuan confessed
Update the latest chapter of Pro-Queen as soon as possible!
New Year’s Eve will arrive soon.
Without hobbies, the Xiao Taihou harem is still deserted.
Early in the morning, Zi Xuan is still cooking green tea as usual.
"Empress, you have to host this overnight meal for the New Year!" Mammy Liu skillfully poured a cup of tea and took a sip. Knowing that she loves tea, the Queen asked her to accompany her every day.
"Of course," Zi Xuan smiled. Tonight, the dishes are all selected by Xiaozha himself in the imperial house.
"Why is nothing happening?" Mammy Liu glanced around the hall and frowned and asked
Zi Xuan replied lightly, "If you don’t entertain courtiers’ family dinners, you won’t be able to go."
"Family dinner can’t be so shabby. Empress won’t just let Xiaozha add a few side dishes, will she?" Mammy Liu asked hastily.
"The poor Zagreb went to the imperial kitchen, so it’s necessary to be kind and gentle to come over and eat in the other hall at night, and it’s not in this hall." It’s warmer and warmer in the other hall. In the New Year’s Eve, there are also fathers, mothers, brothers and her four people. Just like that, they always prepare some small games to help their fathers.
Mammy Liu leng leng hurriedly added, "Isn’t there a lot of Zhao Yi? Empress Zhao Yi won’t be in favor again, and this New Year’s snub will leave people with words! "
"A few days ago, the emperor abolished Mammy. Why didn’t you know about it when you were not in Xiugong?" Zi Xuan frowned for Zhaoyi as early as a maid-in-waiting, and the waste Zhaoyi didn’t make much noise in the harem. It was Xiugong Mammy who would know!
"Oh, look at the excitement of the old slave’s memory and forget it!" Mammy Liu hurriedly explained that she was unhappy in her heart. I really don’t know that Xiao Taihou can’t be a Tong Shi and can’t see many things in this harem.
"Mammy, how did the emperor choose the maid-in-waiting Zhao Yixiu Palace?" Zi Xuan remembered this matter and put it off until the next year. It still has to be presided over by her
"The emperor’s hobby, the old slave, dare not speculate." Mammy Liu replied in a low voice that there are four princesses and some ladies-in-waiting in this harem, and it doesn’t involve the DPRK forces to kill two birds with one stone. That’s the calculation, isn’t it
Zi Xuan nodded his head and didn’t ask much, so he got up and went to the door. Mammy Liu glanced at Qingnu and hurriedly followed Qingnu but did not dare to move.
"The Empress hasn’t been here for several days, has she?" Mammy Liu tentatively asked that the number of times that the cold king came to the sunset palace these days obviously exceeded that of the Qifeng Palace. Every time he came back, it was very late. People rarely met the empress, and no one knew what she was like. She could be sure whether it was a lonely shadow, but she didn’t say a word to her.
"It will take some time for his busy administration to recover Xiao’s soldiers. There will be great changes in the four sides’ troops years later. Be sure to prepare well." Zi Xuan didn’t know that he had talked to Mammy Liu about this matter, but he was already willing to give up his kindness and tenderness, so that when she left, he wouldn’t feel so painful. I couldn’t help smiling and adding, "Mammy, come with me to Xiugong, Qingnu, you can’t go over." Then he got up and went out.
"What did Empress Empress do in Xiugong this New Year?" Mammy Liu asked incredulously
Zi Xuan chuckled and said nothing to speed up the pace. All the way out of the Qifeng Palace was even more deserted, except for the red berries in the imperial garden, which were not festive.
"Lord, are you looking for money, Mammy?" Mammy Liu once again asked about the girl who was uneasy in her heart. In fact, she was smart and careful, and she didn’t suspect anything. If she was suspicious, she really worried about what was wrong with her.
"Well," Zi Xuan nodded not far ahead, but there was some celebration in the open door of Xiugong.
Mammy Qian in the courtyard is busy shouting at the ladies-in-waiting to put things away. It seems that there will be a big banquet later.
Zi Xuan didn’t let Mammy Liu, Zhang Gang, go in, but suddenly someone turned around and saw her. She hurriedly knelt down, followed by Qiqi sound.
"Empress is auspicious!"
Money mammy one leng hurriedly walked up quickly leaned owe way "empress auspicious".
"Stand up!" Zi Xuan waved and helped Mammy Qian personally.
Seeing that everyone in the first hospital was afraid to move, I couldn’t help laughing. "Don’t be busy."
But everyone was motionless. A slightly older maid-in-waiting came forward and knelt down behind her. All the ladies-in-waiting knelt together and said, "Empress, we are all willing to serve in the Phoenix Palace, no matter what we do, please ask the empress to accept us."
Zi Xuan one leng don’t know so good hurriedly way "get up and get up to say again".
Mammy Qian took a long look at Mammy Liu before coming to say, "The Empress has come to choose a maid. These little girls have just entered the palace and know that you are a good Lord and are looking forward to serving in your palace!"
Zi Xuan’s heart suddenly tightened, and people in the harem recognized her like this.
Look at the little maids kneeling in a courtyard and lightly say, "Go to the palace. Today, I’m not here to pick a maid."
Then he went into the side hall. Good Lord? How could she be?
"Get up, hurry up and pack up everything. Let’s have a good New Year!" Mammy Qian said, "Go in and serve tea in person."
Glancing at Mammy Liu, she asked with a smile, "How can the Empress come to Xiugong when she is not here to choose maids?"

This woman is plump and attractive. Haikui looked at her a little more.

Haikui didn’t know what he and others were going to do when they intervened. He was educated since he was a child because he loved his country and the earth. How could he destroy the country and the earth? This hat is too big! I don’t know who reported a robbery at ordinary times, but I didn’t see anything. These people with great abilities appeared and now they believe a report came here to ask questions.
Haikui respects the country. Since they represent the state institutions, they will not be serious with them. "Since the revision meeting was held before here, we will leave!"
A good fix-the-truth conference has ended before!
"What do you mean? Don’t put us in the eye? " The middle-aged man flew into a rage.
Is Haikui depressed more arrogant than a monk in his infancy? "I said, don’t you think this gentleman who doesn’t know his name is very high?"
Haikui didn’t want to crush them, but this man forced him to crush them.
The middle-aged man looked at Hai Kui and others with his nose slightly raised. "Hum, whatever you do, we represent a country. How many practitioners are there in a country? Do you know that we are the elite practitioners in this country? If we offend us, we will offend the practitioners in this country. Aren’t you afraid of making an agreement?"
"So powerful!" Haikui smiled. He felt so funny when he didn’t know it.
"Are you contemptuous?" One in five is a young population.
This young man looks handsome in his twenties and thirties. He is very important, stylish and temperament. Putting him in the secular world will make many girls crazy.
Haikui disdain hum a despise long handsome man!
Are all the other practitioners here gone because they were scared out of fighting Xue Zhengxiu? Haikui scratched his hair and said to Ling Yan, "Since all the people in this fix-up meeting are gone, let’s go!"
Said a few people will turn around.
"Wait!" The handsome young man drink a way
Haikui turned back. "Do you have anything to do in Sao Nian?"
"Come and go as you say. What do you think this place is?" Young people stare.
"public toilet"
Middle-aged people also shouted, "Who do you think we are!"
Haikui really doesn’t want to deal with the so-called mysterious special department. "What do you want?"
"Come with us!"
"Let’s go!" Haikui said gently, grabbed Han Wenxuan and disappeared.
Lao Huang and Lao Chang also suddenly disappeared.
Lingyan naughty waved to the five people in front, then his body slowly faded, and finally he disappeared without a trace.
"Incredibly dare to say go away! Zhao Lao, they didn’t put us in the eye at all! " Middle-aged dissatisfaction immediately said to the old man
The old man’s expression is not as dissatisfied as the other four people, but it is very dignified. "These people are not simple! Who the hell are they! ""What’s wrong with Grandpa Zhao? " The youngest of the five people is a little girl who looks like a teenager, but she is still in infancy!
"I know how to lock them in and I can’t see through them!" Zhao old man said with a serious face
"They claim to be the first Leng Yue Sect and the second Dragon Sect!" At this time, behind these five people, one man emerged from the mountain, and someone was hiding in the mountain.
The old man surnamed Zhao turned around and saw the bearer smiling but not smiling and said, "Who was I then? It turned out to be Brother Tong Yuan."
"Oh, Lord Zhao, it’s been a long time!"
The old man surnamed Zhao changed his face. "Brother Tong Yuan really didn’t expect to see you here."
Le Tongyuan smiled and frowned, and the folds were like a thousand waves. "Does Master Zhao want to know who these people are?"
The old man surnamed Zhao nodded and looked at him somberly.
Le Tongyuan Tantan hand "I don’t know, but I just said that the first faction and the second faction of Heaven are their own words. Check it yourself!" "
Le Tongyuan’s words fell on his eyes and flashed a playful figure. He came to the little girl and stretched out his hand to catch the little girl.
The old man surnamed Zhao shouted "Hey!" Also instantly appeared in front of Le Tongyuan and raised my hand to pat him. He has been guarding against this old guy named Le.
The palm of your hand shook the other four people out by a powerful anti-shock force for tens of meters, and the blood sprayed from the mouth was injured. During the distracted period, the monks confronted them, and they couldn’t be lucky to die or be injured by the wave in their infancy. This was because the old man Zhao controlled the power, otherwise the four people could not be injured.
Le Yuan Tong, the old man surnamed Zhao, gave a palm, laughed, disappeared and left a string of smiles.
The old man surnamed Zhao gnashed his teeth. "I can’t spare you if you are surnamed Le!" He said to the four of them, "This surname Le must have gone back with those people just now to find out what nonsense Heaven comes first and Heaven comes second, so you can’t get along in this spiritual world. Are you all right?"
"Senior we hinder" middle-aged people pale answer.
After seeing the four people, the old man surnamed Zhao said, "Let’s go back and check their details first."
Five people also disappeared in this devastated place.
Haikui and others returned to the hotel and opened the door. Several people sat together. Haikui was more depressed than "This thing didn’t develop as I imagined. What link went wrong?"
Han Wenxuan said angrily, "You shouldn’t have listened to what you said, but it was self-defeating in the end!"

Actually, I just left her after finishing my clothes and smiling gently.

She can’t move because of her leg injury. Is she just going to lie here until he comes back to deal with what he left in his hand?
This shameless bird and beast!
Her voice has whined, "Xiao Linchu, come back, come back, Xiao Linchu …"
The door was opened and a light shone in. Fengyun looked up and hoped to look behind the partition "Xiao Linchu Xiao Linchu-"
"Yunqing Xiaochu went out on business and won’t be back until late. He specially told me to bring you some more cakes. Try it. This is Osmanthus Jelly made by Aunt Xin!" Aunt came in with a tray and a smile.
Fengyun glanced at her hands and frowned. "Don’t come here if I don’t eat!"
She crawled back in horror and was afraid that something disgusting on her hand would get stuck in the curtain or be carefully drilled back in a strange posture by the sheets.
Mammy wondered, "Yunqing, what happened to your hand?"
Through the curtain, she naturally can’t see what Fengyun is doing lightly.
Fengyun bit her lip lightly and turned red to the extreme. "Aunt, my hand is fine. I’m not hungry. I really don’t want to eat. Would you please go out first?"
Mammy nodded. "Well, I’ll keep the maids outside. Call them whenever you are hungry!"
Feng Yun can’t wait to cry a full face of bitter color "good-"
What a fart! It would be strange if she could eat like this!
He must be retaliating against her. She’s been too comfortable recently. He’s been serving tea in the middle of the night, and now he thinks of this way to disgust her.
But she can’t call the maid to fetch water to wash her hands. Doesn’t that mean telling someone about their scandal department?
That change, state of birds, animals shameless she also ah …
Lying on the bed, the phoenix clouds cry lightly and painfully, more afraid that Xiao Liancheng or Ruan Li’s group of shameless things suddenly broke in, so she would have no face to live after that.
The whole afternoon was spent in fear and wailing and cursing, and my aunt came to see her again, but she refused completely.
Her strength is low, and the sticky liquid has dried up. When she almost couldn’t help but plan to wipe her hands casually with the curtain, Xiao Linchu came back
All I know is that he talked as he walked.
"It’s been three days since Cai Qing’s nine-member vegetable market asked questions. Don’t you think it’s a little late to tell me now?" His voice was chilly with displeasure and anger.
Usually this kind of tone is to talk to Fang Heng. Sure enough, the door came again. Fang Heng didn’t have the confidence to reply. "I know, but Cai Qing asked about the day when the princess was unconscious. General Cai Ning came to see the report. The whole clause was in chaos. Even the general couldn’t speak. How dare he add to the report?"
When Fang Heng was wronged, he didn’t know that it was about being tossed by the noisy little princess and forgot to blame him afterwards.
Xiao Linchu took a deep breath and his handsome face looked ugly. He screwed his brow tightly. "Cai Ning was invited to have a chat at the luncheon!"
Fang Heng nodded should be Xiao Linchu’s thin lips pursed, so nine koo lives were ruined by Xiao Liancheng.
There’s nothing to grow here. What’s more, besides making trouble for him like Feng Yunqing?
Even if he is not as light as Fengyun, he can make him happy, but that idiot can make things worse for him.
He frowned and entered the room, feeling gloomy to the extreme. After sitting on the curtain by the bed, he stretched out a claw and then tried to rub his handsome face.
He didn’t move, and she greeted his face with dirty things, but she reached out and grabbed her from behind to prevent her from falling off the bed too hard.
Fengyun did it lightly. She repeated it in her mind for ten thousand times in the afternoon, but suddenly she felt something was wrong. Why didn’t this fellow respond at all?
She leaned a little face and looked at him from behind. "Why are you angry? If I went to see which lover gun in the afternoon, I found that I didn’t play it … "
Xiao Linchu couldn’t help laughing. "Are you so happy when I’m angry?"
She pie mouth "I what matter? I’m not angry that you left me hanging here alone! "
He suddenly hugged her from behind and pressed her down. Her handsome face was dirty and she was willing to linger in her face. She disliked screaming, "Xiao Linchu, you bastard …"
He straightened his beautiful nose and dawdled to her neck, looking at her white and greasy skin and biting it hard.
She groaned and struggled like a water-deficient fish and said, "Bastard, I haven’t bathed for three days, so you bite …"
He smiled and watched her neck bite out of the teeth marks, and the gloom in his heart had already dispersed. He held her little arms and legs and her eyes were touching. "I’ll take you to take a shower?"
"I don’t want you to stay out of the way when you see me without taking a shower …" Feng Yun made a light kick and was crushed by his legs.
"Are you? Then I will eat a few more times while I can still eat! " He went to pull her dress with a smile.
She shouted "Stop! Stop, stop! Can’t I take a shower with you? "
She’s lying in bed moldy. She really needs a good wash.
He smiled happily and helped her get dressed, shoes and socks and hugged her from behind. "Baby, I am more and more reluctant to leave you. I can’t wait to press you in bed all the time. What should I do?"
She pushed him too close to her on the shoulder, and his handsome face turned away. "You mutant birds and animals, stay away from me! Don’t touch me until my injury is healed! "
Xiao Linchu hooked his lips and smiled like a genie. "How are you going to finish your mother-in-law’s account if I don’t touch you?"
Fengyun blushed impatiently and pushed him "roll!"
He laughed more and more moving "now roll chapter 17 you honestly tell whether you like me.
Chapter 17 You tell me honestly whether you like me or not
Fengyun light natural won’t recognize this brazen Xiao Linchu say get out of here.
She clutching his collar alert stare Xiao Linchu "not to say that want to take a shower? Can my wound get wet now? "
When he saw her changing the subject, he didn’t pick a slight smile. "The medicine will be fine when it’s finished!"

Through the previous contact with Ashley, it is also clear that Su Orange’s character is inconsistent and demanding.

It’s very difficult to go to an appointment with him today and promise to get things together. What about other things that will affect the next conversation?
Anyway, he is well-connected and it is not difficult to find out.
"Good thank you first" Sue orange indifferently.
"You didn’t eat do you want a cake? Or try the winery’s special grilled steak? "
To tell the truth, although I have a lot on my mind, I still feel hungry. Drinking alcohol is useless except for hurting my health. Therefore, Su Orange doesn’t seem to have a problem with my stomach.
She nodded. "What a bother."
Ashley frowned. "That’s right! Should I enjoy life or should I enjoy life? Just like my horse is going to lose ice and ice, don’t I talk and laugh with you? "
Ashley pressed the button at the table and soon there was a knock at the door outside.
"Come on in!"
With the permission of the guest, the waiter came in respectfully and asked politely, "What can I do for you, sir?"
"Some cakes with different tastes and two grilled steaks …" Ashley looked at Su Orange. "The snakehead and bluefin tuna here are also very special. Would you like to try it?"
"You look at the arrangement!" Since I’m here, it’s up to the guest! Anyway, if someone treats you and doesn’t eat for free, even if you settle your own accounts, you won’t be able to afford it. What’s there to worry about?
After Ashley explained, the waiter bowed out again.
"Cast things you don’t want to talk about, then talk about things tonight! I heard that you like Miss Snow Dance. Why did she run out crying? And what about that strange guy? It won’t be your follower! "
Not to mention this master Ashley is really divinatory!
"If you want to talk about it, talk about it. Don’t wave our time."
Ashley shrugged naively. "Don’t make yourself so nervous! It’s so relaxing in front of me! Words in my heart can be relaxed. "
Ashley talked and poured two glasses of wine, thinking that even if you don’t talk now, you will gradually let your guard down after drinking.
As a result, Ashley was a little drunk after a few drinks, and Su Orange was particularly sober.
Su orange, after all, has worked in a bar before, but it can still be added to her special physique. Drinking red wine and juice is almost the same.
"Good capacity for liquor!" Ashley shook his glass and was fascinated. He felt that Su Orange could not say how beautiful and moving it was. Although it was a cold face, it made people never tire of seeing it.
"Give me a copy of the play first when you say it."
"Good time! I’ll let the screenwriter send the play to your mailbox first, and see if there are any places to be revised. If there are, we’ll finalize it when there is no problem here. "
"The actor is not responsible for reviewing the manuscript!" Is this guy reliable?
"Of course, actors are not qualified to modify the play, but you are different. I believe in your talent."
"Lily, I don’t know much about it. How can a layman guide me?"
Ashley laughed. "Orange, I find you very humorous! If you don’t understand Lily, what’s the matter with you and Snow Dance? If you like not girls, why don’t you have feelings for men? Which one is not handsome, Ashley or me? Born into a rich family? Did you see it in your eyes? Have we done anything interesting besides fighting? "
Su Orange said that it would be strange if I like men! Isn’t it normal to like girls
"I think we can take you to pick up girls next time. Maybe we can have fun." Ashley patted Su Orange on the shoulder like a good buddy.
"Every day, my mind is full of eating, drinking and having fun, so I want to get family recognition?" Suchengtou black line
"Otherwise, what can I do? Anyway, my personal image is already like this. Love and career are not in conflict! " Ashley leans on Su Orange’s shoulder. "Big Brother feels safe around you!"
Su Orange rudely put his fork on Ashley’s neck, and the cold touch made this guy sit up straight and put up his hand. "Don’t be serious!"
It seems that it’s a bit of a memory to clean him up this time!
Knocking at the door outside Ashley pointed to the "sharp weapon" in Su Orange’s hand.
Sue orange cold hum took a fork.
Ashley wiped his forehead with a cold sweat before clearing his throat and saying, "Come in!" "
The waiter pushed a dining car in, hit the round cover, took the cake with exquisite workmanship and put it on the dining table.
"Two please slow down" bowed and pushed the dining car back out.
Su orange feels a little exaggerated. Taking a plate can solve things. The dining car is really making a mountain out of a molehill.
Look at the beautiful shape of the cake, it’s a little white. The dining car is more stable and can be better. Keep the cake in a new posture, which is more beautiful and more appetizing.
Su Orange ate the cake quietly and Ashley complained, "Even if you don’t care about my handsome face and look down on my money, you should treat me better!"
Sue orange slowly swallowed the cake, which said, "I don’t need money, there’s no need to kneel and lick people."
"Money is too much! No amount of money is enough to spend! Who will have a hard time with money? "
Ashley is really calm. Other women would have thrown themselves at him a long time ago. He has always been generous to women and is almost responsive, asking them to make him happy.
"Since no amount of money is enough to spend, the desire for money is like drinking poison to quench thirst, and it is even more unnecessary for me to give up my dignity and go against my wishes."
"Elder sister … you are awesome!" Ashley gloomily thirsty for wine in the glass.
"The first time I saw a girl who was so calm like you after falling in love, shouldn’t I tell my heart pain through wine and feel gentle and soothing on my ready-made shoulders?" Ashley spoke and stroked a red rose in the vase with her long fingers.
"Good roses blooming quietly, isn’t it? Doesn’t the so-called comfort seem sentimental? "
Su Orange picked up a falling petal and gently blew it off. "Some people know how to cherish their own vanity."
Ashley took his hand in apathy. "I’m really defeated by you. Now I understand that you are really isolated from romantic Chou He men! Then should I call a girl for you? "
"whatever you want"
The more insipid Sue Orange’s attitude is, the more so-called Ashley feels like scratching her heart, but she is tolerable.
Soon the waiter brought other meals.
Su orange listened to music, ate exquisite food and drank expensive red wine, which surprised herself.
Others say that drinking too much will confuse her, but the more she drinks, the more sober she becomes.
Recalling the snow dance in a hurry and leaving the sad back, I can’t say the pain in my heart.

Ling Feiyang’s body ran with both feet along the side of the mountain wall. This mountain wall is almost vertical. Ling Feiyang’s body is almost horizontal, and it has risen several feet in an instant!

Qiu Qianren claimed to be an "iron palm Shui Piao" flying skill, and it was also a unique skill. He immediately ran after the mountain!
Ling Feiyang saw a one-foot square rock on the top of his head, and suddenly he used the sword in the six-pulse Excalibur to point to the rock in the right hand!
"bang!" This big stone turned out to be crashing, fragmenting and flying. At the same time, it has passed over several pieces of gravel of different sizes from the edge of the rock and smashed it to Fang Qiu Qianren’s head!
Qiu Qianren "drink" a pair of palms together to launch these rubble was palm shock flying around, but the body is falling back to the foot of the mountain ling float in the sky took the opportunity to leap to the top of the mountain!
Qiu Qianren couldn’t catch up with Ling Feiyang and turned to see that his sister Qiu Qianchi had been driven by Ying Gu and Huang Rong. Suddenly, she turned and rushed over and slapped Ying Gu in the middle of the back!
Ling Feiyang at the top of the mountain has long been aware of Qiu Qianren’s motivation to jump immediately. The body is still in the middle, but the right little finger has already pointed to Qiu Qianren’s back!
The right-hand little finger and little sword is the fastest sword among the six-pulse Excalibur. Qiu Qianren’s palm is seven feet away from Yinggu, but it has arrived behind Qiu Qianren first!
Qiu Qianren greeted with a wave of his hand, but Ling Feiyang is still not. He has taken back his firm but gentle hand!
Qiu Qianren saw Ling Feiyang jump from the mountain again and couldn’t help but feel great anger and charged at Ling Feiyang again! Ling Feiyang continued to exert Lingbo’s micro-steps, turning left and right, and running around the mountain road. Qiu Qianren’s palm force was slowly exhausted and it was a spent force!
Ling Feiyang felt that the palm wind gradually weakened behind him and suddenly turned around, and the left thumb was less and Shangjian pointed out again!
Qiu Qianren a palm just meet refers to the wind this time it is "poof" a little ShangJian unexpectedly through the Qiu Qianren palm wind formed gas wall point on the right chest of Qiu Qianren!
Qiu Qianren corners of the mouth oozing blood body immediately flew out and landed in the cave mouth!
At the same time, Qiu Qianren heard a sharp scream in her ear. It turned out that Qiu Qianchi was busy avoiding Ying Gu’s attack, but Huang Rong found a flaw and used a trick to "hit the dog in the water" and poked it in Qiu Qianchi’s waistline!
Huang Rong’s practice of relaxing muscles and forging bones is not what it used to be. This stick can not only hurt people, but also hurt the lumbar meridians in Qiu Qianchi! Qiu Qianchi fell to the ground and groaned "ouch!"
Qiu Qianren gave his sister a desperate look and plunged into the cave mouth!
"Your sister doesn’t care about your sister!" Ling flying mouth scold then rushed into the cave!
However, Ling Feiyang, who was extremely dark in the cave, couldn’t see the scene before him immediately. He just wanted to take out the fire and suddenly heard a gust of wind coming towards him!
Ling Feiyang’s middle finger used the middle punch sword to point forward with feeling and heard the sound of "bang", which seemed to be a heavy object falling to the ground.
Originally, Qiu Qianren wanted to sneak attack secretly, but when he was "silver acupuncture point * *", he had lost his martial arts by ten * *. The palm of his hand was very weak, and his body was immediately slammed to the ground by Ling Feiyang, and then he got up and turned to run!
Ling Feiyang immediately lit a fire and turned two corners step by step. Suddenly, the front became spacious. Ling Feiyang saw through the fire that there were dozens of human bones piled up on the ground or sitting or lying with different expressions. Next to each skeleton, there was a wooden sign with the name of each iron palm gang Wang written on it.
"Wu Mu’s legacy should be here, but we still have to find Qiu Qianren first!" Ling Feiyang thought about continuing to the depths of the cave.
There is no road ahead to see the sample. At the end of the cave, Ling Feiyang broke the fire and suddenly saw a corner of the clothes looming behind a big stone in front.
"The cave in Qiu Qianren is too small for you to hide, so come out!" Ling Feiyang cried
A short man in a yellow Ge blouse crawled out from behind a stone in a trembling way. Ling Feiyang looked up and saw that this man was indeed Qiu Qianren!
"Young Xia, spare me!" Qiu Qianren see sample has been ling float in the sky just two fingers into a serious injury mouth kept dripping blood suddenly like dao garlic to ling float in the sky upon his head.
"I didn’t expect the former Wulin master to kowtow and beg for mercy when he was dying here …" Ling Feiyang thought that Huang Rong and Ying Gu had ordered acupuncture points in Qiu Qianchi and walked into the cave together.
"Qiu old thief, I want your life!" Ying Gu saw Qiu Qianren’s eyes immediately showing bloodshot blood, and rushed forward almost crazily to clap his hands on Qiu Qianren’s left chest!
"I’m not …" Qiu Qianren said three words and his body fell painfully. The blood in his mouth turned black, and he twitched a few times and didn’t move!
It turns out that Ying Gu shot Qiu Qianren in the chest with a palm clap, and at the same time, the finger-seven-line needle also pierced his heart. The needle tip was highly toxic and immediately sent out, and Qiu Qianren died!
"It’s so cheap to die so easily!" Huang Rong remembered the hatred of Elder Jane and hundreds of Beggars’ Brothers, and kicked a few feet in Qiu Qianren’s body to get rid of it.
Ling Feiyang found an iron palm to help Wang’s official bo. Ling Feiyang bowed to the official bo’s bones for three times and said in his mouth, "Officer Wang, although you are a hero, it is evil to teach this disciple. Today, we will help you clean the door for good …"
Ling Feiyang said that a wooden box next to the bones of the general bo picked it up and took a close look at it to see the words "the key to breaking gold" written on the top of the box.
Ling Feiyang knocked out the wooden box and took out two pamphlets inside, so he flipped through it and saw that the thinner one was the thicker side of Yue Fei’s poems, and he really remembered all kinds of tips of art of war.
"This is the real thing!" Ling Feiyang thought
Ps: Answer B the day before yesterday Qiu Qianren died.
Qiu Qianren Fu Zhu Gai Gang won a great victory, but there seems to be a hidden event in this chapter. I wonder if you readers have found it?
Chapter 13 Yan Hong Shouxu uses personal expedition
Yue Fei hid Wu Mu’s legacy in the water curtain cave of Cold Cuitang in Lin ‘an Palace before his death, and was stolen by the general officer of Marshal Han Shizhong’s Department. He set up an iron palm to help the officer bo to prepare for the art of war against the nomads from the soldiers. Unexpectedly, Song Gaozong was afraid of Xu Jin and sent troops to encircle the iron palm peak officer bo. Desperate, he took this soldier to the burial ground of Wang Li and then committed suicide.
Now Wu Mu’s legacy has finally fallen into the hands of Ling Feiyang.
"Marshal Yue, now that the state of Jin is declining, Mongolia is about to invade the Song Dynasty. I will take your’ golden trick’ to defeat the Mongols. If you have knowledge in the grave, you should agree!" Ling Feiyang said to Wu Mu’s legacy that he suddenly felt that Yue Fei was smiling at himself in front of his face.
Ling Feiyang dragged Qiu Qianren’s body out of the cave with Huang Rong and Ying Gu. Three people looked down at the first knuckle of the middle finger peak and saw Zhu Liu and other four Dali masters leading the beggar brothers to shout loudly, but they didn’t help the younger brothers to attack the mountain. Although they prepared a lot of rolling stones, they couldn’t send them.
Ling Feiyang walked to the edge of the cliff and a rock was full of gas and shouted, "Listen up, iron palm!" Your Lord Qiu Qianren is dead. Put down your arms and surrender! "
Say Ling Feiyang kicked Qiu Qianren’s body. The body fell heavily from the second knuckle and fell on the first knuckle mountain road. Hundreds of iron palms helped the crowd to be scared out of their wits and threw their weapons to the ground.
The leader of the enemy, Qiu Qianren, fu Zhu, Gongsun Zhi, broke his right arm and fled from the mountain path. Qiu Qianchi verbally punished her for going and committing crimes, and then released her. Before and after the victory of Tiezhangfeng Beggars’ Sect, less than ten people were damaged!
Huang Rong broke the rules of the beggar’s years of thrift and simplicity, and Tiezhang gang accumulated ill-gotten gains for many years, and thousands of beggar brothers held a celebration banquet.
Beggars’ brothers have always begged students where they have eaten so many big fish and meat. They are all cheering and jumping for joy. They are grateful for Huang Rong’s celebration banquet. Beggars’ brothers have come to propose a toast and praised Dali’s four masters for their mastery of the art of war. There are praises for the beheading of Wang Huang and Ying Gu. At most, he expressed great admiration for Ling Feiyang’s shocking martial arts.
However, at the celebration dinner, Huang Rong received the flying pigeon of Lu Youjiao, the leader of the Beggars’ Dirty Clothes Sect!
"The war in Zhongxing Mansion is in a hurry, and your famous brother has been lost by the beggars’ brothers who besieged the city for 40 days. Please ask Elder Jane to send clean clothes and brothers to reinforce Xixia quickly!" This piece of paper made all beggars’ brothers lose their good mood.
"Brother Feiyang, I’m going to lead the Beggars’ Brothers to help Elder Xixia Lu clear the way!" Although there are 300,000 Mongolian troops and less than 3,000 beggars, Huang Rong is still determined.
Ling Feiyang came to plan to go to Zhongnanshan to teach Hong Qigong, Zhou Botong, Zhenliu and others to discuss anti-Mongolian affairs, and also went to the tomb to see Bingxin Yinggu. She originally wanted to go to Zhenjiao with Ling Feiyang to find Zhou Botong, but now the military emergency has to give up her plan to teach Zhenjiao.
"Rong Er, let me go to Xixia with you!" Ling Feiyang thought for a moment and continued, "But it will take you at least seven days to get to Xixia with these thousands of beggar brothers. Why don’t I ride a little red horse to Xixia first and try to delay the siege of Mongolian troops!"
"That how line? I don’t trust you to go alone! " Huang Rong Road
"I’m now fighting skill is not lost to Ouyang Wounds and King Jinlun, and these masters can easily get away even in hordes." Ling Feiyang said with confidence.
Huang Rong is still a little uneasy about Ling Feiyang’s thousand exhortations. Ling Feiyang’s heart is very touched. I can’t help but feel a little lost at the thought of going to Huang Rong for a while.