The road made people’s hair tingle and the man’s screams stopped …

Some people looked up curiously and sneaked a look. When they saw that pool of paste, they immediately vomited on the spot by tumbling their insides.
It’s cruel to trample on it like this.
"Lili, don’t dirty the carriage!"
Lili cleverly took off her shoes and jumped to the carriage. When she saw the two bodies, her little faces were full of biting. "Tut, let Lili see the bully again, and the bad guys must chop him into a paste!"
The carriage made a short stop and left the place.
People dare to get up, their bodies are trembling, and timid women just kneel and faint …
It is said that the Prime Minister’s adult is cruel and forbearing, like a demon, and he often holds the court in his hand, but he doesn’t care about his position … These are not to say that.
Black and white hair are as beautiful as demons.
I received a lot of blades recently …
Welcome everyone to join the group. There is soft moonlight to flirt with.
Qingjie Story 53371262
Qingjie Story 53371262
Qingjie Story 53371262
Xin Yue Ge Xinwen is in pk, and the beautiful people are going to watch.
The hot woman in the farmer’s door, the matchmaker, and the smart husband
Shen Yao, a beautiful little white-collar worker, suddenly turned into a fat and ugly peasant girl, vowed to be the richest and ugliest even if she was ugly!
From then on, the foster mother turned into a gourmet and all kinds of happy fruits were replaced by glistening silver;
By the way, wear a red flower, a red robe and a small waist to be a matchmaker.
The owner girl, the American West family guy, the handsome red line, the bridal chamber, the matchmaker ceremony and the pocket js3v3.
51 hair for white hair, fate ()
51 hair for white hair, fate ()
Three years ago, the Five Emperors Long Ze was ordered to leave Beijing for the frontier, and the Prime Minister said that he was seriously ill in January.
A month later, the Prime Minister Chao’s adult has surprised everyone with white hair.
I don’t know what happened to the Prime Minister during his illness this month, but he is so young and full of white hair.
Some people say that the Prime Minister was cursed by heaven because she went against the sky.
Some people say that the Prime Minister is a monster, and a strange white hair is a monster’s performance …
Just like that.
Three years ago, a month after illness, the Prime Minister’s adult was in charge of official business … It was also from that time that the Prime Minister’s adult character changed completely.
Everyone knows that the Prime Minister was a wan ku before, and people were very careless.
But now the Prime Minister seems to have completely lost his emotional bottom line, and it is fortunate that he dares to oppose him by bloody and cruel means.

Now many of his comrades-in-arms are left over from the cold war, and many old people are white-haired

However, China Aerospace, which has the advantage of being late-comer, has actually got a trump card-catching up with NASA’s rocket transport level.
Robert solemnly ordered, "Michelle, we need to act. You take the team to evaluate the specific situation of the 11th rocket transport. I need a threatening report to wake up those arrogant gentlemen."
"OK" Michelle nodded, and he actually had a feeling of boiling blood, just like when he confronted the Rusians.
For NASA, this is not a bad thing for them.
The instantaneous core primary and secondary separation of the rocket with a length of 11 in the predetermined middle orbit region are achieved.
The ground command center workers still control the core level 1 according to the predetermined plan, and the core level 2 control team has been ready for a long time, and immediately takes over the core level 2 control.
At present, 96% of the fuel workers at the core level control the core level to re-correct the flight trajectory and go back to near-earth orbit to prepare for re-entry into the atmosphere.
The first stage of core re-entry into the atmosphere is to reduce too much garbage, and the second stage is to verify the technology of spacecraft re-entry into the atmosphere, which is convenient for manned spacecraft to return to the ground in the future.
After the second-level operator of the control core determines that the track operation is accurate, the second-level core and the third-level core are officially separated.
After the core three-stage abandoned the fairing, it was the practice that the core three-stage control team of the No.12 satellite quickly took over and then spread the solar panel to adjust the flight path again.
It turns out that the core two-stage control team started the core two-stage hydrogen-oxygen engine to fly in an elliptical orbit towards the moon to prepare for LeBlue Star gravity slingshot to enter the lunar orbit.
The core two-stage outpost 1 satellite weighs about 13 tons, and the fuel of hydrogen-oxygen engine is about 24 tons, which is more than enough to fly to the moon.
China’s space flight ended, but soon the space departments of various countries found out that any country with the ability to observe and monitor the space flight made them vomit blood.
After the launch of Practice 12, a spacecraft continued to orbit further.
Moreover, the core level did not stop running, but approached low earth orbit again after repeated maneuvers.
In particular, Michelle, who was writing a report, rushed to the monitoring center again after listening to the report from the monitoring personnel.
He was dumbfounded by this scene.
The Chang-11 rocket is divided into three parts, except that the core stage of the No.12 satellite is returning to near-earth orbit, while the other part of the spacecraft is going to a higher orbit.
Michelle patted her forehead. "It seems that I am exaggerating."
Subsequently, the China National Space Administration announced that the launch of the No.12 satellite was successful, and at the same time, due to the surplus fuel, a tentative lunar exploration will be carried out in the secondary part of the original core.
Although it is said to be an "unexpected" waste, many people know that it is a deliberate excuse.
Otherwise, how to get to the core secondary detection equipment and scientific instruments?
The aerospace departments of various countries are as sour as a lemon in their hearts.
Chapter two hundred and twelve Boiling fermentation
Dongfeng Aerospace City Control Center
Applauded … There was a clap of hands.
I’ve been too worried to listen to the radio. Zhang Liu was slapped on the shoulder by Zhang Peicai. "You’re back to your little baby."
"What …" Zhang Liu, who can’t respond at the moment, immediately got up. "Did you go? Go! Ha ha ha … "
He was shaking with excitement, and that state was like Fan Jin’s move, with a feeling of madness.
Wang Kan joked, "This youngest son is not crazy, is he?"
"Don’t worry, it’s his first time as a chief engineer, and he will calm down after several experiences." Zhang Peicai shrugged and answered.
Aside Huang Xiuyuan is not too excited, perhaps because he has seen the magnificent future or because of the influence of psychological age, he has a kind of unrest all over the person.
Amid the laughter, he appeared to be worldly and independent.
When everyone’s excitement passed, Nie Guanghua, head of the base, came in.
"Academician Wang, Academician Zhang, Mr. Huang and Chief Engineer Zhang successfully completed the launch of No.12 satellite."
"Hard trouble you to continue to follow up the core level recycling and outpost 1 lunar exploration plan" Zhang Peicai put away his smile and said seriously.
Nie Guanghua saluted and replied, "Ensure completion."
And gradually returned to normal after the big Zhang Liu also woke up and hurried out of the control center.
Because the control of the space city is about to enter the final stage with the successful orbit of the practice 12, it is necessary to hand over the satellite control to the corresponding management department at this time.
This is the usual situation after the satellite is launched. The engineering process is practiced. The chief engineer of the No.12 satellite is Zhang Liu. This key must always cooperate with the control center to hand over the satellite control.
Huang Xiuyuan and Zhang Peicai and others discuss the situation of outpost 1.
At the same time
The homepage of Time Blog updated the launch of Chang 11 for the first time.
Top column of home page [Warmly celebrate the success of putting the No.12 satellite into orbit]
It also comes with a large number of live photos, and Time Blog has transferred several photos and news links from the joint newspaper.
The bottom is the hot comments of netizens.
[Congratulations from the people of Shu Province]-Water Cabbage
[Good cow force! Single-stage orbit and medium-orbit satellite] —— Jinling University
[@ Jinling University draws an admission notice! Hey]-dogs come to waste
[There is even a core-level recycling test and a lunar exploration plan? We agreed to jump on the street together, and you secretly made up lessons? ]——NASA
[@ NASA was almost cheated, but it turned out to be a high imitation number]-Lingnan three people
[Go to the official number of NASA for more details]-There is a demon.
[specific impulse 6? Effective charge ratio 52? This is the rhythm of heaven! No, this is the sky-y-* covering your mouth and snickering]-the hair gel ball.
[I went to the Cosmopolitan Network next door and saw that I was addicted to washing the floor for their foreign fathers everywhere]-Corn cob.
[Today, I, Zhao Gong, pay for lemons, and everyone will enjoy it! ]-Lemon essence Zhao Nicholas
Chinese netizens are happy and happy.

Qiao Cen turned to see him.

She, he won’t agree.
"You moved here" Huo Yanming said again.
Huo Mengshu turned to look at him, and the corner of his eye caught sight of Qiao Cen, and she was nodding towards herself.
Qiao Cen also made a blanket when she moved from the sofa. Her hands were wrapped around Huo Mengshu’s arm. "Meng Shujie, you should just stay with me and live here without looking for a nanny again. Feng Sao likes Xiao Mu."
Not far away, Feng Sister-in-law also responded with a smile, "Yes, they all went to class during the day, and I was worried that I had nothing to do."
Joe cen blinked at her.
Huo Meng Shu Nai thought that Qiao Cen said it made sense and agreed.
Today is definitely not going back to the company. After lunch, Huo Yanming went back to the company to deal with some things. Qiao Cen and Huo Mengshu talked in the backyard.
As the sun sets, Spyker enters the garage and Qiao Cen knows that Huo Yanming is back. He pulls Huo Mengshu "Let’s go to the front".
Sure enough, it didn’t take long to see Huo Yanming come in.
Feng sister-in-law laughed. "Mr. Wang came back just in time for dinner."
She took off her apron. "I’ll call Xiaomu to come to dinner."
Qiao Cen leaned in with Huo Mengshu and said, "Do you think Sister-in-law Feng likes little guys?"
Can feng sister-in-law went in and didn’t come out for a while. Qiao Cen looked at the direction of the small barn for a few more times. Huo Mengshu laughed. "No little guy likes to stay in bed and wait. It should be here."
Joe Cen nodded and just looked back, only to see that Feng Sao trotted out from the inside, which was a little anxious. "Miss Da, go and see how Xiaomu is. He is hot and scary and has been calling you."
HuoMengShu a listen to suddenly ran from the chair to the room, Qiao Cen and HuoYanming followed.
The curtain in the room covered the light outside. Huo Mengshu turned on the light and saw Xiaomu lying alone in a double bed. His face was red and his forehead was sweating. He had wet the trivial bangs in front.
"Mommy … Mommy, Xiaomu hurts and cries Mommy …" Xiaomu kept shouting in his sleep.
Huo Mengshu nervously measured a small shepherd’s forehead on the back of his hand, which was very hot!
"Baby, good mommy is not afraid of mommy here. Mommy will take you to the hospital. Don’t be afraid …" Huo Mengshu’s mouth was full of panic.
During these four years, there was a small shepherd who lived with her, and she was afraid that anything would happen to the small shepherd.
Huo Mengshu put on a coat for him and held him outside the door. Huo Yanming had ordered Meng Guanjia to bring the car.
A line of four people to the imperial city hospital.
Huo Mengshu clung to Xiaomu all the way and refused to let go. Qiao Cen stroked her and comforted "Meng Shujie, don’t worry, Xiaomu will be fine."
The pediatrician of Imperial Capital Hospital dispatched the pediatrician and cardiologist for consultation due to the arrival of Huo Yanming, and Ding Yuqing also arrived.
When Xiaomu entered the emergency room, Huo Mengshu stopped talking and sat quietly on the bench outside and waited.
Look very focused.
Qiao Cen knew that Huo Mengshu must be in a panic at this time.
"Yan Ming, what happened? How did you come to pediatrics?" Ding Yuqing followed by some experts into the emergency room Ding Yuqing then some worry asked.
He looked around and saw a woman sitting beside Qiao Cen, a bench outside the emergency room.
He gradually walked in, presumably because he felt familiar with his back. He didn’t recognize Huo Mengshu for so many years.
"Are you … Meng Shu?" Ding Yuqing some surprise way
As far as he knows, Huo Mengshu went abroad a few years ago, saying that he was going to study abroad, but he actually took his children with him.
Section 99
The child was born here in those days.
Huo Mengshu looked up and frowned for a long time to react "Uncle Ding"
Ding Yuqing nodded and looked at her with a sigh and said nothing.
Qiao Cen doesn’t feel a little strange. Does Dean Ding know about the small animal husbandry disease?
Huo Yanming frowned when he saw it. "Dean Ding hopes you can tell the truth."
Ding Yuqing sighed again and looked at Huo Mengshu’s eyes. It seems that she hasn’t told them yet and explained, "When your sister was born here, she checked out when she had a prenatal examination …"
Before he finished, he was picked up by Huo Mengshu. "Because his family didn’t agree to stay, I had to leave the child."
Huo Mengshu remembered this Joe Cencai as if he had known Huo Mengshu for so long and had never seen her husband …
HuoYanMing smell speech didn’t speak, he guessed.
Ding Yuqing didn’t go and waited outside the emergency room with them until the emergency room door.
Everyone gathered around. "How’s the doctor?" Huo Mengshu clung to the doctor’s hand and his words were much stronger.
"Fortunately, when it arrived, there was no life-threatening at present, but it was necessary to stay in the hospital for observation for a while." The doctor said and left.
HuoMengShu suddenly relieved all some slack.
The little shepherd was pushed out of the moving bed, and his little body was motionless, and he inserted some tubes and still didn’t wake up.
Xiaomu was transferred from the emergency room to the general ward, and there was no one else in the single ward.
Huo Mengshu has been staying at the bedside since Xiaomu came out without saying a word.
Qiao Cen is a little worried about squatting on Huo Mengshu’s leg, "Meng Shujie Xiaomu will be fine."
HuoMengShu barely smiled and nodded his head.
Huo Mengshu stayed in the ward for three days in a row and didn’t even leave the small animal husbandry. It’s no big deal to wake up and sleep these days.
Huo Yanming and Qiao Cen entered the ward, and Qiao Cen put the thermos bucket in his hand on the bedside table. "Sister Meng Shu, let’s watch for a while, let’s go get something to eat first."
Huo Mengshu nodded during the period and took the heat preservation barrel to the leisure sofa next to it.
The bed shepherd’s face is already good. Many little faces are red and eyelashes are closed. It looks like Huo Mengshu.
It didn’t take long for Qiao Cen’s cell phone to ring. It was Zhao Xiaojie.
She talked to Huo Yanming and went to the balcony to pick up the words.
"Hello" when Joe Cen answered this question, wasn’t Zhao Xiaojie in class?
"Is Sister Cenmeng Shu with you?" Zhao Xiaojie has some shortness of tone.
"Yes, why?" See Qiao Cen Zhao Xiaojie some strange unknowingly curious.
"Dream ShuJie times not beat up yi-ran Yang? Yi-ran Yang her father is the mayor! Somebody else’s family came to the company and smashed a lot of things, saying that the company was not responsible. "
She paused. "I didn’t realize that Shu Jie should be due to her family. She didn’t expect too much, but … the company is terrible."

As soon as Hu Na’s outstretched right hand was taken away, she looked at Zhang Chongxuan and said, "You came to pick a fight on purpose, didn’t you?"

Zhang Zhongxuan smiled and said, "I’m here for dinner." Zhang Zhongxuan put the chopsticks down, picked up the hip flask on the side and poured wine into the cup leisurely, saying, "Besides, if I haven’t finished this meal, there can’t be other guests in this staring building. I think you know what I mean."
Hu Na snorted and said, "Don’t take yourself too seriously."
Zhang Zhongxuan laughed, and his face turned pale: "Go down."
One side of the bartender in Zhang Chongxuan this drink, the whole people fell to the ground, face a cold sweat, while Hu Na stretched out his hand in front of Hu Yaozu, jade capacity change, the whole people like jade Luo Cha, she looked at Zhang Chongxuan, stretched out his hand and snapped a palm, this palm without a trace of interest, but Zhang Chongxuan knew that this palm contained infinite pitfalls, and he picked up the chopsticks on the table and gently hit the air, and immediately two gas strength from him.
Hu Na was angry and shouted, "You …"
Zhang Zhongxuan laughed, stood up and said, "If you don’t want any trouble, then come with me." Zhang Zhongxuan said. Reaching for the railing by the window, the whole person flew into the air.
Hu Na looked at Zhang Zhongxuan’s ethereal figure and said to Hu Yaozu next to her, "Dad, I’ll take care of things and come back then."
Hu Na chased Zhang Zhongxuan all the way, but who thought that Zhang Zhongxuan stopped at the edge of a cliff and stood with a negative hand. Watching her fly in with ease.
As soon as Hu Na landed, she looked at Zhang Chongxuan coldly. "What do you want?"
Zhang Zhongxuan looked at Hu Na and said, "Uncle Tan and I made an agreement first, but this position as the head of Kunlun must be inherited." Zhang Zhongxuan said that he took out the Kunlun Order, and the Kunlun Order was in the night light, and the sky was blooming with Xuan Qingguang, and the word Kunlun on the operator was even more red and red.
"Kunlun order?" Hu Na suspected that as a disciple of Kunlun, she had naturally heard of Kunlun’s orders. And after the head of Kunlun soared, Tan Yushi secretly asked people to find the whereabouts of Kunlun Ling, and prepared to give Hu Na the position of the head directly by Kunlun Ling, so Zhang Zhongxuan debuted Kunlun Ling as soon as he flashed the mouth of Kunlun Ling.
Zhang Zhongxuan nodded and said, "Yes, it is the Kunlun Order."
Hu Na looked at Zhang Chongxuan coldly and said, "What do you mean?"
Zhang Zhongxuan simply said, "It’s very simple. I don’t want the position of head of Kunlun Sect to be always empty. Since only you and I are fighting for the position of the leader, and Uncle Fu sacrificed him and Brother Minghang to save me, in this way, whoever killed many people on our trip will be the leader. How about killing fewer people and automatically giving up competing for the position of head? Of course, if you feel that you don’t have this strength, then forget it. "
Hu Na said without hesitation, "OK, that’s it."
Zhang Zhongxuan showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. These days, he talked with his disciples every day. Although he knew the Kunlun Sect, he increased his influence in the hearts of his disciples. But in fact, it is also investigating Hu Na’s personality. As early as that day at the banquet, Zhang Zhongxuan felt that Hu Na was too conceited. In a few days of communication with his disciples, Zhang Zhongxuan confirmed what he thought. Although Hu Na was gifted, he was a supercilious person. When he knew everything, he sent someone to investigate everything in Hu Na, which naturally led to the first play today.
Zhang Zhongxuan looked at the moonlight and said, "In that case, get up now." Zhang Zhongxuan said, and his figure flew towards the Kongtong School, but Hu Na was not backward. When Zhang Zhongxuan’s figure was together, he followed up, so they flew side by side towards the Kongtong School.
After flying all night, they finally came to the vicinity of Kongtong Mountain. Zhang Zhongxuan reached out into the air, and suddenly a black hole appeared on Zhang Zhongxuan’s right hand. Zhang Zhongxuan reached out and pulled out two sets of night clothes from it, reaching for a set of night clothes for Hu Na, saying, "Put it on, since the winner is the head of the Kunlun Sect, you have to consider it for the Kunlun Sect."
Hu Na stretched out his hand and took it. Without further ado, he put it on his body. Hu Na reached for a sacrifice, and the air was suddenly distorted. A bright light came from the air, and then appeared in front of Zhang Zhongxuan. It was a pure white sword. Hu Na reached out and held the sword, and the white sword was full of brilliance, without a trace of brilliance.
Zhang Zhongxuan couldn’t help praising: "Good sword, I wonder what the name of Hu Shimei’s flying sword is?"
Hu Na said coldly, "Panlong Sword."
When Zhang Zhongxuan heard the word Panlong Sword, he couldn’t help thinking of Xie Kexin and Xie Keying’s old enemy Panlong bodhi old zu. He couldn’t help laughing absurdly and said, "Otherwise, take her to feed the yin dragon of Panlong bodhi old zu."
Zhang Zhongxuan was thinking, and Hu Na urged: "Don’t get up yet."
Zhang Zhongxuan laughed and said, "Ok, go." Zhang Zhongxuan said that the whole person was in shape together and took the lead in flying towards Kongdong.
There is a habit among the three schools of shushan, kongtong and kunlun, that is, sometimes they will hold a meeting in the square they sent. At that time, as long as they are from their own school, they are basically all present, unless some people have something important to do, they don’t have to attend.
Before Zhang Chongxuan came to Kongtong, he had called Liang Zhan and Liang Guang to tell Zhao Zifeng to find out. Today, at noon, the emperor of the capital of a big country will come to worship his ancestors in Kongtong. Naturally, according to the practice of Kongtong, a meeting will be held in the morning. Zhang Chongxuan is not worried. The strength of Kongtong School is much worse than that of Shushan and Kunlun, and the reason why Kongtong School can be called the three schools of the fix-true world together with Shushan and Kunlun. It’s because Kongtong has practiced on the premise of money. Over the years, the Kongtong school has become the national religion of a big country’s capital, and its reputation is even louder. Unfortunately, its strength has begun to decline. Otherwise, Zhang Zhongxuan wouldn’t be so aware of Zhang Dan’s story that Hu Nalai came to Kongtong to smash a venue. With him and Hu Na, two people in the rising period, it is only natural that the three ancestors of the Kongtong Sect and the Taoist priest Yu Qing should be divided into two to deal with them. Naturally, with his Zhang Chongxuan’s strength, he can kill countless people in it and put it in Hu Na. According to Zhang Chongxuan, this woman is not simple, and she is not as good as Li Muran. Judging from Li Muran, Fu Minghang and Hu Na, it is not a hollow reputation that Kunlun Sect can sit firmly as the first sect in the world.
In the square, Jade Qing Taoist priest was about to speak when he suddenly felt two murderous looks coming from the air, followed by two bodies falling down. A white light and a green light flashed in the air, and suddenly there was a terrible sound from disciples all around, followed by bodies flying out. Jade virtual long face a change. He shouted, "Man, how dare you attack me?" Said the figure together, the whole people in the night clothes Zhang Chongxuan and Hu Na attack, and aside to kongdong three ancestors nature is to attack.
See jade qing long and kongdong three ancestors attack, Zhang Zhongxuan slightly hidden part of his strength, and sure enough. In the third ancestor of Kongtong, Mo Huai and Yu Qing, the eldest brothers, attacked Hu Na, while Fan Shande and Kang Mingsheng, who were slightly less powerful, flew to Zhang Chongxuan.
Zhang Chongxuan came to Kongtong on this trip, but then he took a green lightsaber. For him, Wu Xiu knows a lot anyway. It is easy to kill these low-ranking disciples in Kongtong, but for Fan Shande and Kang Mingsheng, Zhang Chongxuan, who uses ordinary green lightsaber, dare not take the sword and send it to them casually. After all, he uses real yuan to condense the gas sword.
The disciples around us are all low-ranking disciples. It doesn’t help at all. Persuaded by the elders of Du Jie period, they scattered to both sides. However, Zhang Chongxuan and Hu Na came to Kongtong to kill people, and it was more than killing people. Naturally, they wouldn’t just fight with Taoist Jade Qing and Kongtong people. I saw Zhang Chongxuan’s real yuan rebounded by Fan Shande, and his sword in his hand grew wantonly. Immediately, he made a few noises, and dozens of disciples whistled a blood sword, all of which was hit by a sword in his chest.
Just listening to Zhang Chongxuan’s figure, he stretched out his hand and released a real yuan to meet a grasp from Kang Mingsheng, and shouted, "Thirty-five."
Zhang Chongxuan this shout, while shangdi huna heart is nasty, she came to this trip, just came down with Zhang Chongxuan, he killed 30, Zhang Chongxuan killed 20, and now Zhang Chongxuan single-handedly killed 15, while she was driven by Mo Huai and Jade Qing Taoist priest, but it was impossible to break up to kill disciples. The andao should not have promised Zhang Chongxuan to come here to win.
Zhang Chongxuan went all the way down, very carefree, killing everyone he saw, ignoring the disciples of Kongtong School and Kang Mingsheng and Fan Shande, and suddenly killed hundreds of disciples of Kongtong School. It’s no wonder that Kongtong disciples are weak or Kang Mingsheng and Fan Shande are useless. Zhang Chongde However, because Zhang Chongxuan started playing without touching the edge, he wandered among Kongtong disciples. Kang Mingsheng and Fan Shande did not dare to sacrifice instruments for fear of accidentally injuring his disciples. Just because of this, more and more disciples were rejuvenated and became wandering souls under Zhang Chongxuan’s sword.
At this time, it is early in the morning, and the air in the Kongtong school square in the quiet Kongtong mountain was originally fragrant. Now, there is a strong bloody air in the square, and the square is full of corpses and rivers of blood.
"Uncle Mo, I’ll go first." Jade Qing Taoist priest, who is already aware of Hu Na’s strength, knows that Hu Na is no match for Mo Huai. Seeing his disciples under Zhang Chongxuan, he suffered many casualties. Together with his body, he came to Zhang Chongxuan’s side. Jade Qing long this change, Zhang Chongxuan suddenly complained, although he started holding the hit and run tactics, but after all, it is three masters of the rising period, which is real, not virtual, so Zhang Chongxuan can’t freely kill the low-order disciples of Kongtong School, but Zhang Chongxuan paused here, and Hu Na came on over there, because Hu Na and Zhang Chongxuan are about. Now that Taoist Jade Qing is gone, she also learns Zhang Zhongxuan’s tactics, and she shuttles and slaughters among her Kongtong disciples. Poor Kongtong, one of the three major schools in the field of repairing the truth, has become a sacrificial lamb under this toss and turn.
There were more and more bodies, and Hu Na’s eyes were red when he killed them. Mo Huai roared and finally became angry. At this time, Zhang Zhongxuan knew that things would be bad, and Mo Huai began to have no scruples. Then Jade Qing and other three people naturally have a school, and I’m afraid they can’t escape if they want to.
Zhang Zhongxuan figure together, without looking at the jade qing three people who followed him, flew straight to Hu Na’s side. "Let’s go," he said. "I lost."
When Hu Na heard Zhang Zhongxuan’s words, he was stunned and said, "You really lost?" Originally, under the pressure of Mo Huai, Hu Na killed more than one hundred people, far from Zhang Zhongxuan’s more than three hundred people. She didn’t believe that Zhang Zhongxuan would give up, because she gave up. That would mean that Zhang Chongxuan gave up his position as head of the company.
At this moment, Zhang Zhongxuan held out a palm, and he and Hu Na were almost posted. This palm was silent, and Hu Na didn’t react, and the whole person flew out. However, Zhang Zhongxuan didn’t hide anything. The whole person flew to Hu Na with all his strength, reaching out and holding Hu Na’s hand. At this moment, Zhang Zhongxuan threw his left hand back, and suddenly several pink smoke barriers came out of thin air, only to hear Taoist Jade Qing exclaim: "It’s poison gas, quick, trap these poison gases."
Zhang Zhongxuan corners of the mouth raise a smile, these poison barrier but he would have done well. The poison barrier inside will diffuse as soon as it reaches the air. But also can cover people’s line of sight, which covers people’s line of sight or specifically for the fix true person. So naturally, Taoist Jade Qing and Kongtong Sanzu can’t see the situation of Zhang Zhongxuan and Hu Na.
Zhang Zhongxuan stretched out his hand and tore it into the air, and immediately tore the space, leaving it with Hu Na, who was seriously injured by him.
After a flight in space, Zhang Zhongxuan flew out with Hu Nafei. At this time, Hu Na looked pale. Just now, Zhang Zhongxuan’s palm not only shattered the true yuan in his body, but also sealed her body with spells, which made her unable to move.
Hu Na looked at Zhang Zhongxuan and said, "What do you want to do?"
Zhang Zhongxuan’s hands crossed in front of Hu Na, and Hu Na suddenly felt only a very heavy scent. The ghosting of the bodies of Kongtong School and the place where the blood flowed into the square, the broken hands, feet, body and intestines, Hu Na’s stomach churned, and well, he suddenly vomited.
Zhang Zhongxuan laughed: "That was just a meeting ceremony, and the next step is the key."
Zhang Zhongxuan stretched out his hand on Hu Na, and laid a few laws to hold his figure. Then he pulled up Hu Na, and, without thinking, he reached out and offered the divine sand and flew into the air.
"I want to tell the master." Hu Na cried and stared at Zhang Chongxuan mercilessly. Unfortunately, Zhang Chongxuan didn’t look back at her, but just kept flying forward.
After flying for a long time, Zhang Zhongxuan finally stopped. In front of him, it was a deserted nunnery. This nunnery was already dilapidated. On the plaque in front of the gate, there were cobwebs, but the cobwebs could not cover the three words on the big plaque-Wu Xiupai. This is where Xie Kexin and Xie Keying once lived. Diancang Mountain.
Zhang Zhongxuan knew this place because when Xie Kexin and Xie Keying were accepted, the two sisters suddenly thought of their master’s quiet one day. At that time, Zhang Zhongxuan was afraid that she would get caught up in the past love of quiet and quiet, so she came to see it together and naturally remembered this place.
Zhang Zhongxuan looked at the ruined gate and wondered, "Aren’t the old nun and Panlong in this monastery?" Error-free novel network does not skip words. Zhang Chongxuan stretched out his foot and kicked the door of Wu Xiupai, and walked towards the inside, only to find that all the utensils in the nunnery had a thick layer of dust. Zhang Chongxuan put it away and immediately put it around Diancang Mountain. When he put it away, he immediately found that there were about ten people, including the recluse teacher and Panlong bodhi old zu.
Zhang Zhongxuan’s figure together, pulling Hu Na, flew to the place where Teacher Jingyi and Panlong bodhi old zu were located.
Suddenly, Zhang Zhongxuan took Hu Nafei to the front of a cave. Zhang Zhongxuan didn’t hesitate. He walked in the hall. In the cave, a huge bed was made with snow silk, and on it, the bodhi old zu Panlong was hugging four young naked women and kissing me. On the side, it was a naked recluse teacher who was also hugging four men and kissing me.
Teacher Jingyi and the bodhi old zu Panlong were all surprised when they found out that Zhang Chongxuan was coming. When the bodhi old zu Panlong saw Zhang Zhongxuan’s hand pulling Hu Na. I couldn’t help sticking out a long tongue and adding a little lip, and my face was slanted. When I saw Zhang Zhongxuan, the quiet teacher also showed a slanted expression.
Zhang Zhongxuan took one look at the bodhi old zu in Panlong. Over the years, the bodhi old zu in Panlong has reached the Du Jie period, but the recluse teacher on the side is still a poor class. Looking at Teacher Jingyi’s appearance, Zhang Zhongxuan already knew that she was completely become.
Hu Na behind Zhang Zhongxuan also saw the situation of Panlong bodhi old zu and Jing Yi teacher. Face a red, tilting his head.
Panlong bodhi old zu and Jing Yi teacher couldn’t see Zhang Zhongxuan’s strength. Naturally, after being taken aback, Zhang Zhongxuan didn’t rest assured. One side of Jing Yi teacher stood up, twisted her red luo body, and came towards Zhang Zhongxuan, which was extremely flattering. "Little brother, do you want me to accompany you?" he said angrily.
Zhang Zhongxuan looked at Teacher Jingyi with disdain and said, "No need." He reached for a shot, and immediately a stream of Xuanqing Zhenyuan shot out from his fingers, and without any accident, it hit the recluse teacher. As soon as that Xuanqing Zhenyuan was scattered, the recluse teacher flew out, and his cultivation had been tied.
The bodhi old zu Panlong is a wise man. When I saw Zhang Chongxuan, I knew that I was no match for Zhang Chongxuan. I said timidly, "Daxian forgives, Daxian forgives."
Zhang Zhongxuan didn’t reply. He lifted Hu Na toward the bodhi old zu in Panlong, and Hu Na landed firmly in front of the bodhi old zu in Panlong. Zhang Zhongxuan said, "She is yours. Enjoy her in front of me."

Then he was taken by Juventus.

I don’t know whether Juventus took the initiative to find him or whether his agent promoted him to Juventus.
Anyway, Melo finally moved to Juventus for 25 million euros. He was the transfer target of Juventus that year.
And the result?
Later, he was named as the most unsuccessful signing of Juventus, a big parallel import. He also won the Serie A Gold Junk Award that year-this award was specially awarded to those players whose performance was disappointing.
Changsheng doesn’t know if Melo will behave so badly when he goes to Juventus. But at least you can make a lot of money by selling Merlot.
As for whether Melo and Juventus can get along well, it doesn’t matter if they always win.
He is now waiting for a call from Juventus.
Juventus didn’t keep Chang Sheng waiting too long.
Before the last round of the league, Changsheng received a phone call from the new general manager of Juventus, Blanco.
On the phone, Blanco asked for Melo as soon as he came up.
"We are interested in Felipe Melo." The other party said.
Changsheng now really suspects that whether in this time and space or in that time and space, Melo’s agent is the middle contact.
Otherwise, how can it be two worlds? Juventus is still so diligent about Melo? Time is different, the situation is different, but their love for Melo has not changed.
Constant victory will not let Juventus know that he is willing to sell Melo.
So he simply rejected Blanco.
"Melo is the main midfielder of Lazio, the absolute core. We will not sell such an important player. "
He is not afraid that Juventus will give up.
If this is really Melo’s agent behind the contact … Juventus will always get it back.
Besides, even if Juventus are not interested, there will always be other teams coming to be the catcher.
As long as the price is right, who is not a pit … Oh, no, who is it for sale?
As for the fact that he obviously wants to sell Melo, he wants to put Melo’s statement that Lazio can’t play without him. Why?
Because he wants Juventus to know how good Melo is and how important he is to Lazio. So such an important and outstanding player will make Juventus more excited.
Moreover, the core of Lazio’s midfield has been dug away, which can also serve the purpose of attacking Lazio and weakening its strength.
Kill two birds with one stone.
Therefore, the more Changsheng attaches importance to Melo, the more Juventus want to poach Melo, no matter what the cost.
It’s useless for Changsheng to regard Melo as his own son.
In order to successfully sell Melo at a high price, it is natural for the winner to vigorously advocate the role of Melo.
Of course, it’s useless to give it to the general manager of Juventus, Blanco.
He also needs more people to talk about Melo’s goodness and form public opinion influence.
Then the layman Blanco will be more determined not to want Merlot, no matter how much money he pays, he will dig Merlot!
Because he will be convinced that Felipe Melo is the cornerstone of Juventus’ revival and the most important piece in the puzzle of Juventus’ future dynasty!
Chapter one hundred and forty-nine How to sell Melo for a big price
In the final round of the league, Lazio lost to Siena 1-2 away, ending all their games in the 2006-2007 season.
In this last round, Lazio have nothing to want, and it is normal for them to lose to Siena.
However, the competition between other teams is still fierce.
The Champions League qualification dispute between AC Milan and Florence vanished with AC Milan winning the Champions League.
Because AC Milan won the Champions League, according to the regulations, the defending champions can automatically participate in the Champions League next season, starting from the qualifiers.
In this way, one seat in Serie A will be cut.
So even if Florence is now ranked fourth, it has already lost the qualification for the Champions League next season.
This fact hit Florence hard.
Although they were two points ahead of AC Milan before the final round, everything changed after AC Milan won the Champions League in the middle of the week.
Fiorentina lost the hope of advancing to the Champions League, and also lost the goal and motivation of struggle.
As a result, Florence lost to Sampdoria at home, while AC Milan beat Reggina away.
AC Milan finally ranked fourth in the league by one point, while Florence fell to fifth. But it doesn’t make any difference, anyway, they have long been doomed to participate in the UEFA Cup …
Just because AC Milan beat Liverpool in the final and won the Champions League.
Under the influence of Calciopoli, we can still win the Champions League. AC Milan surprised everyone-except for the constant victory.
Kaka did well in winning the bid in the Champions League, winning two awards, the top scorer and the best player, with ten goals.
If nothing unexpected happens, he will win this year’s European Golden Globe Award and World Footballer of the Year.
This is the peak of Kaka’s career.
Next, he began to decline gradually.
But even then, he is still strong.
Constant success can’t be picked up if it’s like picking up cheap.
In the end, Lazio ranked first with 30 wins, 5 draws, 3 losses and 95 points, while Inter Milan ranked second with 82 points and Rome ranked third with 74 points. AC Milan ranked fourth with 68 points. Florence can only be ranked fifth with 67 points and play in the UEFA Cup next season. Palermo ranked sixth and qualified for the UEFA Cup.
The three teams relegated are Chievo, messina and ascoli.
After the league, fans and players can have a rest.
The manager and head coach of the team will continue to be busy.
Signing work has started from this moment.
This summer, Lazio has not made any big moves in signing for the time being. The main job is to do everything possible to sell Melo, and to sell it at a high price.
Melo has performed well in Lazio these two seasons, and he is the main player and the core of the midfield.
Such players have not only been selected for the Brazilian national team by their outstanding performance, but also attracted the favor of other giants.
Juventus is not the first team to show interest in Melo.
Real Madrid, which has been looking for a good midfielder, is also drooling over Melo.

Comrade Li Er didn’t have much idea about the south, but when he heard that there was not only Datang but also a serious threat to the travel of Datang ships, he felt a little urgent and repeatedly asked, "Do you mean that we should build a port in the south first?"

Kelly one leng he didn’t think this comrade Li Er would think so. According to the present situation, it is far from being occupied by horses. For Datang, the biggest threat to the ocean after removing the land threat is Goguryeo and all countries and regions in the South China Sea of Japan, which are still not a threat to Datang.
Kelly hurriedly said, "Emperor, our navy has not yet been established. It is unwise to think about it here. For me, Datang still has to deal with these local councils in the east first, and then turn around south to get rid of the danger of being caught between Scylla and Charybdis. Now the southern countries are just wild wasteland. I Datang can take them at any time, so there is no need to worry about it."
Comrade Li Er stroked his beard and looked at the map for a moment before he nodded and said, "That’s right. The priorities are small, but it’s clear. So now we need to build ports in the north and then slowly move south one by one to build small ones. Is that what you mean?"
Wang Ke was relieved to see that Comrade Li Er had some ideas about his intentions, so he didn’t need to talk for a long time to let the emperor who knew nothing about maritime affairs know what to do
"Emperor, now we need to build two ports here," Kelly said to Comrade Li Er with a smile, pointing to a place in Bohai Bay. "Once this place is built, we can attack Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla on both sides of the land and annihilate them in one fell swoop. On this basis, we can get twice the result with half the effort by conquering Japan again."
I can’t help but say that Kelly speaks to Comrade Li Er’s heart. Comrade Li Er’s greatest wish is to destroy several countries in this small peninsula besides the Turkish occupation of Tuyuhun. He wants to let the world know that he is the greatest king in the history of Datang because he is stronger than the previous dynasty!
Comrade Li Er suppressed his excitement and asked Kelly, "When can I be young? And if our navy division is formed, can you consider it? "
Kelly has long considered this problem, and now Comrade Li Er directly said without hesitation, "Now the weather is getting colder and colder, so it is not suitable for workers and ministers. It is better to carry out basic procedures now to open up the site for port construction, and the materials can be transported here. It will be started in the navy in the spring of next year. Now, don’t we have two small river sailors in the Yangtze River and the Yellow River? We can train them in ocean navigation first, and then recruit new soldiers to train them after their training is completed, so that when the port is built, our navy will have already taken shape."
After listening to Kelly’s words, Comrade Li Er’s brow wrinkled unconsciously. He felt as if something was wrong, but he couldn’t talk about it for a while before thinking about it. This just said that ports and soldiers are the most important and essential ships, but he hasn’t talked about it yet.
Comrade Li Er asked, "The novel has been going on for a long time, but this ship hasn’t arrived yet. This should be good!"
Kelly couldn’t help blushing. He talked about the topic of Comrade Li Er for a long time but forgot this most important thing. If Comrade Li Er hadn’t remembered it, he would have arranged it in a hurry and found it later.
Kelly bowed down to Comrade Li Er and said, "The emperor was wrong in this matter, and such an important thing was forgotten. If it weren’t for the imperial mirror, there would be a big problem. Please forgive me!"
Comrade Li Er was very happy when he saw Kelly admit that he was wrong and felt that a person who knew nothing about maritime affairs was right. He waved and said, "If you have nothing to do, just tell me how to do it. I don’t blame you!"
Kelly repeatedly hand in mouth saying thanks.
When Comrade Li Er saw Kelly’s honesty, he said with a stare, "Speak quickly or you will really be punished."
When Kelly saw Comrade Li Er, he quickly said, "Emperor, this ship has always been more in the south than in the north, and this shipbuilding is also a better minister in the south. This matter was handed over to the General Armament Department to take the lead in drawing a place in the south, which can be carried out. I have to discuss with several adults about this ship style and try my best to do it well."
"Oh, can Xiao still build a boat?" Comrade Li Er looked at Kelly and asked in surprise.
Kelly said with a red face, "The emperor misunderstood where I would build a ship, but I don’t know about the structure of the ship."
Comrade Li Er saw Kelly say this, otherwise he said, "What are the considerations for the appearance? It won’t be long before we follow the style of the previous dynasty."
Kelly was really in distress situation when he heard this. What are these boats? Flat-bottomed boats are simply small sampans. This kind of boat can’t withstand the big waves when it sails in the sea.
Wang Ke said seriously, "The emperor’s former ship can’t do it. At most, it can’t go far in the offshore. Now we have to build a ship to sail and withstand the wind and waves. Besides, we have to install artillery and the structure of the former ship is different. We have to redesign it!"
It’s too simple for Comrade Li Er to come here for nothing because of what Kelly said. I can’t help but wave and say, "Then do as you say. This matter is about which departments you need to make contact with. If you need it, I will come forward. If you need it, you will find me. But I have given my Datang Navy to you. I hope you won’t let me down!"
As soon as Kelly heard this, it fell on his head again, and he no longer regretted it as before. Anyway, he was used to such things, and no one could run away when anything new came out.
After handing a salute to Comrade Li Er, Kelly withdrew from the imperial room and quickly organized manpower to prepare for this matter. He thought that he could arrange all these things before he could sometimes discuss with the old killers how to build this ship and how to arrange the guns. He believed that these old killers were much clearer than himself.
Walking in Kelly’s heart, he was excited that the Datang Navy was finally born in his own hands. As soon as this navy was established, this Datang had two armies of land and sea. I don’t know if this army can also find a way to get it out. If it really works, Comrade Li Er will become the real commander-in-chief of the three armed forces. At that time, it was estimated that Comrade Li Er would wake himself up when he was asleep. Hey hey, I’m sure he can get some benefits by touching some light.
Chapter DiErErSan In trouble
Sitting in his office, Kelly looked in and out, and felt that he was so important for the first time. He ran around every day before, but he didn’t feel this way. He felt that he could help, so he helped to do something. Now he wants to do something. These people all come to himself, and a few old killers in the third headquarters are just like classes. They come directly every day and go home directly from themselves when they work at night.
Kelly and several old killers have been discussing together these days how to build this ship. Kelly really doesn’t like the current ship style. These old killers are not white. Kelly, however, it is no problem to know that ships are sailing in rivers with flat bottoms, but it is not possible to sail in the sea. The big waves in this sea are not the same as those in rivers once they touch this gondola, but there is no way to avoid it. Once they reach the peak, they are a lonely leaf. There is no escape possibility.
Kelly told several old killers this truth before he took out his own drawings of ships and explained it carefully again, so that several old killers could understand it before they could discuss how to arrange the artillery together. After all, they are much more familiar with this matter than they are.
While they were arguing there, Kelly got up and walked out of the house for half a day. This person was also very busy, and Kelly also wanted to come out for a change.
Just out of the door, Kelly saw that Doctor Xiao was passing by the hospital. Kelly opened his mouth and stopped Doctor Xiao and asked, "Where did Lord Xiao go in such a hurry?"
Now Kelly is a celebrity in the DPRK, and he is also red and purple in front of Comrade Li Er. Is there any reason why others don’t know him?
Xiao Cure too much saw that Kelly called himself hurriedly walked over to the Kelly arch and said, "Wang daren is busy."
Kelly said in his heart, "Being busy is helping others to do their own thing, but nothing has been done."
Mouth did not dare to say this. After all, it was Comrade Li Er who gave it to himself and dragged a bunch of old killers here without doing it himself. Now he is arguing in the house.
Kelly also quickly handed over and said, "I don’t know where Xiao’s adult came from."
From the route of Xiao Cure too much, Kelly also knows that Xiao Cure too much must have just come out of the palace, but he doesn’t know who went to the palace to see the sick. Kelly is still very willing to know about this matter.

"Are you saying that I care too much?" The temperature dropped by three degrees Celsius.

"There is no wood; I just feel that you are so kind, like my housekeeper, and I am so touched. "
Cross road; Cross road; Crossroads, after Sunday’s words were finished, a large number of crossroads immediately appeared on the royal elder sister’s forehead. At the same time, after Se turned red again for a few minutes, the royal elder sister was very angry and stammered at Sunday: "ún eggs; Who do you mean … who is in charge … a housewife! "
"What; Did I mention who is who’s the housekeeper? Maybe … Elder Rain, if you like me, just say so! I won’t refuse your courtship; I’d like you to be my housekeeper, otherwise; Shall we do that before I leave? "
"ún egg, ún egg, ún egg!" Royal elder sister was angry with Sunday’s words, and as soon as she flew directly, she kicked it out on Sunday. Immediately toward Sunday a disorderly stepped on it.
"Royal elder sister where did you learn! How to wear a short ku inside like a gun sister? "
"Gun elder sister? Short ku? " Hear Sunday; Royal elder sister at the foot of the action also paused for a moment, some don’t understand Sunday just what that means. However; When I found that there was something wrong with the line of sight on Sunday, I immediately warmed up my head and directly emitted steam at that time …
"Circle? Why is the steam coming out and the eye has not appeared yet? " After seeing the expression of the royal elder sister, Sunday was still commenting on something with a look of wanting more, just that performance; Almost didn’t directly grieve the royal elder sister.
"Sunday; You hun egg, die for me! " Without saying anything; See Sunday’s expression; I was so angry that the royal elder sister gave it a hard K again, and then she took out a jade charm directly from her storage bag at that time. No matter whether Sunday is willing or not, she patted it directly and sent it away directly.
"Hey!" When Sunday left; The royal elder sister suddenly found a storage bag when she left on Sunday. After picking it up curiously, the royal elder sister couldn’t help but anger: "Good! I knew you had hidden something. Since you have so many elixirs, you won’t hand them over to the public. I won’t clean you up when I come back next time. " Rage at the corner of the royal elder sister’s eye on Sunday for some reason; Suddenly there was more liquid than usual …
(thought for a moment; Let’s create a new plot and prepare for the shelves! )

Chapter one hundred and nineteen Black Wind Ridge
"Color-changing Se means that she is free over there; You can open the space door by inputting energy. This thing is too advanced! " After sensing the information left by the royal elder sister at last, she looked at a orchid uā tattoo on the back of her right hand on Sunday, but she couldn’t help but marvel.
It’s just that when he was doing those things on Sunday, he seemed to forget. He is no longer in the sugar gate now, but he used to have a royal sister. If an enemy approaches, he is either blocked or killed, and there is hardly any way to make Sunday encounter too many unexpected situations.
Now leaving the royal elder sister naturally makes Sunday seem a little uncomfortable, which is manifested in various ways, at least on Sunday’s alertness; It is too low.
Out of the blue; On Sunday, an arrow suddenly appeared behind him, and when it fell from the back of Sunday’s head with a jingle; On Sunday, this was discovered unconsciously, and since it was already a sneak attack.
Anger! As a monk, it’s embarrassing enough that he didn’t find it when the mortal approached. Since he has been ambushed by others, what will happen in the end if he just shot at himself instead of an arrow? I’m afraid I won’t die, and I’ll be seriously injured in the end!
That is, I feel a little blushing for my carelessness; At the same time, it is natural to feel angry about being ambushed; For those who dare to sneak up on themselves, Sunday is impossible to let go anyway.
I’m too lazy to care what the situation is now; On Sunday, I turned and looked at the place where the arrow branches came from, only to see a figure; It is directly in that direction to catch up …
It didn’t take long; Sunday will catch up with the man who escaped. Although Sunday is not good at speed, the man who just attacked Sunday is just an ordinary person. A mortal goes to compare speed with a monk; Even if the monk is not good at speed, I believe that mortals can’t match the monk.
Just two or three minutes; On Sunday, relying on the physical quality of far superior people, he easily caught up with the sneak attacker who fled away, and even didn’t see clearly what the other party looked like. On Sunday, he also threw the arrow he used to sneak up on himself at the other party.
Among monks; The power of Sunday may be nothing at the moment, but it is the power of Sunday; For that mortal, even a monk at the same stage as Sunday; Sunday can definitely be called a’ Hercules’. According to Sunday’s strength, even the arrows thrown with bare hands are no less powerful than the arrows shot by the strong bow …
"ah!" Without any accident; The mortal didn’t show any surprising performance; In the face of the arrow thrown out on Sunday, it doesn’t have any ability to dodge at all. In the process of running, it was shot by the arrow on Sunday. If it wasn’t for Sunday that it didn’t aim at its key point, this single blow would have been enough to kill the man.
"say; Who told you to sneak up on me? " Step on the man’s back; Catch up on Sunday and don’t be polite to each other, under the condition of pressing each other hard; Directly asked each other about their own purpose.
"XianShi forgive, XianShi forgive, I didn’t mean to sneak attack you, just because of my family …" Then the so-called confession became the man’s complaining meeting, and what died at the age of three? Six-year-old dead mother; At the age of seventeen or eighteen, I finally got a wife but couldn’t support a living family. Anyway, just one sentence; Because I was too poor to starve to death, so when I saw the reason why I traveled alone on Sunday, I started a business without money together.
At the beginning, Sunday didn’t immediately kill the man just to give him a chance; As long as it can give a reasonable reason; Sunday can still let the man go, after all, Sunday and the man are already in two different realms, and people are bitten by ants; You can’t really have to crush that ant to calm down!
It’s a pity that the man missed the opportunity, and Sunday gave him a chance to convince himself to let him go, but the man said all Sunday words that he wouldn’t believe at all. How could such reasons be the reason for Sunday’s release? If it weren’t for Sunday’s words, it would be possible to kill him on the spot.
"Don’t talk nonsense; Let me ask you, what is this place? "
"Back to the XianShi; This is Nanzhou Heifengling. "
"Nanzhou Heifengling; It seems that I haven’t left too far, at least I haven’t left the continent. Heifengling? The name is rotten, but I don’t know where it is. " After thinking for a moment, Sunday asked the man at his feet again, "Where is the nearest city to Heifengling?"
"My Lord; There is no city in Heifengling! " Hear Sunday; Although the man didn’t understand why he asked such a question on Sunday, he dared not answer, thinking of the situation in Heifengling. It can only answer with a bitter face: "There are all kinds of dangerous monster beasts everywhere in Heifengling. Except that some peaks are safer after being closed by the immortal master by big means, almost all of us civilians have to move several times every month to escape the killing of those monster beasts, if we build a city; I’m afraid those monsters will destroy it before it’s halfway built. "
The battle between monster beast and Terran is not uncommon in Nanzhou. In several places before Sunday, monster attacks on human beings often occur, otherwise for no reason; Nothing to build a city, you know, building a city not only costs a lot of money, but also costs a lot of maintenance every day.
Just want to come on Sunday; Nanzhou should be a situation where Terran and monster beast are evenly matched, and Terran occupies the area where Terran lives; The monster beast occupies the mountains and grasslands. But now this Heifengling doesn’t seem to be the same thing. Since Terran has been overruled by those monsters, Liancheng Pool can’t be established. It is conceivable that the overall strength of this area is weak; The difference in the living environment of civilians is that it will far exceed those places where it was before Sunday.
When I came on Sunday, I only knew that the level of fixing the truth where I was going was very low; There won’t be too many monsters that can’t be dealt with on Sunday. But it really didn’t occur to me on Sunday that since it would be such a situation where I went, I thought of Terran being oppressed by monster beast. As on Sunday, it is unavoidable to raise a trace of anger.
"Why didn’t those monks deal with the monster beast? Did they just let you be bullied and killed by those monsters?"
"Not without shots; But I can’t beat it. " Because on Sunday, after just hearing the Terran’s situation in this area, some people relented, and finally they lifted their feet. After the pressure on the man’s back disappeared, they immediately got up from the local people and sat down, while cleaning up their injuries; On the other hand, he explained to Sunday, "Those immortal teachers can’t keep their own sect headquarters from being broken by monsters. How can they help us under such circumstances? If not every time the tide comes; If those sects would open the mountain gate for us to go in and take shelter, I’m afraid we would have been killed by those monsters by now. "
Se dignified nodded his head; Sunday also didn’t say much. As far as the situation of Heifengling is concerned, Sunday knows that he will be in the next period of time. What needs to be considered is how to deal with those ferocious monster beasts. As for the monk’s words; When encountering a disaster that is beyond personal strength, terrans are often very United at that time.
There is some sympathy for the civilians in this area; On Sunday, I didn’t mean to take the life of that mortal again, so I waved my hand. Sunday also said to him: "You leave! I’ll let you go this time. If I meet you doing such a thing next time, I’ll take your life! "

Ghost face shura coldly saw Wei Tingyan didn’t speak.

Wei Tingyan was angered by the arrogance of the ghost face shura. He slammed the table and said, "Ghost face shura, do you know who you are talking to? Dynasty a surname royalty don’t we want to listen to your command … "
Taking Wei Ting Yan’s word, he felt that the shadow in front of him had not blinked yet. The ghost face shura had already crushed his neck with a machete as thin as cicada’s wings in front of him.
Wei Tingyan gasped in panic and said, "Are you going to be so bold?"
Ghost face shura sneer at a "who are you talking to? You and I dare not kill you? " His fingertips slightly bent machetes Wei Ting Yan neck to draw a bright red blood.
Wei Taishi hurriedly got up and ran to the two of them with his hands open, accompanied by a smiling face. "Shura, please calm down the dog and be in a hurry to say something that offended Shura. Please forgive him regardless of the villain?" He said as he gently pushed the ghost face shura machete away from his neck.
Ghost face shura smiled coldly, and the shura knife "sou" bounced out and "click" was deeply inserted into the jade screen behind, and the whole blade was deeply immersed in the screen.
Wei Tingyan was surprised and felt his legs shaking a little.
Wei Taishi quickly sat back with a smiling face and pulled Shura with a ghost face, and severely reprimanded his son, "Don’t make amends to Shura if you don’t understand things!"
Wei Tingyan saluted with his fist. "I don’t know if Tingyan was guilty just now, but I hope Shura Haihan will forgive me!" His tone is very sincere.
The ghost face shura said simply without lifting his head, "Be careful after that. The ghost face shura has a bad temper."
"That’s that." A surname Wei hurriedly accompanied a smiling face. "Shura is also tired these days. Please go to the backyard to rest."
Ghost face shura nodded "all right". He put away his shura knife and walked into Wei Taishi’s private house with his handmaid.
Wei Ting sat in the chair in front of the hall and complained angrily, "Dad, this ghost face shura is really too much. What does he think he is? He is just a Jianghu figure. Why do you invite such a person in front of our father?"
A surname Wei hurriedly patted his shoulder and said with a sigh, "How can a man not bow his head and ask for help? Of course, he has to listen to people’s orders. This ghost face shura is a famous kung fu in cold-blooded killer. Hearing the name of the ghost face shura is simply frightening. This man is a killer and his hands and eyes are full of heaven. Don’t offend his father easily. We only invite him. We believe that he can also help us deal with a bunch of people in Ning Wang."
He strolled a few steps behind his back and said to Wei Tingyan earnestly, "You must remember that we have achieved great things. We must tolerate all profitable people, especially those like the ghost face shura. You must respect him as you respect me."
Wei Tingyan also wanted to say something, but when he saw his father say so, he nodded.
A surname Wei sighed, "Our father will go to the palace to see your sister another day."
Besides, Feather Zhen ended a day of celebration and happily returned to Ning Wangfu with Ning Wang Lengche. Her nerves were in a state of high excitement that day, and her mala Tang business seemed to be as hot as expected, and she made a lot of money just this day.
Therefore, the beautiful nose bubbles are coming out, and walking is as light as stepping on clouds.
Ning Wang Lengche can’t help but feel a little funny when he sees the feather-shaped heart, but he doesn’t know why he feels particularly good every time he sees the feather-shaped heart.
All the way back to the Wangfu Feather, I plunged into the "small building on the moon" and told my girl Jinger vividly that today’s grand occasion also brought a few rich body languages from time to time.
She just gesticulated and said that she didn’t even notice Jinger’s sharp-eyed eyes when she came in after dressing up. She quickly winked at Feather, but Feather was still immersed in her wonderful planning and winked at Jinger.
She didn’t wake up until her hand was gently held. When Lengche arrived, she hurried to worship Ying Ying.
Lengche smiled and took hold of Feather’s delicate hand. "Are you happy to get what you want today?" Static son discretion to hurriedly left the room.
Feather Zhen smiled sweetly. "Thank you for your help. I really don’t know how to thank you."
Lengche raised his eyebrows. "If you really want to thank me, how about a strong body?"
Feather Beard withdrew his jade hand and muttered, "Your Majesty has so many concubines and many feathers. You always have to hold on to Feather Beard. Feather Beard feels like you are robbing me in trouble!"
Ning Wang smiled. "So, is there anyone in Feather’s mind that she likes?"
Feather pastor doesn’t know what medicine is sold in the cold gourd. She gently shook her head and said definitely, "No, absolutely not."
Come on, how many men have you met from crossing here? What do you like about the half?
Cold and deep black eyes looked at her. "What about Mu Chenxing?"
"Mu Morningstar? He is my righteous brother, and he and I are brothers and sisters. "Feather’s mouth replied in his heart," Don’t quarrel with yourself all day to be a husband, otherwise how can you get by?
Lengche smiled indifferently and said airily, "I’m really happy and disappointed to hear you say that. Can’t the king get into the eyes of Miss Feather?"
Ning Wang? Don’t be ridiculous. This beautiful man who has never touched his body in a million flowers can enjoy himself and appreciate his eye addiction. That day, he was tired of playing and was thrown into a corner. He didn’t even have a place to cry again. Besides, so many concubines kept their eyes on the position of the princess. How can he compete with them? At the beginning, I joked with Mu Chenxing about mixing a princess. She didn’t have that ambition!
Thought of this, Feather Beard shook his head. "The sovereign is a golden body and Feather Beard is a right-wing sparrow. How can he deserve a phoenix?"
Ning Wang Lengche sighed and became more low. "But according to you, Wang feels like a sparrow."
Feather Beard hurriedly waved his hand. "Where, where, of course, feather Beard is a small sparrow."
Ning Wang Lengche sat on the bed slowly. He stretched out his hand and pulled the feather over. He didn’t pay attention to sitting down. Lengche tightened his arm and tied the feather in his arms. He gently sighed, "Do you want to hear my story?"
Wei Taishi quickly asked while the iron was hot, "Shura said that he was looking for Ning Wang’s cold weakness. I don’t know if he found it?"
Ghost face shura corners of the mouth slightly raised low voice coldly said, "seems to have found and is still a big weakness, but what is the weakness I don’t want to tell you yet."
Wei Tingyan, behind Wei Taishi, asked anxiously, "Don’t sell it. Tell us what the weakness is!"
Ghost face shura coldly saw Wei Tingyan didn’t speak.
Wei Tingyan was angered by the arrogance of the ghost face shura. He slammed the table and said, "Ghost face shura, do you know who you are talking to? Dynasty a surname royalty don’t we want to listen to your command … "
Taking Wei Ting Yan’s word, he felt that the shadow in front of him had not blinked yet. The ghost face shura had already crushed his neck with a machete as thin as cicada’s wings in front of him.

Chapter one hundred and ninety-six: Killing Sages and Hiding (11)-Fighting Force

Chapter one hundred and ninety-six: Killing Sages and Hiding (11)-Fighting Force
Although I was heartbroken when I arrived, even the existing magic weapon was too late to sacrifice, Tang Qing grasped the most basic things and tried to improve everything that could be improved.
After forming then, it goes without saying that the cultivation has been improved. For Tang Qing, the most important change is that his fighting style can be fundamentally changed.
Tang Qing has always grasped very clearly that his strongest point is always close combat. Even after Tang Qing grasped the pulse of psychic attribute, it didn’t change.
Only before that, due to the restriction of not being able to fly, Tang Qing could not give full play to this advantage when fighting with monks.
In the air, it is impossible to achieve real hand-to-hand combat by means of issuing instruments. This is an unavoidable shortcoming for any bodybuilder, and Tang Qing is no exception.
Because of this, after the success of Jiedan, Tang Qing first learned not to sacrifice magic weapons, nor to practice gold evasion, but to learn to fly-flying in the air.
For flying, Tang Qing has two goals, one is speed and the other is attitude.
The ultimate way of hand-to-hand combat is that the whole body can be used as a weapon. If it is on the ground, Tang Qing is very strong in this respect, better than the vast majority of people in this world. But if in the air, it seems that there is no experience to borrow, and Tang Qing can only study it by himself.
This requires a premise, the mastery of flying skills and balance.
This is what Tang Qing practiced all the way. Although he is not very skilled, he can barely cope with the scene.
At the moment, at an altitude of 100 meters, I saw that Tang Qing, who was originally in a hurry, turned and twisted her body lightly, and her upper body stood upright, and the whole person instantly returned to normal posture.
Ignoring the tremendous pressure from the body, he broke through the air in an indomitable manner, and shot at Yan Hui like a bullet leaving the chamber.
At the same time, Tang Qing left a recruit, put away the spirit boat fluttering in the air, and then wiped it again, and a white cat appeared on his shoulder.
When Qian Yu saw it, she couldn’t even care about fighting. She cried out in surprise: "Meow!"
The next moment, Tang Qing’s right hand swung out one after another, and the old routine continued. However, in the five bursts of flying swords, there was a sword that was extremely common and indestructible, which was very disappointing.
Yan Hui is dead at the moment, and Yan Zheng and Qin Qi are more torn apart. They both know that if anything happens to Yan Hui, what will happen to them.
No matter who you are, you will be surprised to break out in a cold sweat when you see others offering such a long string of flying swords one after another. What’s more, Tang Qing’s sudden flying in the air was too shocking.
"You are Dan."
Yan Hui’s eyes are full of disbelief and fear, and her voice is extremely horrified.
At the moment, Tang Qing fully displays, and can no longer conceal his nature. The unique coercion of the Godsworn in the Dan period is scattered in the air, giving Yan Hui the feeling of being like Tianwei.
It’s not that Yan Hui has little knowledge, but this series of changes is really hard for him to understand and accept. When I saw Tang Qing in the temple, he was clearly just entering the late stage of the foundation. It was only a few days ago. He just married Dan?
Previously, Tang Qing fell down with a very handsome and natural attitude, and it was precisely because of this that Yan Hui had no doubt. Repairing this thing is not something you can install if you want, and it will only take two months to be at the very most.
In the later period of Tsukiji, the monks married Dan in two months. Can this be imagined by cunning and treachery?
Before he recovered from the shock, five flying swords, which were almost in a line, seemed to dig a knife in Yan Hui’s heart. When manipulating five flying swords seems to be a temple, he seems to be in a hurry to cast a small spell. How can he manipulate five flying swords now?
At the moment, Yan Hui’s mind has only one thought left, so hurry back.
He didn’t even have time to manipulate guillotines Huiyuan Yan Hui to take it for granted that he didn’t compare with Tang Qing’s mana at all, and the speed of manipulating the multiplier was naturally too different. At this time, guillotines and Tang Qing are already in the same line. It is obviously too late to rely on their Huiyuan to deal with these flying swords.
Mind DianZhuan, Yan Hui teeth under instant decision. Guillotines crashing burst open, Yan Hui hands a clap again, a pair of hook multiplier rotating fly out, to meet the several direct fly sword.
At the same time, Yan Hui with a roar, suddenly around the body sends out a heavy black fog, wrapped his body, hurry back and go.
Originally so decided, Yan Hui can really escape the immediate bullet. At this time, Yan Zhen and Qin Qi have been desperate to fly up and fly here like a fisherman. Qin Qi was swept away from his body by a glittering palm, and he spit out one mouthful blood on the spot, which seriously injured him.
Had meaning can only do this step, Wu Bo where there are two almost intact Godsworn Dan to join the fight, they are also hard to come.
Just a little, Yan Hui can escape. Unfortunately, a spectacle made him pause again.
Five seemingly arrogant flying swords, the first three were directly smashed by the double hook, and the fourth one was still hit by the double hook. It was not until the fifth flying sword came into contact with the double hook that Yan Hui felt the pressure, and the double hook suddenly shook, showing signs of malfunction.
Where’s the flying sword It all fell to the ground, and some fragments were scattered in the air.
There is no explanation for this situation. That’s the flying sword of the giant sword gate. That’s the flying sword used by Godsworn Dan. That’s the flying sword used by Tang Qing. It was actually scattered directly by a Godsworn Tsukiji.
Of course, Yan Hui is very strong, and the guys he uses are first-class. But if he can have such power, he must not be called a cow any more. He should be called a longicorn flying in the sky.
Therefore, the tragic Yan Hui is involuntarily stunned. Just like the gangster in the "Shuanglong Club", there was a sudden feeling that I was so powerful and his judgment was so weak.
This judgment only lasted in Yan Hui’s mind … Half breath, that is, a flash, and then Yan Hui immediately saw the reason why he almost vomited blood with anger.
If let Yan Hui choose, he really would rather not understand.
Tang Qing’s eyes don’t have the shadow of those flying swords. guillotines blew himself up at almost 100 meters under his feet. What impact can it have on Tang Qing?
Don’t say that he still has a shield that is fixed with Dan. Even with bare arms, if this level of impact wants to hurt Tang Ye, I’m afraid that the doyen who created the Vajrayana tactic will jump out of the mud to settle accounts with Tang Ye and scold him for losing the face of his ancestors.
When Yan Hui reacted again and wanted to retreat, Tang Qing was already 50 meters away from him
There is no time for running and flying, and there is a continuous pause. Yan Hui’s only hope is to hide behind Yan Zheng and others who have arrived. Now, he has completely lost this opportunity.
Meow meow a roar, fairy shake three shake; At the first hand of the nine operators, God shakes it.
Through the battle with the lack of heart, Tang Qing is convinced that these two kinds of killing tactics that can make the opponent a meal will become his own signboard in the future.
As long as the order difference is not too big, it won’t make meow dangerous. This kind of soul shock is definitely a big killer that can’t dodge, defend or be exempted.
Of course, there is a premise that you must be able to use such a little time to give your opponent great damage. Otherwise, the loss outweighs the gain.
Tang Qing has even made up his mind that once he is free, he should give priority to finding a way to make meow meow advanced, especially for him.
Ignoring the magical powers that two Godsworn Jiedan attacked him, Tang Qing flew into the black fog, lifted his feet and made moves.
After two pauses, Yan Hui could only stare at unbelievable and desperate eyes, watching Tang Qingchao punch himself, kick him, wave his hand, and then be kicked out for more than ten meters like a chicken.
Until the end, Yan Hui also made a mistake. This kind of black fog is very powerful against ordinary monks. Just for Tang Qing, it is completely useless.
Life’s core monuments’s magic gas cultivated by a small magic workshop that only built the foundation, if compared with those absorbed by Tang Ye on the poisonous mosquito mountain, it is flattering to compare mosquitoes with elephants.
Yan Hui didn’t die, his body flew out, and a long blood arrow was blown out in the air, even with pieces of meat in it, but he didn’t die after all.
A cold incomparable, powerful spirit force suddenly broke out on Yan Hui, along the direction of Yan Hui being thrown, and headed for Tang Qing.
Even if they didn’t bear the attack, the rest of the people at the scene were like falling into an ice cave in an instant, and they could clearly feel the anger and murder contained in this spirit. Of course, what scares them even more is that the power of this idea shows what kind of cultivation the owner who owns it is.
"Ha ha"

Li Ma said, "It’s the young master!"

Even Fang Zhou and Lian Ze got up and Jessica Fong Ching got up and laughed. "Just meet your cousin!"
The words sound just fell and two men came in from the outside.
The other party is his cousin. Even Fang Zhou glanced at it in a hurry and then he lowered his eyelids. He will see an outline. The master Su Jinghe, who is in his mid-twenties, looks very good, but he brings some evil bosses or rich brothers to generate cynicism.
"You’re back! Hey, cousin is here! " Jessica Fong Ching couldn’t help but take a look at Su Jinghe and didn’t good the spirit. "Why didn’t you say so earlier?"
Even Fang Zhou is a maiden. She is here to meet her cousin-in-law, but it’s a bit bad to meet other men.
"I didn’t know you had guests here!" Su Jinghe smiled at Lian Fangzhou and Lian Ze and lost interest. "Then you are busy with Min and I first, and I will come back to you later!"
"You wait!" Jessica Fong Ching stopped him and was about to introduce him to his cousin Lian Fangzhou, but he heard his husband’s cousin "Ah!" She smiled and said, "Girl, we meet again!"
Even ze couldn’t help but look up and stare at him coldly. His sister wasn’t teasing.
Even Fang Zhou looked up at this sound, and Cui Shaoxi’s handsome face full of smiles suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. Her heart jumped and she was surprised. "It’s you!"
"Ha ha ha! It’s not me! " Cui Shaoxi burst out laughing.
Even Fang Zhou resisted the urge to roll his eyes and smoked his heart. I really don’t know what you have to be proud of!
"Oh, so you know each other!" Su Jinghe, look at this. Look at that eyeball. Hey, hey, laugh for two times. Before you finish laughing, you take a breath and it hurts!
Jessica Fong Ching twisted his apricot eyes and stared at him mercilessly. Su Jinghe wanted to distinguish what but eventually turned into a pleasing smile. Jessica Fong Ching snorted and ignored him.
Cui Shaoxi and Lian Fangzhou over there happen to coincide and say
Fang Qing and Su Jinghe just don’t understand one leng.
Jessica Fong Ching went to their brothers and sisters and took Lian Fangzhou’s hand and smiled. "This is my cousin, cousin!" The Su Jinghe took one look and added, "This is your cousin! This, uh, is your cousin’s cousin, so you can also be called a cousin. "
Even Fangzhou and Lianze automatically ignored the sentence behind Jessica Fong Ching and saluted Su Jinghe and called "Cousin!" Call Cui Shaoxi "Biao Gong"
"Li Li! Ha ha! This is a relative of our family. How come I have never heard you talk about it! " Su Jinghe smilingly raised my hand and asked Jessica Fong Ching.
"Our two families haven’t seen each other for many years!" Jessica Fong Ching gently sighed and pushed Su Jinghe with a smile. "Come on, if you have something to do, go first!"
Su Jinghe hasn’t left Cui Shaoxi yet. She has sat down and walked over and said, "We have nothing to do but come and chat with our wives! My wife won’t kick us out, will she? "
Cui Shaoxi is obviously familiar with Su Jinghe and Jessica Fong Ching, and speaks very casually. It’s really impossible for Jessica Fong Ching to drive him away with a smile.
But in front of the cousins’ previous topic, it’s obviously inconvenient to continue. Jessica Fong Ching thought about it, and he already had a dispute in his heart. Then don’t say it first. Anyway, he originally planned to let them stay for two days. Sometimes! Then he smiled and asked Lian Fangzhou’s brother and sister to sit down and laugh. "So let’s talk!"
It’s a pity that Jessica Fong Ching felt that the topic was inconvenient to continue, but some people didn’t recognize it so much. As soon as everyone was seated, Cui Shaoxi smiled and asked, "Just now, I vaguely heard at the door that twelve thousand concubines wanted so much silver to do something big?"
Jessica Fong Ching looked sluggish, and even Fang Zhou and Lian Ze secretly exchanged glances. Even Fang Zhou scolded Cui Shaoxi in his heart. Does this person have any eyesight? What does he mean? What is his heart!
In fact, Su Jinghe and Jessica Fong Ching also have wonderful stories, but I don’t think we should talk about it here. After that, we will meet again ()
Su Jinghe took a surprised look at Cui Shaoxi and then at Jessica Fong Ching. "Why didn’t I hear that? 10,000 ambiguous is not a small amount. Sunny, what are you going to do? " "Of course, I support whatever you do."
Jessica Fong Ching gave him a white trail. "It doesn’t matter whether you support it or not!"
Su Jinghe just laughed, as if the more she was robbed by her daughter-in-law, the happier she became.
Jessica Fong Ching heart dark sigh words even so, but Cui Shaoxi since heard an ear, ask out again, she just want to say also not line service road "not what I want to do is my cousin to borrow".
Cui Shaoxi and Su Jinghe just opened their eyes one leng.
Su Jinghe touched his forehead and smiled "Oh" for a few words.
Even Fang Zhou watched Su Jing and his expression nervously. If he changed his face and showed disapproval, it would be more difficult for her to borrow it! After all, twelve thousand is not a small sum of money. Even if he doesn’t know that Jessica Fong Ching must discuss with him at the moment, he may even ask Sue’s master and wife!
See Su Jinghe didn’t show any unhappiness and refused to Cui Shaoxi. She was just surprised and secretly put it in half.
Even Fangzhou couldn’t help sighing in her heart that borrowing money was not a good job!
She vowed never to borrow money from anyone again.
Jessica Fong Ching smiled softly at even Fangzhou and said, "This is not an outsider. Let’s go on with what we just said! It doesn’t matter what you think! "
Su Jinghe then laughed, "Yes and yes, your cousin is right! Just discuss this with her! "
Lian Fangzhou said with gratitude, "Thank you, cousin!" He said to Jessica Fong Ching, "My cousin asked me what I want to do with this money just now. I want to buy land and hire people to grow cotton. I wonder if my cousin has heard that Yu County has also promoted potatoes and cotton in the imperial court this year. I want to try!"
Jessica Fong Ching naturally heard about such a big thing and nodded. "I heard about it, too! However, I have never seen this potato and cotton before, and I have never found out anything, so I abandoned my heart. After all, it has nothing to do with our family! Have you-heard of it? Will there be such an idea? "
I haven’t even heard of Fangzhou sidewalk, but isn’t sweet potato slowly popularized in previous years? However, it is not mandatory to promote sweet potatoes! I thought the imperial court would never lie! There are already sweet potatoes in potatoes, which may not make money. I heard that cotton can make clothes, which may be an opportunity. I want to try it! "
"My girl bravery is quite big but you think too simple? What if it doesn’t work out? " Cui Shaoxi could not help but say
Even Fang Zhou listened to him calling himself a "little girl" and resisted the urge to rush to beat him up and said, "I think it’s worth a try, even if it doesn’t succeed, it’s not a big loss!" I can afford to buy less land there for 12 thousand silver in two or three years at most. "
"I didn’t mean it! Don’t get me wrong! " Cui Shaoxi didn’t expect that even Fangzhou would say this. Suddenly, he was a little anxious and embarrassed. He was a little red in the face and looked at Jessica Fong Ching.
Even Fang Zhou means that he is afraid that she will not explain the twelve thousand! It’s not like she borrowed money from him. Isn’t this explanation an insinuation that he stepped in?
Cui Shaoxi has always been a loose and informal romantic, and he has never seen him before. When Su Jinghe was embarrassed, Fang Qing couldn’t help but laugh and asked Lian Fangzhou, "Cousin is thinking clearly and must want to try?" Do you think that you can really handle that cotton since you have never seen anything before and I don’t know if there is anything special about planting it? "
Cui Shaoxi made fun of himself in a square and sunny way. He felt more ashamed and embarrassed and was frustrated and annoyed. He said, This little girl is really hateful. How can these two tease me sometime?
Embarrassed and in a hurry, he tried to save his brain. "I’ll lend you twelve thousand silver!" If you earn it, I will still lose it! "