At present, the strange Saka people seem to be a good way for Goofy to gain new worship values.

This green leek has never been cut.
Chapter 64 Grandmaster negotiations
Participating in the Saka Star Gladiator is Goofy’s smartest choice at present, which brings many benefits.
First of all, Goofy can find Thor as soon as possible in this way, and it will not arouse the suspicion and resistance of the local people in Saka.
He can win the favor of the people of Saka in the shortest time and earn enough money for others to earn money. He can buy some scientific and technological products such as spaceships, and he can bring the alien technology in these spaceships back to earth for Tony Stark to learn from.
Third, you can earn worship value directly in the high-flying gladiator. Imagine that with his anti-God fighting capacity and immortality, the audience of Saka Star will continue to contribute worship value, and then these worship values will upgrade yourself. The high-flying fighting capacity will certainly rise to an unprecedented level.
Thinking of these high interests, he decided to agree to Valkyrie’s request, but he didn’t answer too happily. After all, he knew that Valkyrie was not a very honest trader.
Valkyrie Cong is cunning. She likes to make some small calculations.
"It sounds like you are a good choice, and I really need to take part in the gladiator to earn a living, but how can I be sure that Grandmaster will agree to allow me to be a free gladiator?"
"After all, you also said before that only champions and potential athletes can live with dignity and will not be treated like prisoners by Grandmaster … and I am a small role named Grandmaster. Why should I be treated differently?"
"What if all this is a trap for you? Once I promise to meet Grandmaster with you, you can ask him to pick me up immediately. What should I do then?"
Valkyrie smiled. "Well, I admit that your worry is reasonable, but please don’t worry. I’ll negotiate with Grandmaster on your behalf before the meeting. If you don’t feel at ease, I can broadcast our negotiation process live, but if I succeed in the negotiation, you must promise to participate in the gladiator and not break your word."
Goofy thought it was a reasonable way, so he nodded, "OK, I promise."
Valkyrie smiled brightly. "Then I’ll go to Grandmaster now."
after an hour
Valkyrie came to Grandmaster Palace.
There are still four hours before today’s gladiator. At present, Grandmaster has just taken a shower and is going to watch the evening game. In addition, it is reported that his brother has escaped from Saka Star and is currently falling.
Depressed, Grandmaster couldn’t figure out why his brother wanted to run to Saka Star. It was a very happy thing. Just as he was thinking hard, a fat woman with a stick stepped in.
"Dear Lord, that drunkard is here to see you."
"Drunk? Which drunkard? Why did the drunkard come to see me? Alcoholics should be thrown into the dustbin instead of being brought to my palace, "Grandmaster said."
"That’s right, drunkards should be thrown into the dustbin." The fat woman sneered. "I’ll do it now."
Grandmaster, however, was not so easy. "Stop Topaz! You haven’t made it clear which drunkard it is! There are many kinds of alcoholics, including alcoholics and alcoholics. No alcoholics can be thrown into the dustbin, but there are alcoholics … er … Let’s leave them for the time being. "
"Tell me exactly which alcoholic topaz is?"
Topaz, a fat woman, didn’t succeed in her plan, but she shook her head. "Well, respect for the Lord is the scavenger No.142 from Asgard. She has been drunk every day since we met her. She is a barrel and a complete alcoholic!"
"Scavenger 142?" Grandmaster’s eyes lit up and he smiled excitedly. "She is really an alcoholic, but she is also an excellent scavenger … She is a woman with something to do. I have to admit that this Asgard person is very capable. She brought many excellent gladiators to me."
"For example, a two-headed beast, a human body … both of them have won the championship! By the way, I almost forgot the’ Golden Titan’, and he was also brought by the scavenger No.142 … "
"There will be a recent new that what ray male? Thunder man? Ray … Reddy? What’s Ray? "
"Raytheon" fat woman topaz Naidi said, "He said his name is Raytheon."
"Oh yeah yeah, Raytheon … he’s a potential stock. He’s won five games in a row, right? He is very powerful and is likely to hit the champion this season. His explosive power is even worse than the’ Golden Titan’ … "
Grandmaster more say more excited directly from the chair.
"On the whole, I mean that scavenger 142 is a very good person. She recommended many great fighters to me. She is not an ordinary alcoholic, and she can’t be thrown into the garbage can."
After that, he waved to the fat woman topaz, "Bring me the scavenger No.142 quickly! I want to see her! Horse! "
"All right," topaz Nye nodded and turned around and quietly rolled his eyes. "I’ll bring that Asgard drunkard to you."
A few minutes later, a face of mourning topaz brought in the scavenger No.142.
Valkyrie walked in a black combat suit with a pistol. After taking the door, she threw a glad eye at Grandmaster, which made Grandmaster laugh from ear to ear.
"Oh, hehehehehehe … No.142 is my favorite. Welcome to see me at No.142"
Topaz, the fat woman next to her, was about to throw up and resisted the urge to throw up.
Valkyrie smiled gently. "Nice to meet you, Grandmaster. You are getting younger and younger."
Grandmaster is another wave of laughter. "Oh, hehehehehehe … your mouth looks like honey!"
Then he asked, "Come on, I like No.142 best. Do you have anything interesting for me?"
Valkyrie said with a smile, "A very funny thing-a champion."
"Champion? What champion? What event champion? " Grandmaster is a little know past ask meaning.
Valkyrie said, "Of course, he is a champion of gladiator, an invincible warrior and an unprecedented strong man."
"So exciting? !” Grandmaster facial features are excited deformation "how powerful is he? Stronger than the champion you brought before? "
"This is for sure that he is stronger than any two-headed beast or humanoid!" Valkyrie said excitedly.
"So the thunder man, thunder emperor … thunder man? Damn it, what’s his name again? I forgot who is better than him again? " Grandmaster asked again.
"Thor?" Valkyrie smiled and said, "Although I haven’t compared it, I can assure you that my new soldier should be stronger than Raytheon! His strength can be compared with the’ Golden Titan’! "
"So much? Can the golden titan be compared? " Grandmaster jumped up from his seat and shouted, "I want to meet him! Bring him to me! Come on! Come on! "
Chapter 65 Grandmaster conditions
Valkyrie aroused Grandmaster’s interest in a few words. Nothing is more interesting to him than invincible soldiers.
The form champion of sports, that two-headed beast and the humanoid, is tired of watching their fighting style, which has caused Grandmaster’s aesthetic fatigue, and the recent rise of the "Golden Titan" and Raytheon, although eye-catching, are rare after all.
Grandmaster urgently needs a new strong player to inject fresh blood into its arena and make this season’s competition more suspenseful.
So he couldn’t wait to "check the goods" and waved to Valkyrie. "Come to No.142 and show me this new soldier. I will give you a good price, I promise!"
However, at this moment, Valkyrie shook his head and Nye said, "I’m sorry, Grandmaster, I may not be able to let you see him now."
"What?" Grandmaster frowned. "What? Haven’t you caught this soldier yet? "
"Er …" Valkyrie shook his head and said, "It’s better not to catch this soldier because he’s not high-minded. He is a truly strong and dignified soldier. I think we should treat such an outstanding talent with courtesy instead of catching him in a cage like a wild animal."
"Well …" Grandmaster gave a discontented thought in his nostrils when he heard this. "No.142, don’t importune me just because you are my favorite scavenger!"
And see Grandmaster angry with Valkyrie has always been don’t like Valkyrie topaz immediately added fuel to the fire "No.142, are you satirizing the great Grandmaster rule? Are you questioning our current competition system? What are you dissatisfied with? Say it! "
"Those gladiators are no different from beasts and pets when they come. It is their honor to please Grandmaster!"
"Why? Do you think what Grandmaster did was wrong? Is it wrong for our great Grandmaster to make a decision? "
Valkyrie hurriedly shook his head and denied, "Oh, no, I didn’t question your meaning. You and your fighting competition are the greatest hair in Saka’s history …"
"The gladiator gave Saka the vitality and enriched the lives of the residents …"

"General" Li Chengzhu tells the truth, but Liu’s big mind is the best among all.

"That’s good." Liu Sanbiao’s face was happy. If it weren’t for criticism, he would be satisfied.
"Big guy" Li Chengzhu picked up Liu Sanbiao’s shoulder affectionately with one hand. "How do I treat you on weekdays?"
"Nothing to say," Liu Sanbiao replied angrily, but there was a little nervousness in his eyes.
Everyone knows that Li Chengzhu wants to befriend you. There must be something for you to do.
"You will listen to me, right?" Boss Li smiles even more.
"But fairy long …"
"That’s fine," Li Chengzhu interrupted with a hard pat on Liu’s shoulder. "How many years have you not taken a shower?"
"Take a bath …" Big Liu has a twitch in his mouth. Don’t you know that Taoist people don’t touch dust? "About a few hundred years?"
"No wonder it smells!" Li Chengzhu corners of the mouth fierce left immediately pulled himself with Liu big distance.
"True or false?" At the sight of Li Chengzhu’s serious expression, Sanbiao hurriedly grabbed his clothes and sniffed them for a long time before he said doubtfully, "No."
"Heavy smell is very smelly! Big guy, it’s time for you to take a shower and change your pants. "Boss Li squinted at Mei Kailin with a smile on her mouth and then turned to Sanbiao." Go take a shower and change into clean clothes. "
"hey!" Liu Sanbiao is very obedient. He does whatever the immortal says. Just take a shower and change clothes. It’s very simple.
"When Lin goes with him, remember to burn the bath water carefully, rub his back and clean his dirty pants." Boss Li looked at Mei Kailin’s face with a serious expression.
"You are insulting a noble angel!" Mary Kathleen’s breasts rose and fell rapidly until now that she knew what Li Chengzhu was up to.
"Xianchang!" Liu Dake’s face is suddenly sad, and the news and divination from the outside world have already reached his ears. Can he rob a woman with Xian Chang? Isn’t this death?
Simple and honest, like Liu Sanbiao, I can see that Xian Chang is angry with this angel. If he really enjoys this blessing, he may not see the sun.
"Go!" Li Chengzhu lifted his foot and kicked Liu’s big ass. He jumped up and looked at Mei Kailin’s angry eyes. "Always let you take a shower and go to the shower. What a fart! Be careful to hit you with your fist."
"Shall I wash it myself?" Liu sanbiao begged
Killing God, Luo Badao, with a ticket to Luo Tianxian, squatted and touched himself one by one. He looked at the farce here and laughed stupidly.
The so-called things don’t hang high. Luo Badao and others can’t wait to see Liu Sanbiao make a fool of himself
"Fairy, I beg you." Big Liu holds Li Chengzhu’s thigh. "I wash myself. I can really wash myself."
"Lin? Don’t wait too long for our brothers. I believe you should hear me. "Boss Li reached over Liu Sanbiao and leaned over and looked at Mei Kailin with a smile.
For a long time, Mary Kathleen didn’t speak. She knew what the despicable master was up to, just to clarify the fact, but how can she get revenge for beating her ass?
Until now, Mary Kailin felt burning pain in her ass and bit her teeth hard. Mary Kailin squeezed out a smile and said, "It’s my master!" "
Shit! Is this bitch crazy? Li Chengzhu’s eyes are popping out.
Just at this time, the moon’s tone flashed. "Li Moumou’s speed has just received news that the fairy army is preparing to attack the sky."
Everyone’s expression is one leng.
"I am a fairy board!" Li Chengzhu’s face changed. How could it be so fast?
Chapter two hundred and fifteen Enemy city
Month Shang audio, etc. All ears all face big change.
How can the immortal punishment army attack Heaven at this time?
According to boss Li, it is impossible for imperial beasts to provoke themselves because there is no effective way to curb the small-start enlightenment, whether it is angel corps or fairy punishment army.
Boss Li is very ready to fight a hard and protracted war.
But now there is no news at all, not even a little movement. I don’t feel that the army of immortals has been pressed to the sky. If you don’t let your confidence be full, Boss Li will be hit hard.
But the fact is that even if you joke with Li Chengzhu again, it is impossible to make such a joke, and her voice has spread all over the capital. All the people who belong to the Acacia Sect or the business group have already moved in order to catch up with Xingyao in the large array.
What makes the royal beast so reckless? What makes him dare to launch a big attack before firing this loud first shot?
Boss Li’s heart is in a mess, and an unusually unknown feeling lingers in my heart for a long time.
"Come with me," Li Chengzhu shouted at Mei Kailin, and a vote behind him. Luo Tianxian had already turned over the fairy beast when she heard the words of the indifferent fairy king. She looked like a majestic battlefield expression.
It is precisely because of such an urgent matter that Mei Kailin directly saved Liu’s big pants, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief.
Perhaps there are two people in the whole celestial world who are grateful for this raid.
Galloping all the way to Li Chengzhu, I saw that the people in Shangdu had lined up in an orderly way to prepare for the sky, and the large array of stars flashed a figure from time to time as if it had been thrown into the lake and disappeared.
"Don’t leave the past personnel department for the old!" Boss Li yelled at me.
They all stopped moving. Hou Youyi and other business groups came running quickly and looked at Li Chengzhu with some confusion.
Boss Li didn’t have time to explain it in detail and said, "The defense of the merchants is not as strong as that of the sky. Stay here and be careful what tricks the royal beasts play."
After thousands of years of comfort, all the business groups were pedantic. I didn’t expect to divert the tiger from the mountain and divert the West. After Boss Li woke up, I was somewhat ashamed to retreat from the front of Xingyao Large Array.
"Husband!" Gu Linglong teleported to Li Chengzhu and stuffed two rings into his hand "Fire Phoenix and Fire Kirin".
Dealing with the immortal punishment, the army, the immortal beast and the two super-order immortal beast suspicion are the most effective and deterrent killing weapons. Li Chengzhu knows this better than anyone else, and the big lady’s mind is the most cautious. Li Chengzhu made corresponding preparations before he came
"Got it." Boss Li put the two rings in his hand, then hugged the ancient girl and kissed her face hard. "Stay with others and be prepared. Remember to send someone to inform me if there is anything."
The ancient girl squeezed out a smile on her face. She knew that Li Chengzhu was thinking like this. Boss Li was too worried about his ladies and girls, so this time he dragged out a big excuse to prevent them from entering the sky.
And the business group is just another beneficiary of this excuse.
It is true that boss Li is selfish, but he doesn’t want to regret that any lady or girl was injured.
"Be careful" Gu Linglong’s face has indelible sadness and worry.
"Will take good care of the little smile and don’t let her run around again." The fairy penalty army is not as good as the angel army’s revelation. It may not necessarily have a little smile on the fairy penalty army. If a child runs to Li Chengzhu every day, he doesn’t know whether to be an enemy.
Before the war started, Boss Li should consider all the fetters clearly.
"Sister husband, please take care of several sisters. You are qualified to follow him. You must protect his safety." Gu Linglong went to Mei Kailin and took her hand and looked at her earnestly.
"It’s almost the same to protect her." Li Chengzhu slammed his mouth
"Husband!" Gu Linglong glared at Boss Li lightly chastising him for not being sensible.

Chen Xun shook his head, unable to stand her persistence.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay." Chen Xunneng invited two people to the canteen.
Xia Lu just ordered a bowl of porridge and some bags, and also sent a red envelope to Chen Xun.
She doesn’t like to owe people.
They walked back together, and Chen Xun said that she would go to see her father Xia Lu first to express her gratitude.
Walk into the ward
I saw a man in a navy suit carrying a bowl for her mother.
To Hoai whale can see two people coming in smiling and holding breakfast in their hands.
Obviously going together.
"Mom, come and see my dad."
"Trouble doctor Chen" Jiang Zhenshu moment walked to the front of the bed.
Chen Xun gave Xia Zhengjun a check-up and said to them, "There should be no problem, but it depends on his own willpower when he wakes up. Patients with cerebral hemorrhage all say that it is not good. Some patients will wake up after surgery, and some will not wake up for several months after surgery. Now all the indicators are fine. Huang Zhu will come over when he makes rounds later."
"Thank you, Dr. Chen"
"It’s okay, aunt. Should Xia Lu and I be alumni? I’ll go back to the office for a while and then come back." Chen Xun’s social skills are particularly good
Xia Lu went to the table and Su Huai whale pestle didn’t speak there.
I don’t know when they didn’t seem to talk much, and they all had their own thoughts in their hearts.
"Now that your brother is taking care of me, I’ll go first." To Hoai Whale was really eager to see this male doctor alive, and went to buy breakfast with her and took the initiative to come and check it out. It seems that he is particularly unnecessary here.
"Lulu Xiaosu sent breakfast early in the morning. You see, you like to eat small wonton." Jiang Zhenshu took Xialu’s hand and Xialu felt that her eyes were sour.
She was a little sad and didn’t know what To Hoai whale said, which made her very angry. She didn’t look away. "Yes, this is a hospital. The doctor takes care of others. It’s nothing if you want to leave."
There are a lot of good words that come to my lips but turn into other words.
To Hoai whale walked out of the ward with his head down.
Jiang Zhenshu blamed, "Xia Lu, what the hell are you talking about? How do you talk to Xiao Su?"
"Mom, if he wants to hear this, I will tell him." She is also sad and wronged.
How did everything change after that night?
Become sensitive, vulnerable, vulnerable
However, I soon heard the words of Xia Zhengjun, and Jiang Zhenshu picked them up. "What happened to Xiaofang?"
"Mr. Xia, the company has an accident, and now the financing company, the lending company and the guarantee company are all asking for money in the company, and the employees are all worried. I really can’t handle it?"
"What should I do? He is ill in the hospital in the old summer."
Xia Lu took the words "I’ll come"
She had a negotiation with Xiao Fang in the conversation. Xiao Fang is his father’s assistant, who has always helped her father deal with the company. She has also seen how old she is.
Xia Lu paused. "You calm them down first and I’ll come right away."
After hanging up, Xia Lu confessed, "I’ll go to the company and have a look here. If there is anything, please call the doctor and have a conversation with me."
Xia Zhengjun’s wife-loving and daughter-loving office never asked her to ask about the tedious things of the company, nor did she ask her father to support her daughter to study the major she wanted, like many parents did.
Xia Lu is not interested in doing business, so she knows that her home is a company, a textile fabric company, and her father has always been doing well. The home is not the top of the pyramid, but it is also a wealthy family.
Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, many people are adjusting the company structure, but Xia Zhengjun is still engaged in the unified industry and is working hard with him. The old employees can’t control the market demand well, and the business is much weaker. However, because he is based in the unified industry, he can be stable until now.
When the funding gap becomes larger, the third party of loan repayment guarantee is a mortgage financing company, and a new round of financing has failed.
This overwhelmed Xia Zhengjun.
He has been trying to find a way, and overwork also led to cerebral hemorrhage and fainting.
After Xia Lu left the hospital, she drove directly to Xia Shi.
Xia Shi is a mess. Fang Bin, a small party named Fang Bin, has stabilized the loan company and guarantee company with several vice presidents of the company, saying that he will wait for Xia Lu to arrive.
Xia Lu rushed to several vice presidents, all of whom were Xia Zhengjun’s old buddies who struggled together. Xia Lu usually called one uncle and several others, or followed his father when he retired as a soldier.
"Deer deer is coming. Where’s your dad?"
"Uncle will tell you about my dad’s affairs in a moment, and now let’s solve the situation first." Although Xia Lu doesn’t know how to do business, he still knows his priorities.
"This is a contract signed by Xia Shi and the mortgage company. If it is said that the loan will not be repaid in time, we have applied to the court for mortgage of Xia Shi’s factory."
Xia Lu raised his head in front of them. "Can you give me a few days to understand the financial situation of a company because my father is seriously ill? I will raise money soon."
"Today is the deadline. I have given you a lot of time before. This is clearly written in black and white. What’s worse, the valuation of Xia’s by financing companies has long been lower than the market. Even when I give it to you, I can’t make a comeback in a short time." The man in black on the other side is aggressive
Perhaps this is the life Xia Lu has never faced. She will encounter many difficult patients in clinic, all of whom can be intervened by medical means, but now she is speechless.
"What can we do about this? There must be a way for Lao Xia to talk. What should we do now that Lao Xia has fallen?" Several vice presidents shook their heads and were at a loss
"Brother Fang asked Cai Chaxia how much liquidity is there now?" Xia Lu said to one side Fang Bin

Thinking for a moment, he turned to cover his chest and looked at Fan Tie. "Iron men are here. You and Jia Jia are childhood sweethearts. Let’s continue …"

"No way!"
Coldly looked at his father Fan Tie take a smoke lip Angle openly stared back tone frivolous said
"Since you like her so much, since all the guests are here, why don’t you just marry? It’s okay to be a little mother for me. Anyway, my mother has been dead for so many years, and you are alone … "
Words haven’t say that finish to see his dad trembling with anger sample Fan Tie hurriedly shut up.
The facial muscles twitched like a motor. Fan Fu looked pale and couldn’t breathe well. He held his chest with one hand and the edge of the table with the other. His body faltered and stumbled for a step and then fell to the ground.
Children’s wedding from joy, shock, anger to surprise …
All sorts of messy emotions are intertwined with his nerves, and finally he can’t stay-
Fan Tie played such a play in order to get back at Luo Guke. He didn’t really want to grieve his father. He couldn’t care less about other things. He dashed past and screamed like a wolf in others.
"Get the car ready-call 12-"
In fact, his old man has been in poor health for so many years. His former father was angry and he had asked little.
I didn’t expect this. He panicked …
And the banquet hall is also an uproar. Obviously, there is no way to continue the wedding. You can cry, laugh and watch the fun. You can also leave. When you look at it, Bao Qi glanced at Lengxiao and was about to ask Bao Ma to leave with you. Unexpectedly, the words rang.
It was Nian Xiaojing, the heroine in Fan Tie’s story just now.
And her words were exactly the same as when she rescued Bao Qi for the first time.
"Do you have July 7th? My mother’s body suddenly feels a little uncomfortable. I’m a little flustered alone. I just called my stuttering sister and asked her to find me an acquaintance in the army to ask for a bed. I’ll send her there now. If you have nothing to do, come and help me calm down quickly-"
That’s what happens to women without men. Sisters are the first thing that comes to mind when something goes wrong.
This time, it’s not for Bao Qi’s emergency, but for her poor health. Mom is really ill.
It’s naturally impossible for sisters not to go when they have something to do. What do you mean, do whatever is necessary? This is the time! Yu Fantie’s father and the hall uproar have nothing to do with her.
After Bao Ma looked at her suspiciously, she waved decisively and rushed out of the wedding banquet hall.
Thank you, sisters, for supporting your favorite marriage, for supporting your second uncle and Xiaoqi. Don’t explain, don’t say much. You know I love one! Blow a kiss!
[Pet Marriage] The honor list is slapped!
Newly awarded a Jinshi-[AA 192] Applause! Salute!
Newly awarded two Xieyuan-[Chili Sister 54] and [queenqin] Applause! Salute!
Ps editing is a dispute process, there is no process at all, and there is no H ban. Can you understand it? ! It’s not that I don’t rectify, I won’t rectify! Is it a big holiday? Are there any organs? Is there a process? You cut it off. It’s a dispute between two people. It’s a dispute!
Section 271
☆ 97 meters loves to do things or live in the army! !
PLA General Hospital
Baoqing took a taxi and arrived at the entrance of the building. There was a five-star red flag flying on the flagpole, wearing a nurse’s coat. Sister stuttered with a mobile phone in her hand and paced back and forth anxiously. I didn’t see Nian Xiaojing.
After a pause, she ran breathlessly over and shouted "stutter!" "
"You you come to July 7th-"
I don’t know if it’s because I’m in a hurry to suppress it or how this beautiful girl’s stuttering is not so serious today, so it’s just a matter of five words.
Treasure and pure walked over and held her hand "? Have Xiaojing and Nian’s mother come? "
"Not yet"
Nodded their heads, and the two men continued to wait anxiously for Nian Xiaojing to rent a courtyard house, which is far from the military general hospital, and took the old man to pack up his things in winter and then come out to take a taxi. How can it take some childhood?
I told my stuttering sister in detail that my mother had a cough and chest tightness before her symptoms, but she didn’t get better after taking the medicine. I got up early today and had a slight fever. Just before she spoke, my mother suddenly hemoptysis, which scared her to panic.
Fortunately, I didn’t wait long, but in two or three minutes, Nianxiaojing taxi was waiting at the gate of the general hospital.
The two girls rushed to meet them and helped Xiaojing to help her mother in the coming year. Her mother looked weaker than when she was eating dumplings in the quadrangle. She looked as pale as a piece of paper covering her chest and coughing, which seemed to be extremely difficult to breathe.
Bao Qi, holding her arm, comforted her by worrying about looking down the vest and looking at Nianxiaojing.
"Don’t be nervous, Xiaojing. It’s okay."
"Let’s go!" Small stutter face penetration often laugh without also follow nervous.
As we all know, the beds in the PLA General Hospital are tight. According to people’s exaggeration, it is not necessary to queue up for a month before. It is a nurse in this hospital who has been working for several years. She is simple and kind by nature and does not love disputes. Therefore, although she is not good at communication, she is deeply impressed that her colleagues like to have a bed, which is still easy to do.
Three girls holding Nian’s mother walked slowly to the door of the building. Just then, there was a sudden noise behind them. A car with a military license plate was pulled by the movable fence at the entrance of the hospital and quickly stopped beside them.
Not much to say, look at that military card and you will know that it is not an ordinary person.
There are not many coincidences in Kyoto.
It was in the wedding banquet hall that the autobots were so angry that they fainted. When the old man van hit the car door, he first jumped out of the car. It was wearing a groom’s costume, Fan Tie, and in front of him, he held his mother’s little well for the next year. Both of them were one leng
However, at this moment, no one will say much.
Fan Tie gave her a deep look and turned to give back the car Torre.
Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he was even more stunned.
Fan Tie, who has been awake, looks straight at the finger sticking out behind him. His face is shaking and his expression is strange. Fan Tie secretly guesses that he moved his mouth because he saw the well and then shut up.
At this time, he didn’t want to stimulate Dad any more. He didn’t say anything more. He turned dutifully and squatted down.
"Dad, I’ll carry you."
"… she, she is …" Fan Fu lips trembling eyes did not move the body did not move.
I raised my eyelids and saw that the well had left my back. Fan Tie sighed in his heart, "Dad, let’s see the doctor first."
Van old man looked straight away a few women direction line of sight some fuzzy.
For a moment, he moved slowly and leaned over his back.
"Mom, what happened to you! ? The doctor is coming soon. You have to endure a little. "Stuttering and arranging the ward, Xiaojing looked at her mother’s face and suddenly turned dark. Sitting on the edge of the bed, patting her back and asking anxiously.

"It’s really early to make money. There are many opportunities here. Learn more and earn more money here. Then go back and build the motherland."

"Hee hee"
Momo peach smiled like a little fox.
Isn’t that what it is? China can earn money, but how can it be safe to earn foreign money?
Plus, the development of the two sides is different. Isn’t it easy to make money here?
After the design competition here, Momo Tao didn’t care much about things here.
It is mainly Liang Xuejie who is in charge of this future direction at the factory and the company. Now she knows about this contact.
Of course, to prevent these problems from signing contracts, they specially paid for a famous lawyer to help Changyan.
Although a lot of money has been spent, the problem has also been discovered. After some bargaining, Sister Liang’s career can be regarded as developing here.
Invest money again, find someone to expand the factory again, find a way of transportation, and expand the brand name a little bit.
Sister Liang got it handy
During this period, Momo Peach devoted herself to her studies.
Knowledge in class is not bad.
But follow the mentor to learn about various companies and industries, learn more professional investment and broaden your horizons.
This part is more time-consuming and energetic.
In all kinds of experience, Taotao has gradually gained a little more confidence in himself, and it is also more handy in the stock market.
From tens of thousands at the beginning to hundreds of thousands of millions later …
In this way, three years are fleeting
When Momo peach kept shrinking, she also graduated from the doctor immediately.
And this year she was only twenty years old.
You have something to say.
(1) the moon sets and the cold fog begins to meditate, and the water pavilion sits at night with a mist.
② Cangshan is silent, and the green view is gloomy —— Ode to Fog Dong Sigong thanks me for casting the overlord ticket or irrigating the nutrient solution angel in the period of 7163:56:~71719:37:11 ~
Thank you for irrigating the nutrient solution, Angel Star Clear Bottle; Love to eat 1 bottle of orange; Xiao Mo, 114189? 6 bottles; Small L1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!
Chapter 174 Chapter 174
What can I do at the age of twenty?
Qu Qi was still in college at the age of 20, and persimmon worked in the transportation bureau for several years at the age of 20 and planned to enter the university.
When Wu Manzhu was twenty years old, she was working hard in Daqu Village with her eldest son.
Qu Xiaowan and Song Xing walked back and forth in the courtyard when they were twenty years old.
When Momo Tao was twenty years old, she wore a tall ponytail and graduated with a doctor’s degree, and shook hands with a group of bosses.
At the highest platform of the school, Cheng Cheng, a few non-national students who have spoken here, told them about the past and the road ahead.
"Once you can’t regret it, the future can be relied on."
Tail Momo peach eyebrow eye curved, showing white teeth, and all people half bowed.
It is also a final farewell to this school that has taught her many things and those who have taught her many things in all aspects.
She’s going home
Momo peach was forced to run away, and dadada ran towards the outside.
"Hey, Taoyi" ran out before long, and Momo Taoyi was stopped.
She stopped to look at the person in front of her and couldn’t help sighing, but she still greeted people.
"What can I do for you? Barton "
"Do you really want to go back?" Barton’s facial features are deep in outline, and his eyes are brown. When he looks at people, he always gives people a very affectionate feeling.
This person is indeed very affectionate. He has been pursuing people for three years since he came from Momo Peach and refused many times.
Of course, Momo Tao would really feel guilty if he didn’t have those’ female companions’ in these three years.
"Naturally, I will return to China after a while." Momo’s eyebrows are curved
Even though she has experienced a lot over the years, she has not changed her mentality and personality at all.
"I still think this place is more suitable for you. As far as I know, your country is not developing well. You can give full play to your talents here."
"I remember popular looking for you many times over there to give you hundreds of thousands of annual salary you can have back home? Tens of thousands? Thousands? "
"…" Momo peach was silent and looked up at the sky and said, "Maybe hundreds?"

Madrid media have tried their best to prove that Real Madrid can beat any opponent on the court, including Valencia.

Real Madrid also thinks so internally.
Florentino is in high spirits. He has been in a good mood since he won the ninth Champions League trophy.
Last season almost became the darkest season since he took charge of the club. On the occasion of the centenary celebration, it would be a shame if there were no champions with empty hands.
Compared with the league champion and the King’s Cup, the Champions League is obviously heavier and contains more gold.
After winning this championship, florentino can give an account to his supporters and Real Madrid club members.
But he still has a knot of his own, perhaps the knot of all Real Madrid fans.
That’s Valencia.
This summer, florentino abandoned his policy of being a superstar every year, all because of Valencia. He wants to strengthen his strength quickly and replenish his strength.
So after he bought mendieta, he poached Ronaldo from Inter Milan.
The joining of two big stars has brought Real Madrid to a higher level. Florentino believes that in La Liga today, no team can compete with Real Madrid.
Now, he can finally teach the arrogant winner a good lesson!
The president of Real Madrid is full of confidence in the first leg of the Spanish Super Cup in Valencia.
Real Madrid coach Bosco began to have a headache.
Because he doesn’t know how to arrange these stars …
Originally, Raul and Morientes cooperated well, and they also had a heart.
But now there is a golden boot of the World Cup, "alien" Ronaldo. This player, whom President florentino likes very much, naturally can’t sit on the bench. Let him play.
Raul can’t be sacrificed, he is the flag of Real Madrid.
In this way, only Morientes can be sacrificed.
But the problem is that Morientes is an excellent center, and he can make many changes in the team’s offense on the court.
If you play Ronaldo and match Raul, the threat of the team in the air will be much smaller, and it will be more troublesome when you encounter the other side’s intensive defense and need to attack.
But he must take Morientes, because only Morientes can be sacrificed.
In fact, the impact of winning Morientes on the team is not only on the tactical level, but also on the locker room relationship. Because Raul and Morientes have a very good relationship. Because an outsider has to sacrifice his good friend, it is obviously impossible to say that Raul has no opinion of Ronaldo in his heart.
When the time comes, there will be a rift between the two stars, but there will be a headache …
In addition, the problems on the front line are relatively simple.
The biggest headache for Bosco is the midfield.
He now deeply feels that Changsheng agreed to let mendieta come to Real Madrid just to cheat Real Madrid!
The midfield was originally 442, with Makelele and helguera at the back and Zidane at the left, but in fact Zidane is a free man and Figo at the right, which is just the right configuration.
Let’s see, how can there be room for mendieta?
But like Ronaldo, how can a player who spent 30 million euros sit on the bench?
No matter what, also want to put mendieta in.
But how to plug …
Bosque is now a big head and two big ones.
Every time I see florentino, the president of the club, confident in front of the media that Real Madrid’s future is brilliant, Bosco frowns.
This bad dressing room relationship alone is enough for him to cope with, and he has no energy to think about any brilliant future at all.
Now he suddenly envies Valencia coach Chang Sheng, because Chang Sheng has more power than the club manager and chairman in transfer matters. He said he would buy whoever he wanted, and he said he would not buy whoever he didn’t want.
So all the players in his team are what he needs. He also knows where and how many players there are.
The whole team met his requirements, and there was no one extra.
Their own tactical ideas can also be implemented, and they will not force themselves to adjust their tactics because they want to meet the wishes of the stars to start on the field.
This is the ideal team of a head coach.
When Chang Sheng wanted to transfer power, he was criticized and ridiculed by the Spanish media, saying that he overreached himself and didn’t look at the culture of Spanish football. If he opened his mouth, he would learn from England and he would surely fail.
But as a result, people not only didn’t fail, but put this behavior on their own label. No matter in getafe or Valencia, people always want to control the transfer right in their own hands, otherwise they won’t sign the contract.
He may lose a lot of job opportunities by doing so, but once he is given a chance, he can build his own team according to his own wishes.

Aunt Ma sighed when she saw that her daughter was still stepping on the upholstered chair and cutting cloth, and there was no emotion in her eyes.

My daughter is very intelligent, and she knows how to invite pets for herself in front of Gu Boqi since she was a child, and she knows how to win people’s hearts. Even the girl sent by her wife Wang can receive invitations. Although this is a good thing, she is always a little nervous. Such intelligence should not have appeared in a one-year-old child.
Despite the smoke, she didn’t know what Aunt Ma was thinking. She looked up at one side and the hourglass finally smiled. "At this moment, my mother must have gone back to the old lady’s room. Why don’t you wait on her?" Mother is generous, but aunt, don’t forget to leave. Go! I know my own things very well, so you can rest assured. "
Aunt Ma lived for so many years, only to find that she didn’t have a child who was intelligent and transparent, but at least she finally paid a tribute to herself. She felt a little better in her heart, and ordered Chu Qin to wait on her for dinner with the show before going to Wang’s first room.
See aunt ma go from smoke face to cold again, she threw scissors aside some trance.
Houmenyuan has a lot of rules. I have been here for more than three years, and I have never had a chance to go out of the house. Those gullies are also hidden in my heart.
She was still very happy when she just found out that she had crossed over. After all, crossing over is tantamount to hanging up her life. She wants all the beautiful men to do their best, and she wants to be rich and prosperous!
But it was only later that I realized that those time-travel novels were all lies!
She has a bad life. Although she dresses like a Miss Hou Fu, she is an aunt. Compared with her first daughter, she is a big difference, not to mention that her first mother values her office very much. She has never had a good face for herself.
When she first came here, she thought about her ambitions and splendid life, but she thought it was a fable. This big Zhou Dynasty was very strict with women, not to mention that even ordinary women did not show their faces.
Gradually, she died, and she began to make a way in this Houfu. It seems difficult, but it is not necessary.
The marriage between Wang and Gu Boqi is a typical feudal arrangement. Gu Boqi has no feelings for Wang. Plus, Wang is born in a noble family and likes to be a lady, so he can’t please women, especially Gu Boqi.
And the most deadly thing is that Wang has not given birth to a child for nearly ten years since he married.
Or did the old lady see Wang in the fourth year, and still nothing happened, and forced Wang to stop taking medicine for his aunts before she got her compatriot brother Gu Chengyu?
After the ancient times, Gu Boqi was very unfilial. Through this, he didn’t know how to spend his days outside. Alakazam Wang was indefensible and didn’t dare to persuade him too hard.
When she thinks about it, she is a male heir. This is the key.
If you want to have your own place in this Hou Fu, if you want to force Wang from this wife’s position, if you want to beat the first-class woman who was born six months earlier than you, you must never let Wang give birth to a child.
Turned to look at the brightly colored cloth on the table, and her face could not help but show a sneer.
When I first wore it, I also tried to please the first mother, Wang, but this Wang was a woman who was deeply poisoned by this feudal thought. She clung to some vulgar rules and was never close to herself.
She did everything she could to please her, and she just said a word of concern.
That stubborn old man cares about the old lady even more. She doesn’t even allow herself to pay her respects every day, but because she is an ordinary woman.
And her third sister Gu Zhao and her ninth sister Gu Man can pay their respects every day, but they can be crazy about Wang.
She can’t stand being treated like this! She is not a group of poor feudal women who can’t stand their disgusting manners. She has advanced ideas. How can modern people in the 21st century willingly let them ride on the head?
Since she can cross, she said that God must not let herself suffer, and she should not accept her fate!
Doesn’t Wang care about the rules? Didn’t old lady Gu look down on ordinary women? Isn’t Gu Zhao Gu Man very proud?
Don’t worry, one day she will make these people cry and beg for themselves in front of themselves! She doesn’t believe that she, a modern person who has been familiar with China for 5,000 years, has not remembered the dynasty in this history, and she can’t make a fuss!
Since you can’t meet a peach-eyed man and a crazy man with evil spirits like those women who travel through the novels, can you always make your way in this small Hou Fu?
Today, I updated it before going out to eat hot pot with my friends.
If you have any comments or suggestions on me, I’m very, very happy. I’m very grateful to you ~ ~ and I’m rolling around for collection and recommendation …
Well, when it comes to rolling, I’m shocked-hiding my face is really not suitable for coquetry …
Welcome friends to read the latest, fastest and most popular! Please read the mobile phone.
Ten times
Gu Man lives in the moon building in the northeast corner of the garden next to the second courtyard. At night, there are also stout women who keep vigil in the gatehouse.
At the moment, she entered the garden with Peiyin Peiqin. When she looked up, she could see her two-story building hidden in the layers of trees, looking beautiful and quiet.
I don’t know, she suddenly felt that the anger and hatred that she had just met Gu Chengyu was easily crushed, and her heart was full of gratitude. No matter how many disasters and disasters there were in a generation, it was a thing of the past after all. God finally gave himself a chance to start over.
What she couldn’t keep in the past must be kept tightly in her generation, and no one will try to take it away.
Go straight ahead on the path paved with checkered square bricks, and the front is hidden in the bottom of the buttonwood. Pei Yin sees Gu Man hasn’t said a word yet. She is thinking of making the old lady happy because she is sad, pointing to the plum blossom in full bloom in front. "Girl, a while ago, you were chanting to collect this plum blossom snow water and wait for soaking water to drink in the coming year. Now this plum blossom is just as good as we can collect some dew while the weather is good." The same is true. "
Gu Man followed her hand and looked at it. Sure enough, she saw that the plum trees in front of her blossomed in twos and threes. It was even more vibrant in this plain and white garden. She was about to speak when she saw a plum tree not far ahead. A little girl with a red feather satin cloak was loosely caged and rolled with rabbit hair and a hat of the same color.
At this time, the wind was fair, and the little girl’s cloak swayed with the wind. The whole person was as slender and dexterous as the plum blossom, and her eyes were straight.
In a short time, two girls about her age rushed behind the little girl, and kept shouting, "Eleven girls can watch their feet carefully. What if they fall?"
Gu Man couldn’t say a word as familiar as a lightning strike, and she couldn’t forget it for a generation. Gu Yan and Gu XI robbed all her sisters!
When the girl turned around slowly, she saw two deep pear vortices hanging on her white face. When she smiled, her eyes bent into the shape of the moon, which was very lovely. Although she was still young, she could see that she would be a beautiful woman in the future.
At the moment, she was holding a crystal plum vase in her hand, and the plum blossom turned around and saw Gu Man with Pei Qin Pei Yin standing not far away to see her, so she was busy handing the plum vase aside and showing herself, but she slowly saluted her in front of her.
She is courteous, courteous and respectful, but no one can find anything wrong.
I have such a state of mind at such an early age. Gu Man doubts whether Gu Yan’s cautious temperament is cultivated. After all, although this Hou Fu is undercurrent, Fannie and Freddie are smooth all the way in life. Although Wang doesn’t like ordinary women, he has never been harsh.

Through the previous contact with Ashley, it is also clear that Su Orange’s character is inconsistent and demanding.

It’s very difficult to go to an appointment with him today and promise to get things together. What about other things that will affect the next conversation?
Anyway, he is well-connected and it is not difficult to find out.
"Good thank you first" Sue orange indifferently.
"You didn’t eat do you want a cake? Or try the winery’s special grilled steak? "
To tell the truth, although I have a lot on my mind, I still feel hungry. Drinking alcohol is useless except for hurting my health. Therefore, Su Orange doesn’t seem to have a problem with my stomach.
She nodded. "What a bother."
Ashley frowned. "That’s right! Should I enjoy life or should I enjoy life? Just like my horse is going to lose ice and ice, don’t I talk and laugh with you? "
Ashley pressed the button at the table and soon there was a knock at the door outside.
"Come on in!"
With the permission of the guest, the waiter came in respectfully and asked politely, "What can I do for you, sir?"
"Some cakes with different tastes and two grilled steaks …" Ashley looked at Su Orange. "The snakehead and bluefin tuna here are also very special. Would you like to try it?"
"You look at the arrangement!" Since I’m here, it’s up to the guest! Anyway, if someone treats you and doesn’t eat for free, even if you settle your own accounts, you won’t be able to afford it. What’s there to worry about?
After Ashley explained, the waiter bowed out again.
"Cast things you don’t want to talk about, then talk about things tonight! I heard that you like Miss Snow Dance. Why did she run out crying? And what about that strange guy? It won’t be your follower! "
Not to mention this master Ashley is really divinatory!
"If you want to talk about it, talk about it. Don’t wave our time."
Ashley shrugged naively. "Don’t make yourself so nervous! It’s so relaxing in front of me! Words in my heart can be relaxed. "
Ashley talked and poured two glasses of wine, thinking that even if you don’t talk now, you will gradually let your guard down after drinking.
As a result, Ashley was a little drunk after a few drinks, and Su Orange was particularly sober.
Su orange, after all, has worked in a bar before, but it can still be added to her special physique. Drinking red wine and juice is almost the same.
"Good capacity for liquor!" Ashley shook his glass and was fascinated. He felt that Su Orange could not say how beautiful and moving it was. Although it was a cold face, it made people never tire of seeing it.
"Give me a copy of the play first when you say it."
"Good time! I’ll let the screenwriter send the play to your mailbox first, and see if there are any places to be revised. If there are, we’ll finalize it when there is no problem here. "
"The actor is not responsible for reviewing the manuscript!" Is this guy reliable?
"Of course, actors are not qualified to modify the play, but you are different. I believe in your talent."
"Lily, I don’t know much about it. How can a layman guide me?"
Ashley laughed. "Orange, I find you very humorous! If you don’t understand Lily, what’s the matter with you and Snow Dance? If you like not girls, why don’t you have feelings for men? Which one is not handsome, Ashley or me? Born into a rich family? Did you see it in your eyes? Have we done anything interesting besides fighting? "
Su Orange said that it would be strange if I like men! Isn’t it normal to like girls
"I think we can take you to pick up girls next time. Maybe we can have fun." Ashley patted Su Orange on the shoulder like a good buddy.
"Every day, my mind is full of eating, drinking and having fun, so I want to get family recognition?" Suchengtou black line
"Otherwise, what can I do? Anyway, my personal image is already like this. Love and career are not in conflict! " Ashley leans on Su Orange’s shoulder. "Big Brother feels safe around you!"
Su Orange rudely put his fork on Ashley’s neck, and the cold touch made this guy sit up straight and put up his hand. "Don’t be serious!"
It seems that it’s a bit of a memory to clean him up this time!
Knocking at the door outside Ashley pointed to the "sharp weapon" in Su Orange’s hand.
Sue orange cold hum took a fork.
Ashley wiped his forehead with a cold sweat before clearing his throat and saying, "Come in!" "
The waiter pushed a dining car in, hit the round cover, took the cake with exquisite workmanship and put it on the dining table.
"Two please slow down" bowed and pushed the dining car back out.
Su orange feels a little exaggerated. Taking a plate can solve things. The dining car is really making a mountain out of a molehill.
Look at the beautiful shape of the cake, it’s a little white. The dining car is more stable and can be better. Keep the cake in a new posture, which is more beautiful and more appetizing.
Su Orange ate the cake quietly and Ashley complained, "Even if you don’t care about my handsome face and look down on my money, you should treat me better!"
Sue orange slowly swallowed the cake, which said, "I don’t need money, there’s no need to kneel and lick people."
"Money is too much! No amount of money is enough to spend! Who will have a hard time with money? "
Ashley is really calm. Other women would have thrown themselves at him a long time ago. He has always been generous to women and is almost responsive, asking them to make him happy.
"Since no amount of money is enough to spend, the desire for money is like drinking poison to quench thirst, and it is even more unnecessary for me to give up my dignity and go against my wishes."
"Elder sister … you are awesome!" Ashley gloomily thirsty for wine in the glass.
"The first time I saw a girl who was so calm like you after falling in love, shouldn’t I tell my heart pain through wine and feel gentle and soothing on my ready-made shoulders?" Ashley spoke and stroked a red rose in the vase with her long fingers.
"Good roses blooming quietly, isn’t it? Doesn’t the so-called comfort seem sentimental? "
Su Orange picked up a falling petal and gently blew it off. "Some people know how to cherish their own vanity."
Ashley took his hand in apathy. "I’m really defeated by you. Now I understand that you are really isolated from romantic Chou He men! Then should I call a girl for you? "
"whatever you want"
The more insipid Sue Orange’s attitude is, the more so-called Ashley feels like scratching her heart, but she is tolerable.
Soon the waiter brought other meals.
Su orange listened to music, ate exquisite food and drank expensive red wine, which surprised herself.
Others say that drinking too much will confuse her, but the more she drinks, the more sober she becomes.
Recalling the snow dance in a hurry and leaving the sad back, I can’t say the pain in my heart.

"You are asking for a dead end ….."

See not dream means Chen Shaobai laughed.
He got chaos clock Li Cheng’s double fire of purple and gold, which has the ability of extinction and melting. Can you say that the emperor who is inflamed by Vulcan is worthy of the name? If you don’t meet the great avatar of the fairyland, you can be called the enemy of fire. This bald monk is simply dying to play with fire in front of him.
A dazzling golden Se flame is suspended from the hand, and it will disappear in a moment like pure yang melting snow when you gently press it against the dark evil fire of the hell dharma circle.
The black flame dissipates a trace of silvery white Se holy light, which is entangled in the red and yellow cocoon and condensed into an ear outline. The holy and noble breath escapes, and human beings seem to be able to bow their heads and not to be close to it.
Once the Buddhist practitioner is trained in Fiona Fang, everything can be smelled everywhere. This thing is saying that the talent of practicing Buddhism without dreams is really excellent, even if it is not a magical posture, the future will be perfect and perfect
Chen Shaobai shook his head and hand Jin Yan was transformed into Xuan Y and N, and the whole cocoon in front of the tremella was burning.
Every ray of silver Se grain and red yellow cocoon will be transformed into rich and pure J Τ ng gas and mana life source, which will be absorbed and strengthened by Xuan Y Τ n industry fire refining.
Huge mana kept coming together. Chen Shaobai felt that his losses were quickly made up, but after two or three breaths, his state had already returned to the peak except that God J and NG was slightly tired. His mana was still constantly rising in J and NG.
Extremely yang inflammation and Xuan y and n fire are both manifestations of his mana source. Although the two methods are transformed into each other, no matter which side gets growth, it will drive itself to improve.
The purple Se flame is constantly melting and absorbing the dream source, expanding itself, and after three breaths, its volume is more than doubled, and it is more solid and hotter.
"Come and save me before I feel round!"
The squeal screams came from the big cocoon of red and yellow Se, which made the two monks one leng while they were fighting at night.
I found that I was scared out of my wits when I didn’t dream about the present situation. If I hadn’t practiced the special body-refining secret technique, my hair would have faded all over. I’m afraid it would have been fine hair and jumped up like a big cat.
Three fellow initiates’ "Linxi Luohan Array" is the dreamless subject. If they have an accident and have no dreams, they will suffer some self-hatred, but if it is reversed …
If it’s light, the foundation will be wasted, but if it’s heavy, it’s past!
"Evil animals! Don’t let the dream lawyer go! "
Not round and not feel two people abandon seriously injured, can nullify the flower night at will, regardless of the moment to inspire the fastest speed to Chen Shaobai fit.
Releasing the biggest killing trick hidden in the life training array, Zhutian Tufu Road, Qiu Wanfa has no action ability now. He can only rely on the automatic protection ability of the training array to protect himself. It is impossible to save people. When he saw that Chen Shaobai was still pressing in the hell road with one hand, he immediately said, "Chen Daoyou, be careful!"
Xuan y: and n: the purple flame of the industrial fire will still be wrapped around it, and the silver Se ear will be completely melted and absorbed. The breath of Chen Shaobai is still soaring at the speed of light, and he seems to be completely isolated from the outside world to prevent his heart.
The two monks’ blood-red cassocks echoed with the wind and turned into a true spirit, and the palms of their hands were like hot irons, attacking and killing from Kuidou Fang respectively.
A blustery, gloomy light Chen Shaobai secretly works together to prepare for the vitality of Bing Xin Ji Xian Fengyun. chaos clock suppresses the red cocoon of the inferno and leaves. Suddenly, in his heart, he pulls his hand and steps back and forth, never escaping from the circle.
Feel the dreamless breath rapidly weakening to two monks, regardless of Chen Shaobai’s quick delivery of the palm post to the secret method.
With the transmission of power, the two men’s faces are rapidly aging, and soon they become old and middle-aged. Although they have paid a lot of money, they have hung up their dreams, and it will take some time to rest and they can recover again.
Hua Ye asked Chen Shaobai next to him, "Brother Chen, are you hurt?"
"No" Chen Shaobai stared at a distant place with his head down.
"Then how do you …" Spend the night some don’t quite understand Chen Shaobai terminating would let go of the dream line.
Is to let go
He believes that Chen Shaobai has the ability to destroy these three great monks.
Chen Shaobai suddenly closed his eyes and spent the night while maintaining the absolute jǐng admonitions, but he also closed his eyes and listened carefully.
There was no sound except whistling in the ears and heavy breathing. Just as he was about to open his eyes, a line of proverbs flowed slowly through his heart.
"fame and fortune when Hugh? Get up early and stay up late.
Riding a donkey, riding a mule, thinking about a fine horse, the prime minister of the official residence looks at princes
Worry about food and clothing, worry about Yan Jun, and take the hook.
The shadow of the sun figure riches and honour is more willing to turn back. "
This slightly plain passage didn’t disappear with life in my mind, and a feeling of comfortable satisfaction rippled in my chest. The murder of three monks in the night also disappeared unconsciously and slowly fell to the ground and sat down.
He is willing to sit around like this all the time, find his true self in eternal peace, and find the road to heaven
"There are immortals, immortals, demons, demons, buddhas and buddhas. It’s not that you don’t wake up!"
Chen Shaobai also fell to the ground, but he ran mana to secretly control Bing Xin’s tactic and burst out.
Your support is my great motivation.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-seven Calculate the past
Chapter one hundred and ninety-seven Calculate the past
"If donor Chen Huigen comes to Ri with the practice of Lao Na, it is expected that he will learn to reveal his magical powers and become a literary fruit."
They found the source and looked at an old monk dressed in patchwork, who was holding a bamboo stick in the fray.
The old monk looks ordinary and strange, without Zhuang Yan’s treasure or monstrous magic. His face is a little dim, and the only place where he shines is his name "wisdom".
However, as soon as I saw him, the two tantric monks seemed to have seen a cat and a mouse, and immediately bounced up and took a photo. "My brother didn’t feel/didn’t see the first Tibetan Xuan!"
Hearing this name, Chen Shaobai’s pupil instantly contracted into a dangerous needle, and the mana flowed like boiling oil, like a fire burning him. He secretly transported the celestial vitality and swordsmanship and was always ready to escape.
Among the Zen elders in Xuanshan Mountain in Tibet, the powerful "Heaven and Dharma Realm" is equivalent to quenching the spirit and completing the magical power, and the one who is called the true Buddha on the land.
Although Tantric Buddhism and Zen Buddhism have always been at odds, when Chen Shaobai wanted to kill, he was caught by his elders. In any case, he had to make a speech about breaking the door before Zang Xuan, and Chen Shaobai also found fault with each other maliciously.
Even with the background of Qing Xuanmen, Chen Shaobai is still not very assured that these magical powers are extremely strong. After all, he once killed an elder on Star Island and wiped out a vein of blood. He even fought for the title of Dawei Tianlong. Isn’t this also alive and well?
Most of the advanced Buddhists have all kinds of magical powers, but Chen Shaobai is not surprised that Zang Xuan knows his name.
"I wonder if Chen Shi has an idea?" For the two younger generations of the same school, they turned a blind eye to the Tibetan Xuan, but they didn’t feel round. They kindly continued to ask.
"is it true what he said?" Chen Shaobai is so stupid.
Breaking the door and betraying the teacher without saying the name, even if the demons swear, they will follow their generation like tarsal maggots.
Among them, even people with a lack of IQ can make a choice. Chen Shaobai almost disdains to answer, but he can’t see through the strength and terror in front of him, but the old monk makes him have to consider the language and irritate the other side.
Although he is a monk in Qing Dynasty, he has devoted himself to practicing for hundreds of years and has come up with a size many times larger than him. The realm is profound and terrible, and it is definitely not a shrimp like him to deal with.
"Look at this hidden xuan sample doesn’t seem to be joking. Do I really have the talent to be a monk? However, once you enter Buddhism, you have to cut off all the fetters of the world of mortals and give up the seven emotions and six emotions. Even if you become immortal, what’s the fun! "
Secretly bitter in my heart, but Chen Shaobai still considered some words and respectfully made a ceremony for the younger generation, which was neither too flattering nor frivolous. The attitude was just right. "I admire the Buddhism of the elder of Zangxuan, J Ο ng Zhan, who has a universal heart, but the teacher treats me well. How can I do that apostasy?"
"’love’ is a possession, a holding and a bitter source. We practice Buddhism and pay attention to compassion. As the saying goes, sorrow can pull out bitter coke. If you appreciate it carefully, you can prove it together."
The old monk seems to be quite interested. After he patiently and gently explained it, he smiled and looked at Chen Shaobai. "There are not many people who can be your master in Huigen Ruyuan World. I will see if your so-called master has the way of xing."
His eyes like the morning sun through the fog, through the night, through the layers of obstacles, through the bones and bones, directly fell into the dark sea of knowledge in Chen Shaobai

The face of Shaoyang Shenjun is also a little heavy. In fact, his pressure is the greatest at this time. Other people’s lairs are far away in the Central Plains, and the strategic space is huge. Only his Zhu detached from the palace and hung out overseas. If anything goes wrong, his hundreds of years of hard work will be destroyed, and his disciples don’t know how many they will die.

Yi Yudao: "Now the Xiji Sect is ready to wait. I wonder what the Shaoyang God can do?"
Shaoyang Shenjun looked stiff and said, "What else can we do? Naturally, the enemy will have means to resist water. And now, from it, many Taoist friends have helped to fight, and they will definitely not let the demons of the West Pole religion take any advantage! "
Yi Yu raised his glass and said, "I admire your spirit and being original! A toast to Shenjun! " After drinking, Yi Yu added, "It’s just … if so, I’m afraid Zhu Li, the emperor of God, will suffer heavy casualties! Even if you are not ready for the strength of the Western Religion, you must not take a peek! "
In fact, how can these young gods not understand this! However, in the West Sea, why should he give up grinding the ball island to avoid the enemy? In the face of this dilemma, he is also helpless to choose hard to shake.
The old man Cang Xu asked, "I wonder if Taoist Yi Yu has any clever plans?"
Yi Yu smiled and said, "The clever plan can only reduce the loss of Zhu Li, the God of Shaoyang, and it can be regarded as some compensation for the accidental killing of the Five Fire Ambassadors in Yuanjiang that year!"
When Shaoyang Shenjun heard Yi Yu, he also mentioned the five fire messengers, and his face changed. But at this time, Yi Yu’s expression was sincere, but there was no hint of provocation, and he was not good at it.
Cang Xu’s old man seems to be afraid that Shaoyang Shenjun can’t help but hurry up and ask, "What can I do if I can’t stop being a Taoist friend?"
Yi Yudao said, "Presumably, the two Taoist friends should also know that there is a powerful Sect called Christianity on Luoma Mountain in the west of Xiji Sect. They were originally from the same root as Xiji religion, and only after they separated did they become two factions. However, the relationship between these two factions is not good. There are countless deaths and injuries all the year round, and there must be a lot of hatred. "
Both Shaoyang Shenjun and Cang Xu’s old man were stupefied. Although they had heard of the existence of a Christian church in the west and had seen disciples experience in the East in the past, they really didn’t know what the distant sect was like. In fact, it doesn’t mean that they really don’t know the existence of the Vatican, but the idea of going to heaven and going to the country in the East has even penetrated into people’s bones, and even those who fix the truth can’t avoid customs. In their minds, the unknown faction far away in the west is no longer considered.
The old man Cang Xu said, "So it’s also true that the enemy of the enemy is an ally. If the Holy See can help contain the West Pole in the rear, it will definitely reduce the pressure and minimize the losses."
Although Shaoyang Shenjun is proud, his face lit up at the thought of saving more disciples’ lives.
The old man Cang Xu added, "It’s just that we old men have never dealt with the Vatican. Since Taoist friends put forward this plan, how about asking Taoist friends Yi Yu to go again?"
Yi Yu waved his hand and smiled: "I’m afraid this won’t work!"
Both of them turned pale and the old man asked, "Oh? Is there anything to hide from Taoist friends? "
Yi Yu smiled and said, "No! In fact, if you go to the Vatican, you can ask him to help us contain the West Pole and teach me Yi Yu. It doesn’t matter even if you run ten times. Just … "
"Just how?" Shaoyang Shenjun finally couldn’t help but ask urgently.
Yi Yu sighed, "It’s not that I don’t want to go, but even if I go to Luoma Mountain and meet their pope, I can’t get any promises!" "
The old man who has been practicing seclusion all the year round doesn’t know much about the situation in the West, let alone the feud between the Vatican and the Western Sect. Doubt: "Why is this a sworn enemy?"
Yi Yudao said, "Just now, you two also read the information I brought about about the Western Sect! Obviously, the western religions are not ready for war now, but why did they choose to start a war at this time? !”
Two people one leng in the past, they also don’t know the current situation of XiJi teaching nature didn’t think about this problem now Yi Yu doubt just gave birth to suspicion.
Yi Yudao: "Although the West Pole taught itself that it didn’t want to go to war, some people insisted that they invade the East!"
The pale old man and Shaoyang Shenjun both looked surprised and said, "Daoyou means …"
Yi Yu nodded and said, "Besides the will of their father God above, who can make the Xiji Sect go to war so recklessly?"
Shaoyang Shenjun said, "If that’s the case … then the Vatican also believes in agreeing with the gods of the West Pole. It is impossible for them to help us contain the West Pole, and they may even receive orders from the gods to help us."
Old Cang Xu said, "I’m sure Taoist Yi Yu won’t say anything unnecessary to us! Since he proposed the existence of the Holy See, there must be a way to involve the Holy See in this matter. " If you want to know what will happen next time, please see "There are other plans to save the virgin"

The three hundred and ninety-ninth back to save the virgin another calculation.
Back to Yi Yufei’s visit to Moqiu Island, he gave them all the information about Xiji religion from Helitan. It’s just that now, in the face of the West Pole religion, Zhu is the first to leave the palace, and once the war starts, it will be a river of blood.
Yi Yu smiled slightly. "To tell you the truth, I do have a way, but it’s not aboveboard enough."
Although Shaoyang Shenjun is upright, he is not pedantic: "Taoist friend, but it’s okay to talk about what is aboveboard before the people’s righteousness!" Moreover, the ancient warrior sage once said that’ the soldiers are also cunning’ and there is no need to talk about morality between the warring parties. "
Yi Yu gave me a comforting smile and said, "In that case, being original is outspoken! Presumably, you two don’t know that a saint in the Vatican has been hijacked by the West Pole Professor! "
Two people slightly one leng immediately understand Yi Yu is to want to make an issue of the saint. Asked: "I don’t know what your friends have up their sleeves? Do you want to kill the saint and arouse the anger of the Vatican? "
Yi Yu shook her head and said, "If you really kill the Saint, it will be a war of words at most. Even if the interests to be contested have disappeared, there is no need to fight again. Therefore, killing must not work. We can only use this saint to make those people in the Vatican feel that Xijijiao has betrayed their father God. Only in this way will they be desperate to fight against Western Christianity. "
The old man said, "Oh? Then how can the Holy See think that Western Christianity has betrayed? "
Yi Yudao: "Well … I haven’t thought about it yet, but in any case, if we want to make a fuss about it, we must first take the virgin into the hands of Tao, otherwise everything will be a pipe dream."
"It’s a good idea, but where is the virgin now?" said the God Shaoyang. How can we rob it? I am afraid this is not an easy problem to solve! "
Yi Yudao: "As for where the virgin is, I have sent someone to check it out. I believe that news will come soon. As for how to snatch it, it depends on the situation! "
With Yi Yu, a method that is still uncertain, Shaoyang Shenjun also relaxed his mind a little, which is not so urgent. After that, the atmosphere at the banquet was also harmonious. After the banquet, Shaoyang Shenjun personally sent Yi Yu to a clause for his temporary residence.
It hasn’t been half an hour since I sent the Shaoyang Shenjun and the Cangxu old man away! I saw the pale old man coming again. Yi Yuzheng was sitting in the hall drinking tea, and seemed to have expected that he would visit. He stood up and greeted him with a smile: "Cangxu Daoyou please sit down quickly! I knew you would come again. "
Old Cang Xu smiled and said, "But some Taoist friends are being bothered! It’ s just that the last appointment in Yuanjiang has been over this old man and I have to worry! "
Yi Yu smiled and sipped at the tea ceremony: "Taoist friends want to see Princess Yangzi naturally, and they can see it at any time!"
"Then please ask Yi Yudaoyou to lead the way quickly!" This pale old man got up and left!
Yi Yu smiled and said, "This is not urgent. To be honest, Yang Zi is in my’ Pure Land of Blissfulness’ at this time, and I can come out to meet you as soon as I want. "
The old man was slightly stunned and said, "I don’t know what the relationship is between you and Princess Yangzi. How can she be here?"
Yi Yu smiled and said, "Well! If it is said that our relationship is quite close. "
The old man was slightly dissatisfied with Yi Yu’s ambiguous answer to Moling. But nowadays, it is people who want something, but they are not picky. "All right! No matter what your relationship with your highness is. Now that you are here, please arrange for me to meet her as soon as possible! "
Yi Yudao: "This is natural. Now that I have promised Daoyou, I won’t go back on my word. It’s just that I have just said that the relationship between Yang Zi and me is very close, which means I can’t allow her to be in any danger! "
"You don’t trust me!" Pale empty old man slightly show the color of healing exclaimed.
Yi Yu is not shy. Directly nodded and said, "Although it may make Taoist friends feel unhappy, it is also a fact. Daoyou neither shows the relationship with Yang Zi nor the purpose of seeing her. How can this not make me doubt? If Taoist friends can make all this clear. Being original is also unambiguous. How about asking Yang Zi to come out and meet his Taoist friends at once? "
The pale old man looked stiff and said, "Now that I have said this, I won’t be afraid! To tell the truth, I don’t trust you either! If you are famous in the field of fix true, I’m afraid demon fairy Yi Yu is not a trustworthy gentleman! How can you make me trust you unilaterally? And what if I tell the whole story about myself in case you cheat me? Although I think highly of myself, but your background is too thick, then Li Jingxiu and Zhu Mei are not easy to be with their peers and have a lot of wives who are not to be taunted. I can only eat a dumb loss! "
Yi Yu smiled helplessly: "Well! The words of Taoist friends are also very polite, but what if I have a guarantor? "
"who?" In fact, the old man is not willing to fall into this waiting situation at this time. Now he is naturally happy to see Yi Yu and the solution.
Yi Yu said, "The Great Master Weng won the early Qing Dynasty! I don’t know if Taoist friends can be trusted? "
The pale old man was slightly stunned and said, "What! You mean! You mean the big drink offering! Lord Weng! How is that possible? She was not given by the overlord of Chu … "
"Kill, right?" Yi Yu will win Qing Chu from the’ pure land of bliss’ with a wave of his hand. "Do you know this person at the beginning of Qing Dynasty?"